在D.H. Lawrence的“马经销商的女儿”,Mabel“并没有与她的兄弟共享与同样的生活”(195)。Mabel Pervin并不靠近她的兄弟,因为有个人和身体分离。Mabel是一个平原,不感兴趣的女人。她很少表明情绪她的脸。事实上,她的脸通常仍然是无意识的和不变的。她的兄弟可以被描述为三个英俊,口语很好。Mabel独立,在没有仆人的情况下照顾房子十年。尽管他们依赖于她,但它们似乎可以控制她。Pervin Brothers“不关心任何事情”(195)。他们有用并对自己感到安全。她的兄弟们感到高兴。“他们已经在她身边和她谈过了这么多年,这一切都几乎听到了他们”(196年)。她要么对她的兄弟提供中立的反应,或者在与她谈话时保持安静。 Instead of giving her encouragement, they teased her. This treatment could have led to her insecurity. They would tease her about becoming a maid or about her “bulldog” face. Her brothers were full of energy and very talkative. Mabel also seemed to be alone in the world. Unlike her brothers who had many companions, she had had no friends of her own sex. Sometimes it seemed that Mabel wanted to escape her life. One place Mabel felt secure and immune from the world was at her mother’s grave. “There she always felt secure, as if no one could see her” (200). Mabel was extremely devoted to her deceased parents, especially her mother. She was mindless and persistent.


引用本文为:威廉安德森(Schoolworkhelper编辑组),“D.H. Lawrence的马克经销商的女儿:摘要和分析”学校努力,2019年,//www.chadjarvis.com/d-h-lawrences-the-horse-dealers-daught-summary-analysis/


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