这本书的作者是Steven Levenkron。1978年9月,华纳图书公司在纽约出版了这本书。的类型我的书是悬念的小说。世界上最好的小女孩可以基于真实的故事,但它并不完全忠实于生命。它会陷入悬疑类别,因为读者不知道凯萨是否会活或死亡。本书的全部重要目的是通知和叙述。提交人在实现他的目的方面做得很好。我现在意识到所描述的致命疾病的许多危险。Steven Levenkron有很多资格。他是一个“练习疾病专业的心理治疗师”(世界上最好的小女孩第2页)。他一直是纽约市厌食症和厌食症研究中心的“临床顾问”(第2页)。他也是“伊利诺伊州阿德兰公园的当前成员”(第2页)。 This book does have a few weaknesses but more strengths. A weakness would have to be the ending.. The descriptive details seem great.

虽然细节在某些方面显得相当粗糙,但我认为这是一件好事。这样,读者就会发现这种疾病的残酷现实。《世界上最好的小女孩》(The Best Little Girl in The World, Steven Levenkron page 25)。这是一个有力的引用,因为瘦是整个故事的基础。凯莎认为她越瘦越好。她最后肯定是错的。我注意到这本书中使用了三个主要场景。《世界上最好的小女孩》发生在1979年。第一个是迪特里希家。他们的公寓位于纽约市。 The second location is at Francesca’s dancing studio downtown. The third location where the action takes place is in the hospital. Kessa is in the hospital for about three months, and then she is released to live at home. Four main characters are present in this book. They happen to be Kessa, Lila, Grace and Harold. The two protagonists are Kessa and Grace. Kessa is a short, frail, fifteen-year-old girl. Grace appears to be a middle-aged housewife. Grace is supportive of Kessa even through the tough times. The antagonists are Harold and Lila. Harold is Kessa’s father who has a slight drinking problem. He always yells and is ill-tempered. Lila, Kessa’s roommate in the hospital, is always putting Kessa down for being anorexic. She calls her a “skinny.” One type of conflict in this particular book is man/woman versus man/woman. This is shown when Kessa is forced to eat by her parents. Another type of conflict is man/woman versus self. This is the biggest conflict throughout the entire story. Kessa continues to battle herself over her weight. Yet another type is man/woman versus nature. This is shown when Kessa’s blood pressure drops to an extremely low rate. Man/woman versus society is the pictures of skinny models that Kessa cuts out demonstrate the effect of society upon young people. Man/woman versus fate, supernatural, and god/goddess is shown because Kessa’s fate is to keep her life. The writing style of the author is third-person omniscient. This means that the author can crawl into the character’s minds

引用这篇文章如下:William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper编辑团队),“Steven Levenkron 's The Best Little Girl in The World: Analysis,”SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/steven-levenkrons-the-best-little-girl-in-the-world-analysis/




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