
有一次,在中秋节期间,王郎去崂山徒步旅行。他看着上面壮丽的悬崖无边无际的河流,对这浩瀚无垠感到惊讶。当王朗出于好奇,决定爬得更高,沿着弯弯曲曲的山路上山时,他突然听到附近有个安静的铃声。王朗沿着这条路走着走着,很快就来到了一座古庙,那是隐士的住所,他决定进去取些食物和水。他首先看到的是道教僧侣们在寺庙的主要广场上练习拳击。王朗数了数他以前从未见过的姿势和风格,大约有六十种。王朗问道士们一个问题,道士们没有回答,他又问,道士们的动静打断了他的沉默。最后,王朗决定拉一名练习者的胳膊,以引起他的注意。和尚见这位不约而同的客人胆大妄为,又不懂礼节,便气得攥紧拳头,扑向王朗,准备惩罚他。然而,王朗的迅速反应立刻将僧人撞倒。十几个僧侣跑去帮助他们的宗教兄弟,但都失败了。 Monks started yelling and called the abbot. When the abbot came Wang Lang explained to him the situation that he just wanted to ask for food and water and did not have any bad intent. Abbot replied: “All these are my disciples and monks and I am strongly ashamed by their failure, would you please indulge me with a just fight?” Wang Lang agreed but lost the fight. Then Wang Lang realized the depth of the abbot’s martial skills and immediately left the temple.


随后他立即返回道观,与方丈打了起来。一旦可敬的院长看到王手技术朗是明显不同于他们最后一次战斗,也有一种感觉,这场斗争将由王赢得了朗,方丈问这种技术的来源,但王朗在完全的沉默中继续战斗。过了一会儿,方丈又问,没有人回答。直到王朗打赢了这场仗,他才告诉方丈他成功的原因。方丈立刻派弟子到树林里去捉十余对螳螂。当这些昆虫被送来后,方丈把它们放在桌子上,让它们互相争斗。就这样,王朗和方丈花了相当长的时间学习螳螂的动作和战术位置,进行殊死搏斗。然后两位大师发展了一种新的,秘密的拳击技术,这是明显不同于其他的。后来,王朗对方丈说:“虽然你我发明了一种新拳,但我们不应该忘记我们知识的起因和来源。如果螳螂在为食物和生存而奋斗的过程中没有向我们透露它的秘密,我们就永远不会发展这种新风格。” The abbot replied: “You are right! In order to perpetuate the memory of the source, we shall call this style “The Gates of Praying Mantis” (Tang Lang Men). Wang Lang and the abbot developed twelve characters – guiding principles of the praying mantis fighting technique: zhan (contacting), nian (sticking), bang (linking), tie (pressing), lai (intruding), jiao (provoking), shun (moving along), song (sending), ti (lifting), na (grabbing), feng (blocking), bi (locking). Also they developed formal sets of praying mantis technique, such as: Beng bu (crushing step), Lan jie (obstruction), Ba zhou (eight elbows), Mei hua lu (plum blossom technique) and Bai yuan tou tao (white ape steals the peach). However, this new style for a long time was a privilege of the taoist monks of the Lao Shan taoist religious community and it was kept as a part of the secret taoist doctrine and closed to lay people. Wang Lang, for the rest of his days, lived in the taoist temple practicing self cultivation, developing Praying Mantis boxing and following the way of the Tao…”




