美利坚合众国开始在1800年代早期看到盎格鲁 - 法国战争的影响。这个欧洲争吵开始影响美国航运业。英国和法国侵犯了美国商人的中立运输权。他们认为美国很弱,因为美国没有足够的时间发展。这些侵犯行为是导致与英国开战的首要和主要因素。英国成为美军的目标而不是法国是有原因的。英国影响了密歇根湖周围的印第安人抵制白人定居。这是英国人被选为我们敌人的主要原因之一。英国让印度人这样做,是为了尽可能地降低美国边境——不要超过加拿大边境。法国从未试图干涉美国;事实上,他们只是单纯地想要得到我们的货物。 They did with hopes of gaining this territory for their new colony later. Consequently, Britain became the target, and it led to a continuation of the American Revolution. The primary cause of the war with Britain was the fact the neutral shipping rights were violated by Britain, and though France had also violated these rights, there were other issues that the British were responsible for. Britain blockaded the United States in such a manner it was no longer possible to export goods by ship. The British were not doing this to harm America’s economy, however it was extremely harmful to the economy of this young country. Britain was doing this so that France could not import as many goods that would behoove them in the war. France desperately needed various goods that could be imported from the United States and they were willing to pay where America’s economy could have benefited tremendously. Though the fact of the matter is Britain’s enormous, notorious navy would not allow the exporting of America’s goods. The desire for Canadian colonies to join the United States, and the accusations of the British supplying Indians with weapons to be used against the U.S. are also causes of the War of 1812. The battles of this war were primarily fought on US soil. The British military was surprised by the United States military. They had underestimated of the young country that was blossoming and flourishing on freedom. The battle of Stoney Creek is an example of battle in which the British were surprised by not surprising the US. Lietinant- Colonol John Harvey chose 700 soldiers 8th and 49th regiments. These men arrived at the American camp at 2:00 am June 6, 1813, incidentally King George III’s birthday. The English forces set there bayonets forward and ran upon the camp while whooping like Indians. Much to their surprise there were mysteriously only some smoldering camp fires and some cooks around them. The British realized what had happened: the order had been made for the American troops to sleep at higher ground for the night with their arms by their sides. American troops spotted the British while running down upon the camp and had very little time to attempt to scramble into place. Their time wasn’t a lot, but it was much more than the British had.

John Masefield的“海热”:分析

惊喜元素不仅丢失了,而且在英国人身上受到了回复。第49条军团在主要詹姆斯的命令下留下了左侧ogilivie;第八军团分开了。由于在阻碍他们下降的火灾前,没有一团在那里形成一条线。在这个关键的时刻,大约49名男子大约20名男子,飞行了山上的四个美国枪支,这些枪在史密斯的枪上(狮子纪念碑现在站立)。他们在被英国人抓住之前,他们已经设法拍摄了两轮这艘炮兵,但炮兵就是在战斗的胜利中发挥重要作用。因此,如果他们阻止捕获这些碎片,美国部队的损失更多地遭受了损失。英国因果性仍然更大。如果美国人能够保持他们的强助,英国将失去168名美国损失的男子214名反对168名美国损失。远离所有战斗都是美国胜利。华盛顿D.C的战斗。例如:这是一个悲剧。 There were many factors that behooved Britain. One of the most outstanding disappointments is the deprival of the 5,000 militia men that Pennsylvania was to have rounded up, but didn’t due to the law concerning the matter of militia in the state. Records show that no one “got around to it.” What a shame for the historical items lost due to the plundering of the capitol. Winder, the nephew of Maryland’s governor, was in charge of defending the capitol from the red coats. Winder’s military history was not one of glory nor glamour: he had been captured wandering in the dark in the Battle of Stoney Creek. He slept very little the last five days before the battle. He had been busy raising militia to defend Washington D.C. It was impossible for him to know the objective of the nearing red coats: he knew not which entrance upon the capitol they would enter from. That is if they were to attack the capitol. Annopolis and Fort Warburton were other possible locations that could be attacked. It was ordered that he was to have 15,000 men, yet when the red coats were only eight miles away he was armed with 3,000. These men were not even trained because they were not drafted to fight until it was “imminent.” The sharpshooter armed with mostly muskets rather than rifles, the cowardly militia, and the cannons were not adequate defense for the capitol.

Red Toods在桥上进入,Baltimore 5th正在向英国人射击,这是为河流的边缘驶向。几乎所有英国军官都被击中了,但战斗远远不超过英国:他们追求战斗。这四个男人在白宫在白宫的两个大炮放弃了他们的帖子,就像大多数民兵一样。Dolly Madison让她的财物旅行车准备好了一分钟的通知,但当给出了通知时,她没有离开Gilbert Stuart的全长乔治华盛顿肖像。英国突破火箭打开并使用粉末设定建筑物燃烧。总统的豪宅,国会大厦,库房,公共建筑和私人住宅都在火焰中振动。没有什么是愤怒的英国人神圣;纽瓦克和约克燃烧有点报复。一旦结束并分析,这是明显的战争的反对力量所获得的一点。英国遭受巨大的伤亡。 The U.S. gained nothing in terms of land. This war was indeed pointless: it is amazing how one leader’s feelings can kill thousands. President Madison got involved in this war because he felt that the country’s pride had been stepped on. The opportunity to challenge Britain came up, and Madison jumped into it readily. The War of 1812 was definitely a war this nation could have gone without taking part in. It was ridiculous to lose so many valuable American lives for such worthless reasons – pride. Pride should be swallowed in certain occasions: this was definitely a time in which our leaders of America could easily have swallowed their pride at much less of a cost. American merchants and greed can be held at fault for this costly American war. Had merchants not pushed so hard this war may had been avoided, but they fact is it did. The War of 1812 did, however, strengthen America’s ability to be self-reliant. This is valuable, but not worth the thousands of lives that were spent obtaining this minor war- time convenience.






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