
这意味着剩下的60%可能是不诚实的,也就是说总共有80%的员工可能是不诚实的。要理解欺诈,你首先必须确定人们为什么会进行欺诈的因素。有些人为了好玩和刺激而诈骗。诚实的人可能会违反信任还有其他可识别的原因。最常见的原因是需要。极度的经济需求通常是大多数欺诈行为的原因。仍然有一些人通过欺诈来换取更高层次的生活方式他们买不起。从许多地点出现的需求包括:药物或酒精成瘾,婚姻分手和/奢侈的爱情事务,赌博债务,商业损失,意想不到的家庭危机,登上债务以及远远超出了生活方式的愿望.欺诈是每年数千亿的社会成本计算。组织占欺诈和滥用社会系统的年度收入的6%。欺诈成本加拿大组织每年1000亿美元。平均而言,组织每名员工每天宽松9美元到欺诈。平均欺诈性案例,男性收到了185,000美元,女性收到了48,000美元。保险业所做的一项研究表明,最有可能犯欺诈的团体。最典型的人可能致力于欺诈是一所学院/大学受过教育的白人男性。男人对女性的欺诈近四倍负责。 Losses caused by people with post-graduate degrees were five times greater than those caused by high school graduates. Fifty eight percent of fraud is committed by employees, which averages $60,000 per case. Twelve percent of fraud is cause by owners, which on the average costs the insurance companies $1 million per case. Fraud increases the cost of Canadians everyday living. It affects bank rates, insurance rates, credit card rates, and product costs. All companies that suffer losses factor in the loss to the premium and price the consumer pays. Fraud is a white collar crime because no one physically gets hurt. The victims of Fraud are usually: Small companies which have large clientele, such as Real estate, financial industry, and education industries. Fifty percent of fraud involves corporations with cash accounts. About ten percent of fraud arises from conflicts of interest, about five percent of fraud cases come from fraudulent statements. Presently the funds obtained by frauds are not recovered. Money obtained from crime is carefully hidden or spent avoiding recovery by the victims and authorities. It is extremely difficult to locate hidden money’s in today’s electronic age. Computers have increased the speed of transactions and thus often not leaving sufficient documentation to track a potential fraud. There are numerous ways of hiding fraudulent funds. Criminals often conceal illicit payments, launder their money, Hide it in complex computer programs, on/off in book transactions, off shore transactions, and net worth computations. Fraud is on the rise and the resources to combat it are on the decline, thus making fraud investigators jobs that much more important. Many crimes, particularly those which are non violent crimes are going unattended by the police because they just don’t have the man power to combat it.


他们愿意调查欺诈性索赔,但最近他们缺乏时间和资源来给予这些犯罪所需的所有关注。警方目前正与保险公司、企业和调查人员合作,试图打击这一日益增长的犯罪活动。欺诈调查人员需要有警察背景,并真正了解欺诈是什么,它与什么有关刑法,以及如何识别它。欺诈调查员必须调查欺诈的指控。调查可能要求调查人员收集证据,宣告陈述,保持证据的连续性,分析骗局,准备法庭简报,与当局合作,证明法院的调查结果,协助检测和预防欺诈和白领犯罪.欺诈调查人员必须具有广泛的教育背面。建议使用犯罪学的学士学位,在相关领域至少有八年的经验,需要在揭露,记录或调查欺诈事项方面的实际经验。几乎没有足够的人员来打击欺诈的不断增加的问题。在保险业欺诈中,欺诈增加了每一个加拿大人保险费,估计每个人的额外溢价占欺诈的近300美元。在社会中的一段时间,保存金钱的极为重要,每百分之都有300美元的成本可以用于更重要的物品,而不是某人的欺诈行为。欺诈在加拿大的社会课程中根深蒂固:工人的赔偿,失业赔偿,福利,保险和OHIP。许多其他罪行被欺诈所产生的金钱促进,其中包括贩毒,枪手走私,以及非法移民走私。 All of these factors force the Canadian cost of living upwards. If we don’t put a stop to fraud, it will ruin Canada’s entire economic structure. One of the largest contributing factors to fraud is poor economic times, perhaps when the economy and job markets pick up there will be a decline in fraudulent claims. But until that time maybe our best defense against fraud is understanding how it works and creating protection nets to shield us from it. Some very useful ways of protecting ourselves from fraud are: Consulting a fraud investigator for protection tips, be an honest and fair employer who can be respected, Have a written code of ethics which a organization expects from its employees, check employees references for past behavior, examine business/bank statements very closely, have a anonymous hot line or drop box where people are encouraged turn in dishonest co-workers. Educating the public and showing them what fraud is doing to business in Canada is very important. If the public realized how large the fraud problem in Canada is they would try to do something to correct the situation. Punishment for fraud is very minimal. There is almost no deterrence for this crime. If we want to see any improvement in the combat of fraud we must increase the penalty. Presently the rewards of fraud outweigh the risk of being caught. If a person is convicted with fraud they usually receive probation, suspended sentences, or a conditional discharge. This is not right, fraud is a crime against society. The penalty for fraud should be much stiffer than it is. They should pay back every cent to the people they stole from as well as pay back society. Certified fraud investigators consider occupation fraud to be a serious problem and on the increase, this is a direct result from a number of factors. There is a direct connection between the potential dishonesty of employees between a certain age, sex, level of education, and position in the company. Lack of internal protection against fraud in small companies. Ignorance to the nature and cost of fraud to their company. A false belief that fraud is not occurring in there company. Until society realizes what fraud is doing and decides to protect itself from fraud, the problem will only increase.



引用这篇文章:威廉·安德森(学校工作助手编辑团队),“什么是欺诈?,“在SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/what-is-a-fraud/


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