
他们可能与比奥图克人有过接触,交换过工具或参与过战斗。无论如何,多塞特印第安人灭绝了,纽芬兰被比奥图克人占领了,比奥图克人现在没有敌人,拥有广阔的领土。Beothuk虽然是Algonkian家族的一部分,却发展了自己的语言和文化。从他们的语言中流传下来的400个单词证明了他们的阿尔冈语血统。他们的文化发展非常成功。比奥图克人作为一个整体的成功,部分是因为他们在捕鱼、狩猎和旅行方面的技能。他们是“唯一在公海上航行的美洲印第安人群体”。(1996年10月4日格拉博夫斯基演讲)这是因为他们独木舟的构造。通常,在公海上划桨是危险的,但Beothuk独木舟的设计是为了抵御大浪并准确地保持航向。这些独木舟“用云杉做框架,然后用桦树皮覆盖。””(Red Ochre, 9) They curved high at the sides and a sharp bottom acted as a keel. The high sides protected as a barrier from wave swamping the boat. Because of hunting expeditions on the Funk islands, 60 kilometres from shore, ocean travel was evident and sea worthiness was essential. The knowledge of these canoes is only from documents produced by explorers and early settlers, all that is left of the original canoes are models of canoes found in burial sites. “The Beothuk were a migratory people…”(Red Ochre, 14) they moved with the seasons and with the hunt. In fall they hunted caribou inland, in spring seals on the coast, the summer months seafood and birds eggs were harvested. The fall hunt was the most important, as it would determine their success in surviving the winter months. The Beothuk followed the patterns of migration of the caribou and laid out large traps of fallen trees along the river banks. Trees would be left leaning against their stumps creating a triangle to the ground. The trees would be piled one over the next and so on and produced a “thicket that the caribou could not penetrate or jump over.”(Red Ochre, 15.) Trapping the caribou in the water was the objective as ” the animals could not move quickly in the water.”(Red Ochre,15.)Indian people of North America have been called “red skins” for many years. This expression comes from the european settlers who arrived in Newfoundland and were met by the Beothuk. The Beothuk covered their entire bodies, clothing, and weapons with a “mixture of red ochre and oil.”(Red Ochre, 4.)which protected them from the cold in winter and the mosquitoes and other bugs in summer.


其他的阿尔冈基部落也使用它,尽管“不像纽芬兰印第安人那么慷慨”。(《灭绝》,罗伊出版社,117)有证据表明一些果汁“尤其是桤木”被用来在他们的身体上作画。“Sanku,一名Micmac妇女,据说有Beothuk血统……(说)……这幅尸体画每年都在特殊仪式上画,其中包括上次仪式后出生的孩子的入会仪式。”这些身体标记与部落身份有关,并具有宗教意义。(罗,118)早期欧洲人与比奥图克人的接触可能始于公元1000年左右维京人的到来。这一点可以通过Beothuk人皮肤的颜色来证明。与Micmac相比,他们的肤色比较浅。假设维京人和比奥图克人之间发生冲突,就会假定比奥图克人会带走俘虏。如果这些"囚犯中有妇女或儿童,那么贝奥图人就不太可能将他们处死。”(罗,118)。这些囚犯有可能已经被社会同化了。这或许可以“解释为什么(约翰)盖伊的观察显示,他遇到的一些比奥克斯人有黄色头发。””(罗,120)。In 1497, John Cabot arrived in Newfoundland and brought back the news about a new undiscovered area in the north. Even before this, however, there was contact between the Europeans and the Beothuk. Fishermen from England, Spain, Portugal and Francehad been using the land to set up dry) fisheries. Because the fishermen were primarily there only to fish, little documentation is available. After the announcement to Britain had been proclaimed more and more fishermen arrived and began “using” the dry) fisheries already in place of the Beothuk.




格拉博夫斯基,1996年10月4日第2401次演讲。电子邮件地址:Howley, James Patrick。印第安人:纽芬兰的土著居民。剑桥大学出版社。英国剑桥大学。马歇尔,Ingeborg。《历史与民族志》,北京:皇后大学出版社。: 1996年,加拿大。马歇尔,Ingeborg部件。George Christopher pull的报告和信件:关于纽芬兰防波堤的Beothuk印第安人。: 1989年,纽芬兰的圣约翰。马歇尔,Ingeborg。《红赭石人:纽芬兰beothuk印第安人的生活方式》。 J.J. Douglas Ltd.: 1977, Vancouver. Rowe, Frederick W.. EXTINCTION: The Beothuks of Newfoundland McGraw)Hill Ryerson Limited.: 1977, Toronto.

引用这篇文章为:William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper编辑团队),“纽芬兰Beothuk People of Newfoundland: History & Culture”SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/beothuk-people-of-newfoundland-history-culture/



