Cleopatra Vll出生于埃及亚历山大的公元前69年。尽管人们今天说了什么,但她很迷人而美丽,她远离它。她在古老的硬币上显示,钩住鼻子和男性化的特征。虽然她不是美丽的,但她显然是一个非常诱人的女人,她用它来在政治上以埃及进一步进一步。她有一个美丽的音乐声音。还说她非常聪明。她讲了九种不同的语言,她是第一个真正谈到埃及人的博士法老。她在父亲之后登上了埃及王位,Ptolemy XLL Auletes于51年死亡。克利奥帕特拉当时和她的兄弟Ptolemy xlll,这是十二点,这是十二点,因为她父亲的意志的条款而结婚。

然后他们一起统治埃及。在他们统治的第三年,托勒密的顾问们告诉他,他应该独自统治埃及。所以,因为他迫使克利奥帕特拉流亡。克利奥帕特拉随后逃到了叙利亚。然后她带着一支军队回来了。托勒密派军队去见她。此时,罗马的尤里乌斯·凯撒来追捕一个向托勒密寻求帮助的敌人。克利奥帕特拉不得不用毯子把自己裹起来,这样她在进入埃及时就不会被杀。如果她没有把自己藏起来,她就被杀了。当她在凯撒面前袒露自己时,他立刻爱上了她。凯撒必须从埃及的统治者中选出一位来帮助他保住王位。他当然选择了克利奥帕特拉。他后来成了克利奥帕特拉的情人。 In 47 BC Ptolemy Xlll drowned in the Nile while trying to escape, and Caesar then restored Cleopatra to her throne.

在她的哥哥托勒密十三世去世后,按照习俗,克利奥帕特拉被迫嫁给了她最小的弟弟托勒密十四号,当时他大约十一岁。在克利奥帕特拉和托勒密十五世联合执政定居之后,她和恺撒在尼罗河上进行了为期两个月的巡航。据说就在那时,她怀孕了,后来又生了一个儿子。他的正式名字是托勒密十五世凯撒,但他通常被称为凯撒里奥,意思是“小凯撒”。人们说凯撒并不是凯撒里昂的父亲。虽然这孩子很像凯撒,所以凯撒承认他是自己的儿子。巡游之后,凯撒回到罗马,克利奥帕特拉回到埃及。恺撒留下了三个军队成员,以便保护克利奥帕特拉。公元前46年,他邀请克利奥帕特拉去罗马和他在一起。然后她带着凯撒里昂一起去了。 That same year in September he celebrated his war triumph’s in which was called the March of Triumph’s. In this march he paraded through the streets of Rome with his prisoners, including Cleopatra’s sister Arsinoe. Caesar spared Arsinoe’s life after she betrayed Cleopatra, but later Mark Antony had her killed after Cleopatra told him to.

克利奥帕特拉在罗马附近的凯撒别墅住了近两年。他给克利奥帕特拉大量的礼物和她想要的一切。据传,恺撒打算通过一项法律,允许他与克利奥帕特拉结婚,并让他们的儿子成为他的继承人。还有传言说,接受终身独裁并坐在元老院黄金宝座上的凯撒,打算成为罗马的国王。公元前44年3月15日,一群阴谋者在元老院会议上包围了凯撒,将他刺死。克利奥帕特拉知道她也处于危险之中,所以她很快和她的保护人离开了罗马。在他们返回埃及之前或之后,托勒密十四世去世了。据说克利奥帕特拉把他带走了。克利奥帕特拉随后任命她的儿子凯撒里奥为摄政王。恺撒的遇刺导致罗马缺乏统治者和内战。 Eventually the empire was divided among three men. Those men were Caesar’s great-nephew Octavian, who later became the emperor Augustus. There was also Marcus Lepidus and Marcus Antonius, or better known as Mark Antony.

公元前42年,马克·安东尼把克利奥帕特拉叫到塔尔苏斯,询问她是否帮助过他的敌人。克利奥帕特拉坐着一艘镀金的船尾、紫色的帆和银色的桨的气派的驳船来到了这里。船是由她的女仆驾驶的,她们打扮得像海中的仙女。克利奥帕特拉自己打扮成爱神维纳斯的模样。她斜倚在金色的华盖下,穿着丘比特服装的男孩为她扇着风。安东尼对这种奢华的展示印象深刻。这正是克利奥帕特拉所希望的。那天晚上,克利奥帕特拉在她的驳船上招待他,第二天晚上,安东尼邀请她吃晚饭,希望在华丽方面胜过她。不幸的是,他没有这样做,但他最后以他的善意的方式开玩笑。克利奥帕特拉似乎并不介意他乏味的幽默感实际上她也加入了他的行列。 Like Caesar before him, Antony was falling in love with her. Forgetting about his responsibilities of being a ruler, he accompanied Cleopatra to Alexandria and spent the winter with her there. Finally, Antony said goodbye to Cleopatra and returned to his duties as a ruler of the Roman empire. Six months later Cleopatra gave birth to twins, their names were Cleopatra Selene and Alexander Helios. It was four years later before she saw Antony again. During that那时安东尼娶了屋大维同父异母的妹妹屋大维娅他们有三个孩子。公元前37年,在进攻帕提亚的途中,安东尼再次拜访了克利奥帕特拉。他匆匆完成了他的军事行动,回到了克利奥帕特拉身边。从那时起,亚历山大就是他的家,克利奥帕特拉就是他的生命。他在公元前36年娶了她,她又生了一个儿子,托勒密·费城。与此同时,在罗马,奥克塔维亚仍然忠于她出轨的丈夫。她决定去拜访安东尼,当她到达雅典时,她收到了他的一封信,说他将在那里与她会面。然而,克利奥帕特拉决心不让安东尼接近他的另一个妻子。她哭了,晕了过去,还让自己挨饿,这才奏效。 Antony ended up cancelling his trip, and Octavia returned home without seeing her husband. The Roman people were disgusted by the way Antony had treated Octavia.

Thomas P. O'Neill:传记与政治家

他们也对克利奥帕特拉和安东尼自称为神感到愤怒。最糟糕的是,公元前34年,安东尼任命亚历山大·赫利俄斯为亚美尼亚国王,克利奥帕特拉·塞琳娜为昔兰尼加和克里特岛王后,托勒密·费城为叙利亚国王。凯撒里奥被封为“万王之王”,克利奥帕特拉被封为“万王之王”。屋大维非常愤怒,于是他说服罗马元老院向埃及宣战。公元前31年,安东尼的军队在希腊阿克兴海岸与罗马人打了一场海战。克利奥帕特拉和她自己的六十艘船在那里。当她看到安东尼笨重、人手不足的战船正在输给罗马人轻便、快速的船只时,她离开了现场。安东尼丢下他的人去跟踪她。虽然他们有可能预先安排好了撤退,但罗马人认为这证明安东尼为克利奥帕特拉疯狂,无法独立思考或行动。整整三天,安东尼独自坐在克利奥帕特拉的船头,拒绝见她,也不跟她说话。 They returned to Egypt, where Antony lived alone for a time. In the meanwhile Cleopatra prepared for an invasion by Rome. When Antony received word that his forces had surrendered at Actium and his allies had gone over to Octavian, he left his solitary home and returned to Cleopatra to party away their final days. Cleopatra began experimenting with poisons to learn which would cause the most painless death. She also built a mausoleum to which she moved all of her gold, silver, emeralds, pearls, ebony, ivory, and other treasure. In 30 B.C. Octavian reached Alexandria. Mark Antony marched his army out of the city to meet the enemy. He stopped on high ground to watch what he expected would be a naval battle between his fleet and the Roman fleet. Instead he saw his fleet salute the Romans with their oars and joined them. At this Antony’s cavalry also deserted him. His infantry was soon defeated and Antony returned to the city, shouting that Cleopatra had betrayed him. Cleopatra was afraid that he would hurt her, so she left to the monument that housed her treasures and locked herself in, ordering her servants to tell Antony she was dead. When Antony heard this he actually believed it. So he went to his room and opened his coat, exclaiming that he would soon be with Cleopatra. He ordered a servant named Eros to kill him, but Eros killed himself instead. Antony then stabbed himself in the stomach and passed out on a couch. When he woke up he begged his servants to put him out of his misery, but they ran away. At last Cleopatra’s secretary came and told him Cleopatra wanted to see him. Overjoyed to hear Cleopatra was alive, Antony had himself carried to her mausoleum. Cleopatra was afraid to open the door because of the approach of Octavian’s army, but she and her two serving women let down ropes from a window and pulled him up. Distraught, Cleopatra laid Antony on her bed and beat her breasts, calling him her lord, husband and emperor. Antony told her not to pity him, but to remember his past happiness. Then he died at that very moment.


当八仙人和他的男人达到她的纪念碑克利奥帕托拉拒绝让他们进入。她和他们在一起谈过他们,要求她的王国给她的孩子。八角鹦鹉命令一个人保持她的谈话,而其他人设置梯子并爬过窗户。当Cleopatra看到那个男人时,她拔出了一把匕首并试图刺伤自己,但她被解除武装并俘虏了。她的孩子也被俘虏了,经过良好处理。八角舞允许克利奥帕托拉安排安东尼的葬礼。在葬礼后,她睡在床上,悲伤生病了。她想杀死自己,但八角舞让她在靠近的守卫中保持着她。有一天,他去过她,她在他的脚上甩了自己,几乎赤身裸体,并告诉他她想住。随着八仙山的许可,她访问了安东尼的坟墓。然后她回到了她的陵墓,洗了个澡,下令盛宴。 While the meal was being prepared a man arrived at her monument with a basket of figs. The guards checked the basket and found nothing suspicious, so they allowed the man to give the basket of figs to Cleopatra. After she had eaten, Cleopatra wrote a letter, sealed it, and sent it to Octavian. He opened it and found Cleopatra’s plea that he would allow her to be buried in Antony’s tomb. Alarmed, Octavian sent messengers to alert her guards that Cleopatra planned to commit suicide. But it was too late. They found the 39-year old queen dead on her golden bed, with her maid Iras dying at her feet. Two pricks were found on Cleopatra’s arm, and it was believed that she had allowed herself to be bitten by an asp that was smuggled in with the figs. As she had wished, she was buried beside Antony.

引用本文为:威廉安德森(Schoolworkhelper编辑组),“Cleopatra Vll:古埃及的传记和最后法老,”学校努力,2019,//



