地理学家可以告诉你,世界上大多数河流和他们的邻近洪水平原的一件事是他们拥有与人类住区和发展相关的丰富历史。在干旱地区特别是真实的,这非常依赖于水。两个优秀的例子是尼罗河和德里斯 - 欧福特河,展示了河流与人民浓度之间的关系。然而,科罗拉多河不是沿线大多数部分的一个很好的例子。没有连续的运输系统,使河流课程相似,并聚集了定居点。

崎岖不平的地形和河道的沟壑是造成人类居住稀疏的主要原因。我们问自己,做了科罗拉多河帮助还是阻碍了美国西部的移民?当定居者开始向西迁移时,西南地区被认为是一个避之唯恐不及的地方。很少有人认为它是一个可以穿越、传播基督教的地方,也是一个可能的毛皮或矿产资源的来源。很难找到可靠或可接近的水源和建筑木材。那里缺乏容易灌溉的土地。到本世纪初,大多数现在的城镇已经建成。小径、公路和铁路将几个地区与邻近地区连接起来。虽然科罗拉多河的排水系统还没有整合。在20世纪中期,人们建造了许多水坝来驾驭和利用水。在第二次世界大战结束时,一个新的发展阶段出现了,人们非常重视娱乐、旅游和环境保护。 The terrain of the Colorado River is very unique. It consists of Wet Upper Slopes, Irregular Transition Plains and Hills, Deep Canyonlands, and the Dry Lower Plains. Wet Upper Slopes: Consist of numerous streams that feed into the Colorado River from stream cut canyons, small flat floored valleys often occupied by alpine lakes and adjacent steep walled mountain peaks. These areas are heavily forested and contain swiftly flowing streams, rapids, and waterfalls. These areas have little commercial value except as watershed, wildlife habitat, forest land, and destinations for hikers, fishermen, and mountaineers. Irregular Transition Plains and Hills: These areas are favorable for traditional economic development. It consists of river valleys with adequate flat land to support farms and ranches. Due to the rolling hills, low plateaus, and mountain slopes, livestock grazing is common. The largest cities of the whole drainage system are found here. Deep Canyonlands: Definitely the most spectacular and least developed area along the Colorado River. These deep gorges are primarily covered by horizontal layers of sedimentary rocks, of which sand stone is the most abundant. The Grand Canyon does not only display spectacular beauty, but numerous other features such as mesas, buttes, spires, balancing rocks, natural arches and bridges, sand dunes, massive sandstone walls, and pottholed cliffs.

干旱的低地平原:包括干旱的沙漠地区。这些地区夏热冬暖。早期的定居是有限的,因为河边的大部分土地不适合灌溉农业。该地区的特点是土地有限,土壤贫瘠,排水不良,对大多数传统作物来说条件太热。约翰·韦斯利·鲍威尔(John Wesley Powell)在1869年通过大理石和大峡谷(Marble canyon)进行探险时,首次航行科罗拉多河。科罗拉多河发源于科罗拉多落基山脉的高处。水从融雪和雨水开始,然后由甘尼森河、格林河、圣胡安河、小科罗拉多河、维珍河和吉拉河补充。在大坝建成之前,科罗拉多河将38万吨淤泥带入科尔特斯海。沿着它的道路,它雕刻出大理石,大,黑,巨石,和托波克峡谷。大峡谷是最受欢迎的,每年都有大量的游客参观,在西方旅游业中扮演着重要的角色。 The Grand Canyon is in fact one of the World’s Seven Wonders. The Colorado Basin covers 240,000 square miles of drainage area. At certain points along the river, it turns into a raging, muddy, rapid covered mass of water. Unlike other rivers, the Colorado River doesn’t meet the ocean in a grand way, but rather in a small trickle. Almost all of the water that passes down the river is spoken for. It passes through seven Western States, travels 1,700 miles, and descends more than 14,000 feet before emptying into the sea, with more silt and salinity than any river in North America. A river not used for commerce, or any degree of navigation other than recreational, and virtually ignored until the turn of the century. The Colorado River is the most fought over, litigated, and legislated river in the United States. The upper Colorado passes through mountainous, less populated country. It has seen fewer problems that the lower Colorado. The lower Colorado, which passes through canyons and arid desert, serves a more populated area. It has been a large source of arguments for the state of California and surrounding areas since the early 1900’s. The first project on the Colorado River was the Alamo River Project near Yuma, Arizona. Sediment from the upper river was transported and deposited down river. It raised the river bed so the river was higher than the surrounding land, making water easy to divert for irrigation.

阿拉莫运河从科罗拉多河转移到阿拉莫河上的水,并通过墨西哥沿着墨西哥沿着墨西哥到萨尔顿水槽,帝国山谷的萧条。为此,墨西哥收到了从运河中占用一半的水,其余的去了帝国山谷。虽然它可能似乎是一种转移水的简单方法,但阿拉莫运河不匹配神圣的科罗拉多河。1905年,一系列洪水突破了摄入量并淹没了帝国山谷,在萨尔顿海安顿下来。经过巨大的人力和金钱,河流被返回原来的道路。这场灾难让山谷的土地所有者惊慌失措。南加州灌溉区是科罗拉多河水中最大的用户。他们为全美运河竞选。将墨西哥边境上方转移的人,并将Mexicali沙漠与他们没有使用的东西留下。这与墨西哥沙漠中最大的土地所有者遇到了很多反对,这是富裕洛杉矶商人的辛迪拉斯·洛杉矶时报的哈利钱德勒领先。 The Imperial Valley landowners received support from the City of Los Angeles. The city was growing rapidly and the need for future electric power was a major concern. Water experts advocated a dam on the Colorado. Without this dam, the All-American Canal would be in danger of breaching and flooding. The two forces combined to work for a Dam in Boulder Canyon on the Colorado River. In Salt Lake City in January 1919, representatives from the seven states that have tributaries emptying into the Colorado River met. “The water should first be captured and used while it is young, for then it can be recaptured as it returns from the performance of its duties and thus be used over and over again “.(1)

1922年11月24日,七个州签署了《科罗拉多河契约》。该协议将水域划分为两个盆地区域,分别位于大峡谷顶端的李氏渡口。上州包括科罗拉多州、新墨西哥州、犹他州和怀俄明州。下游的州包括亚利桑那州、加利福尼亚州和内华达州。每个地区获得750万英亩英尺的水,较低的盆地获得额外的1英亩英尺每年从它的支流流出一百万英亩英尺河水的分配是根据李氏渡口1650万英亩英尺的年流量计算的。这后来被发现是不准确的,而且没有考虑到河流干旱的年份。更精确的流量是每年1350万英亩英尺。此外,根据国际条约提供给墨西哥的任何水都将首先从1600万英亩英尺以上的剩余部分供应,如果这还不够,不足部分将由两个盆地平分。当时的共识是,这条河及其支流属于美国(24.4万平方公里)。科罗拉多河发源于美国,只有很少一部分在墨西哥境内(2000平方公里)。因此他们应得的少之又少。赫伯特·胡佛说:“我们不相信他们(墨西哥人)曾经拥有任何权利。”沿河的印第安部落也受到了同样的待遇。 Hoover inserted what was called the ‘Wild Indian Article’, “nothing in this compact shall be construed as affecting the obligations of the United States of America to Indian tribes.” (2) It’s obvious that the native Mexicans and Indians were being deprived of what originally belonged to them. The attitude of Herbert Hoover left the local peoples with a taste of resentment. The Colorado River Pact did not apportion water to individual states. Arizona would not ratify the pact, feeling that California was taking all the water given to the lower basin. Arizona contributed 3 major rivers, about 2 to 3 million acre feet, to the Colorado. California farmers would be the largest single users of the water, but would contribute nothing. California finally agreed to some concessions.


亚利桑那州吉拉河的所有水域都会去亚利桑那州,并豁免墨西哥条约。加利福尼亚州还同意向内华达州030万英亩的水,440万英亩,盈余的1/2,亚利桑那州280万英亩,盈余的其他1/2级。亚利桑那仍然不满意。该论点多年来,国会最终在1928年在没有亚利桑那州批准的情况下通过博尔德峡谷法案。1928年的巨石峡谷法案授权在黑峡谷建造水力发电厂。通过销售电力超过50年的销售成本。大坝的所有电力特权都是由私人利息控制的。大都市水区控制了36%,洛杉矶19%,亚利桑那18%,内华达州18%。该法案还包括所有美国运河的建造,从拉古纳大坝开始,并将75英里的皇宫到萨尔顿海。亚利桑那州的水分在凤凰和图森的大量增加,这是一个无法存在的凤凰和图森,这将无法存在于科罗拉多河。 Population increases in Phoenix and Tucson were using much of the state’s water. Arizona wanted more water from the Colorado River, they continued to fight California for it. In 1930 Arizona filed what was to be many lawsuits against the State of California for more water rights. It wasn’t until Arizona was granted electricity from Hoover Dam, and given assurances for the Central Arizona Project, that Arizona ratified the 1922 Colorado River Compact, 22 years later. Nevada, the one state that has no major river, was largely unpopulated at this time and remained unconcerned about the water allocation.

在此期间,联邦填海局(Federal Bureau of Reclamation)在胡佛大坝(Hoover Dam)下方66英里处建造了戴维斯大坝(Davis Dam),以进一步调节水流并提供存储。帕克水坝位于戴维斯的下方,建于1934年,为长242英里的科罗拉多河渡槽提供便利。这是大都会水务局向洛杉矶输送水的另一个项目。有了胡佛和帕克,加州可以从科罗拉多河获得560万英亩英尺的水。在胡佛大坝的控制下,墨西哥的河水开始干涸。1944年,美国希望继续与邻国保持良好关系,与墨西哥签署了一项协议,每年给他们150万英亩英尺的土地,但对水的质量只字不提。墨西哥的水,由于从美国农田返灌而蒸发的水越来越含盐。我们试过用额外的水来冲洗盐分,但情况恶化了。到1955年,墨西卡利山谷已成为主要的棉花产区。到1960年,随着棉花价格的下降,河水盐度的增加损害了棉花作物。 Mexico and the United States argued over the quality of water, and due to the administration’s “Good Neighbor Policy”, the United States acquiesced, and in 1973 signed a water agreement with Mexico. United States reduced salt by releasing more water upstream, the quality of water arriving at Morelos Dam was to be equal in quality to water behind Imperial Dam. The silt was to be removed by the giant desilting works at Imperial Dam, and then the water was returned to the river above Morelos Dam at the Imperial Irrigation District Pilot Knob power drop. This policy promised Mexico that salinity levels would be no more than 115 parts per million. It also obligated the United States to assume all costs necessary to meet the salinity levels. As a result, the United States agreed to upstream salt control projects in Nevada, Utah, and Colorado, and a 260 Million dollar desalination plant in Yuma, Arizona. The desalination plant reclaims more than 70 million gallons of drainage water a day from the Welton-Mohawk irrigation project. Fifty miles from the Mexican border is Laguna Salada, the end of the Colorado River. An unlined canal carries the water 50 miles and then empties it onto the flat plain of sand and silt where the Sea of Cortez washes the last drops into the gulf.

墨西哥水灌溉了14,000名农民的土壤,为墨西哥谷供应饮用水。A 76英里的渡槽为墨西哥蒂华纳提供水。直到1964年,亚利桑那州终于随着亚利桑那州中央项目的通过了。亚利桑那州中央项目是多年诉讼的高潮。350万美元的项目从哈瓦斯湖和鹿皮山脉泵浦水泵,沿着一条7英里的隧道,沿着一个混凝土渡槽到凤凰城和图森的城市,通过7英里的隧道。亚利桑那州中央项目由填海局和1991年成立。1963年,在亚利桑那州,最高法院沿着河流分配了90万英亩的科罗拉多河水,沿着河流5辆印度部落,为联邦土地和79,000英亩的脚.这为他们提供了足够的水来满足预订需求。最近,部落已经推出,从原始估计中省略了农场土地,他们想要更多的水权。如果部落收到更多的水,这可能意味着下盆地的水少。对手认为,Navajo部落讨论了其他发展的一些权利,例如鲍威尔湖巨大的煤炭燃烧电厂。 The Federal Governments outlook is, “why give the tribes more water?” They gave away their rights, and the Federal government does not have the money for water irrigation projects that would benefit so few people. There is another side to the Indian issue, “first in time, first in right”. this means that the Indians were there first, before the laws, so therefore the Indians have first right to the water. This would put a totally different slant on distribution of Colorado River water, but most people feel that this issue would be tied up in litigation for years, and because of the benefits of so few, the Indians would likely lose. Citizens groups have become more vocal in the management of the lower Colorado River Basin. The river water has historically been given to agricultural uses.

最近,城市的扩张已经侵犯了农业,80%的科罗拉多河水仍然被用于农作物,但已经稀缺昂贵的水资源也限制了农业的发展。帝王谷灌溉区浪费了大约15%的水。为了保护运河,人们用水泥来衬砌运河。这引起了人们对它的指责,认为它阻止了渗入地下蓄水层的渗漏。水资源专家担心,耗尽当地的水供应将清空地下水库,所以他们希望从科罗拉多河获得更多的水。维持支流的水流对保护栖息地和地下蓄水层是必要的。红外卫星照片显示植物生长为红色,显示墨西哥的科罗拉多三角洲、墨西卡利和圣路易斯山谷地区荒凉,只有少量淡红色斑块,但帝国谷的运河区域显示生机勃勃的红色。西南地区不断增长的人口爆炸式增长给了市政当局争取更多水资源的响亮声音,但大多数法律仍然有利于农业。农业产生了经济优势、政府补贴和设施。《清洁水法》(Clean Water Act)为“点源”(管道和沟渠)的水设定了排放标准,但农业废水除外。 In 1980, the State of Arizona passed the most stringent water management program. This law discourages farmers from using Central Arizona Project (CAP) water to increase production of heavy water user crops such as cotton, rice and citrus, by having growers cut back on ground water use equal to their use of CAP water. The farmers can also sell their water rights to developers and local water systems. The City of Tucson is perhaps the most water conscience city in America. They have mandatory conservation, all golf courses and city parks use reclaimed water, or water that has been recycled. They ban outdoor fountains and utilize low flow toilets and showers. The city has cut their water consumption 25% since 1974. Sadly, most of the west has not practiced water conservation. The recent six year drought in Southern California, when many of the cities were required to conserve water, and some even had water patrols to cite people for wasting water, forced people to conserve water or face stiff penalties. For years California had ‘borrowed’ water from the upper basin and used Arizona and New Mexico’s unused portion of lower basin water.


科罗拉多河流域下游的供水第一次用完了全部的河水。这就意味着要严格节约用水。到1990年,在亚利桑那州的大雨之后,加州再次使用其他州的水。人们又回到了浪费宝贵水的老习惯。许多人认为,由于自然资源保护主义者总是在为水资源短缺而哭喊,他们经常发出“狼来了”的声音,他们不相信水资源短缺,认为这只是提高水费的借口。1994年4月1日,加利福尼亚州水务官员说,加州再次陷入干旱。鉴于最近的大雨,许多人会忽视这一点。人们必须明白,水只会被输送到南加州。如果在科罗拉多州没有雨雪(或者在加利福尼亚州的塞拉山脉),就会导致水资源短缺。水资源分配的威胁是对一个人或一个社区的生活方式的威胁。 New growth actually encourages more water consumption. New houses mean more dish washers, washing machines and backyard pools. This is not the way to manage water. A conscientious effort must be made by government, and residents to share the water equally and conserve water equally. In 1980 legislature authorized the transfer of water rights, or water marketing. Some people believed this would lead to an open market, the price of the water would reflect the cost of developing and distributing the water. The highest bidder would receive the water. In theory, the more the water costs, the more people would conserve.

但农业严重补贴,因此价格会波动。商业和住宅用户将受到高水费的影响,富人能够负担大部分水。这是一个不公平和不公正的系统。应该制定一个授权保护的营销制度,该营销制度应该颁布保护保护。水需要平等地分散。1922年紧凑,而在其时代良好,充当当今的标准和用法。“科罗拉多河流域的政治只不过是一种承诺的织物,在不同的时间,在不同的条件下发生,经常出现不同的目的'。(3)科罗拉多河在未来可能被其他水增强。有些人建议通过泵,虹吸管和运河连接哥伦比亚河到科罗拉多州。这些计划非常昂贵,除非水变得稀缺,否则这不是现实。 Some California coastal cities have made plans for alternate water in times of shortage. Ocean water desalination plants are in the planning stages or under construction. This method of water augmentation is also very costly. Water is a social good, a public trust, should communities be able to decide independently about water use? The seven states of the Colorado River Basin should follow the advice of Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt and form a commission, along with representatives of the Federal Government with input from the Colorado River Indian Tribes, to regulate, manage, control, enforce and educate the public and private sectors regarding the Colorado River Water.

太多的机构,太多的私人水务公司都使科罗拉多河的用水权更加混乱。需要建立水银行。如果所有各方都同意,米德湖被指定为储水的水银行,但考虑到有关科罗拉多河水的历史法规,这一想法很可能会引发一场旷日持久的斗争。似乎只有对缺水或严重干旱的恐惧才推动了有关水的法律的通过。人们来到科罗拉多河玩耍和享受水。“沿着科罗拉多海岸的六个国家公园和娱乐区支持着价值数百万美元的划船、徒步旅行、钓鱼和白水漂流的娱乐产业”。娱乐活动已经成为科罗拉多河水系的一大部分。这引起了环保人士的强烈抗议。1991年,科罗拉多河的亚利桑那段被美国河流保护组织命名为1991年最濒危的河流。许多鱼类和野生动物都消失了。 Special areas have been designated as wildlife protection areas. The Endangered Species Act protects the river and can be enacted independently of the Clean Water Act. Federal Fish and Game, state resources and conservation groups have all worked to make the public

引用这篇文章如下:William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper编辑团队),“科罗拉多河:特征,历史,地理”,在SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/colorado-river-features-history-geography/



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