

Biographers generally agree that, “Emily Dickinson experienced an emotional crisis of an undetermined nature in the early 1860’s.”(Cameron 26) Dickinson’s antisocial behavior became excessive following 1869. “Her refusal to leave her home or to meet visitors, her gnomic sayings, and her habit of always wearing a white dress earned her a reputation of eccentricity among her neighbors.”(Cameron 29) Her intellectual and social isolation further increased when her father died suddenly in 1874 and he was left to care for her invalid mother. The death of her mother in 1882 followed two years later by the death of Judge Otis P. Lord, a close family friend and her most satisfying romantic attachment, contributed to what Dickinson described as an ‘attack of nerves’.”(Cameron 29)






“光的一定倾斜的光线”是一个诗歌,其中季节变化成为内部变化的象征。内部和外部变化的关系形成对比。“它始于逮捕的时刻,以冬季的性质和意义发出信号。它告诉夏天过去了,坚持认为,它似乎并不是如此慢慢地发生了它真正的背叛。“(Bloom 122)与悲伤的缓慢衰落的比较也意味着对扬声器部分的意识失败。第二和第三行开始描述过渡期,他们的声称说话者认为没有背叛表明,她不得不对这种感觉斗争。接下来的八行创造,“夏末或初秋的善意的场景。蒸馏的安静允许沉思的时间。“(Eberwein 354)”暮光之城长开始“表明,演讲者正在习惯来到未来的赛季,意识到在她真正注意到之前发生了变化。“这些线加强了诗歌初步描述缓慢失效,并传达了预知下降的想法是人类状况的一部分。”(Bloom 124)礼貌但冷酷地确定的客人,无论如何都坚持离开恳切地,她被要求留下来令人信服的现实层面。“On the level of analogy, the courtesy probably corresponds to the restrained beauty of the season, and the cold determination corresponds to the inevitability of the year’s cycle.”(Bloom 122) The movement from identification with sequestered nature to nature as a departing figure communicates the involvement of humans in the seasonal life cycle. “The last four lines shift the metaphor and relax the tension. Summer leaves by secret means. The missing wing & keel suggest a mysterious fluidity—greater than that of air or water. Summer escapes into the beautiful, which is a repository of creation that promises to send more beauty into the world.”(Eberwein 355) The balanced picture of the departing guest has prepared us for this low-key conclusion.

一些关于诗歌与观众相关的诗歌的诗歌可能会在她自己的挫折和不确定的情况下具有他们自己的工作的挫折和不确定性。“这是我走向世界的信”,写了大约1862年,艾米莉·迪金森的年份最大的生产力期待她死后诗歌的命运。从未写信给她的世界是她的整个潜在观众,他们不会承认她的才华或愿望。“She gives nature credit for her heart and material in a half apologetic manner, as if she were merely the carrier of nature’s message.”(Bloom 297) The fact that this message is committed to people who will come after her transfers the uncertainty of her achievement to its future observers, as if they were somehow responsible for its neglect while she was alive. “The plea that she be judged tenderly for nature’s sake combines an insistence on imitation of nature as the basis of her art with a special plea for tenderness towards her own fragility or sensitivity; but poetry should be judged by how well the poet achieves his or her intention and not by the poem alone, as Emily Dickinson surely knew.”(Bloom 297) “This particular poem’s generalization about her isolation—and its apologetic tone—tends toward the sentimental, but one can detect some desperation underneath the softness.”(Bloom 298)


她的诗,“讲述了所有的真相,但告诉它倾斜 - ”立即让我们提醒我们在艾米莉狄金森的诗歌中的所有间接:她的凝聚,含糊的参考,知名的谜题,也许甚至是她的倾斜押韵。“艺术成功伴随在电路中的概念 - 即令人困惑和象征性 - 与我们在其他地方看到她表达的惊人的感觉和惊人的悖论的压力很好。”(Eberwein 171)真相太多的概念我们的体外愉悦是令人费解的。“关于艾米莉的思想的非常个人水平,”体弱的愉悦“将符合她的恐惧或经历,她对预期达成的偏好。对她来说,真理的惊喜必须留在想象的世界中。然而,一流的惊喜听起来比令人恐惧更令人愉快。“(绽放89)闪电确实是威胁身体上的危险及其伴随的雷声是可怕的,但我们不清楚真相能如何令人眼花缭乱地蒙蔽我们,除非它是最深刻的精神真理。这些线条可以简化为,原始的经验需要艺术的精雕细琢,赋予它深度,使我们能够思考它。这首诗的沉思主题相当令人信服,但“这首诗的连贯性很差,用一种敬畏和道歉的语气诱使我们忽视它的缺点。””布鲁姆(89)

“成功令人甜蜜,”狄金森的赔偿最着名的诗更复杂,更快乐。“它通过归纳逻辑进行,展示痛苦的情况如何创造知识和未提供的经验。”(Eberwein 18)诗歌与从未成​​功的人的概括出现。他们珍惜成功的想法,而不是其他人。接下来,通过宣言给出额外的物理力量,即只有大口渴的人才了解他们所需要的性质。关于物理物质的“理解”的使用为精神满意度创造了一个隐喻。“简要介绍了通过剥夺学习的人,艾米丽进入了在战场上死亡的人的更长描述。“主持人”一词指的是武装部队,使现场由皇家颜色紫色加强的人造仰角。这些看似胜利的人们了解胜利的本质远远不如一个被否认的人,而不是死亡。他的耳朵被禁止,因为它必须遗憾地听到,很快就会听到所有人。“(Eberwein 19)在死亡的瞬间突然强调牺牲的伟大。这是一个苛刻的诗。 It asks for agreement with an almost cruel doctrine, although its harshness is often overlooked because of its crisp illustrated quality and its pretended cheerfulness. “On the biographical level, it can be seen as a celebration of the virtues and rewards of Emily Dickinson’s renunciatory way of life, and as an attack on those around her who achieved worldly success.”(Bloom 158)

“当我死的时候,我听到了一只苍蝇的嗡嗡声”这句话经常被视为艾米莉·狄金森风格和态度的代表。第一行就像你能想象的那样引人注目。通过描述她去世的那一刻,说话者让你知道她已经死了。在第一节中,死亡室的寂静与垂死的人听到的苍蝇的嗡嗡声形成对比,弥漫在场景中的紧张气氛被比作暴风雨中的停顿。第二节的重点是关注的旁观者,他们紧张的眼睛和聚精会神的呼吸强调他们在面对一个神圣的事件:“国王”的到来,他就是死亡。在第三节,注意力转移到说话者身上,她一直在用她剩下的所有感官力量观察自己的死亡。(Eberwein 201)她对纪念品的最后意愿是一件心理事件,而不是她说出来的东西。由于与周围环境渐行渐远,她对物质财富不再感兴趣;相反,她留下了人们可以珍惜和记住的一切。她正准备走向死亡。“但在最后一刻,嗡嗡作响的苍蝇介入了; the phrase “and then” indicates that this is a casual event, as if the ordinary course of life were in no way being interrupted by her death.”(Bloom 365) “The fly’s “blue buzz” is one of the most famous pieces of synesthesia in Emily Dickinson’s poems. This image represents the fusing of color and sound by the dying person’s diminishing senses. The uncertainty of the fly’s darting motions parallels her state of mind. Flying between the light and her, it seems to both signal the moment of death and represent the world that she is leaving.”(Bloom 365) The last two lines show the speakers confusion of her eyes that she does not want to admit. She is both distancing fear and revealing her detachment from life.

“痛苦 - 有空白的一个元素”涉及自给自足和永恒的痛苦,精神,而不是物理。痛苦的人质使其与患者的生命相同。空白质量有助于呈现疼痛的起源和疼痛带来的并发症。第二个斯坦察坚持认为,这种痛苦只意识到其延续。“就像患者的生命变得痛苦一样,所以时间变得痛苦了。它的目前是无限的,它仍然像过去一样。这个无限,和过去,它达到的过去,只意识到痛苦的无限期的未来。“(Eberwein 76)痛苦的自我的描述是讽刺的,因为即使这个启示是唯一的光黑暗,它仍然是痛苦的特征。


“在”这个世界上没有结论,“艾米莉·狄金森戏剧了对不朽和严重疑问的冲突信仰。”(Bloom 55)她最早的编辑遗漏了诗歌的最后八行扭曲了它的意义并创造了一个完整的结论。完整的诗可以分为两部分:前十二条线和最后的八行。(Eberwein 89)它通过强调肯定,我们无法看到的世界超出死亡,但我们仍然可以直观地理解,因为我们做音乐。第四条八行引入冲突。不朽是有吸引力但令人费解的。“Even wise people must pass through the riddle of death without knowing where they are going.”(Bloom 55) The ungrammatical “don’t” combined with the elevated diction of “philosophy” and “sagacity” suggests the irritability of a little girl. “In the next four lines, the speaker struggles to assert faith. Her faith now appears in the form of a bird that is searching for reasons to believe. But available evidence proves as irrelevant as twigs and as indefinite as the directions shown by a spinning weathervane. The desperation of a bird aimlessly looking for its way is analogous to the behavior of preachers whose gestures and hallelujahs cannot point the way to faith.”(Bloom 56) These last two lines suggest that the narcotic which these preachers offer cannot still their own doubts, in addition to the doubts of others.

虽然难以理解的“意识”难以死亡,但它至少通过伴随着死亡的痛苦发现个人身份。“这首诗通过戏剧化了人们经常感受到他们对比他们的世界各个时期的人们感到突出的死亡感。”(Eberwein 49)第二个斯坦扎的Word命令被逆转。“演讲者预计经验和死亡之间的迁移 - 即通过垂死的实验,从经验到死亡。垂死是一个实验,因为它将测试我们,并允许我们,也没有其他人,知道我们的品质是否足够高,让我们在死亡之后生存。“(Bloom 137)最后的斯坦扎提供了死亡经验的摘要对于其他生命中的自我知识的其他方法的类比。“这首诗既不自夸也不害怕,接受痛苦测试的必要性。”(Bloom 137)

即使这个适度的艾米莉狄金森的诗歌也揭示了死亡是她的主要主题。事实上,因为这个话题与她的许多其他问题有关,很难说她的许多诗歌中有多少集中在死亡中,但其中超过一半,至少部分地和大约三分之一,特征在一起。大多数这些诗歌还触及了宗教的主题 - 虽然她确实在没有提及死亡的情况下写下宗教。狄金森的一个小型英格兰镇的生活含有较高的年轻人死亡率。结果,家庭中经常死亡场景。“This factor contributed to her preoccupation with death, as well as her withdrawal from the world, her anguish over her lack of romantic love, and her doubts about fulfillment beyond the grave.”(Cameron 114) Years ago, Emily Dickinson’s interest in death was often criticized as being morbid, but in time, “Readers tend to be impressed by her sensitive and imaginative handling of this painful subject.”(Stonum 83) Her poems concentrating on death can be divided into four categories: those focusing on death as possible extinction, those dramatizing the question of whether the soul survives death, those asserting a firm faith in immortality, and those directly treating God’s concern with people’s lives and destinies.




Benfey,克里斯托弗。艾米莉·狄金森:《诗人的生活》。纽约:乔治·Braziller, 1986年。


绽放,哈罗德。艾米莉狄金森(现代关键观点)。纽约:1999年Chelsea House。



Eberwein,Jane Donahue。一个艾米莉狄金森百科全书。纽约:1998年格林伍德出版集团。


斯诺姆,加里李。Dickinson Sublime(美国作家上的威斯康星项目)。纽约:1990年威斯康星州大学新闻出版社

引用这篇文章如下:William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper编辑团队),“Emily Dickinson:传记和美国诗人”,在学校努力,2019年,//www.chadjarvis.com/emily-dickinson-biography-american-poet/



