
关于俄狄浦斯的同样的基本预言在许多人物身上得到了证实。无论一个特定的角色尝试了多少次摆脱命运并试图摆脱困境,它都将保持不变。忒瑞西阿斯,神谕师,知道所有命运的结局。他知道命运控制着一个人生命的每一分钟;“当真理没有帮助的时候,了解真理是多么可怕啊!”提瑞西阿斯告诉俄狄浦斯,在他的晚年,他将杀死自己的父亲,并娶自己的母亲为妻。为了避免这种情况,他离开了父母,来到一个叫底比斯的遥远城市。一到那里,他就娶了一个女人,他自己也确定那不是他的母亲,因为他的母亲就是他留在科林斯的那个女人。而且,由于离家太远,他也不可能杀死他留在家里的父亲。俄狄浦斯以为自己很安全,但事实并非如此。 Oedipus is not the only one that tries to escape the curse. Iocastê also tried to escape the curse. She knows about it before Oedipus himself knows. She first hears the prophecy just days after Oedipus is born and cannot stand to live with him any more. She sends him off to be killed, thinking that she had stopped the prophecy from happening, she worries no more. Iocastê does not know the whole truth though. She does not know that the shepard had actually disobeyed her. The shepard in which she gave the baby to disobeyed her, and didn’t kill the child. Instead, in pity, he sent the baby away far enough that he thought the foretelling would not be in effect.


这并没有阻止命运。一旦俄狄浦斯发现他所知道的父母并不是他的血亲,Iocastê就知道了到底发生了什么。“看在上帝的份上,让我们不要再问了!”/你的生活对你毫无意义吗?/我自己的痛苦已经足够我承受”(索福克勒斯55)。这是她最后的几句话。命运夺去了她的生命。Laïos国王也没有摆脱诅咒。是他先发现的,是他命令Iocastê把孩子赶出去的。这并没有起作用,因为这个孩子还活着,而俄狄浦斯最终在不知不觉中杀死了他真正的父亲。在俄狄浦斯的良心上,他真的不认为他杀了自己的父亲,因为他的父亲在很远的地方。 In the same way, Laïos did not believe that it was his own son that had killed him. Rather, he thought that his pursuer was an angry highwayman; a stranger. All of these unproven solutions seemed very likely to avoid the curse, yet none of them worked. In Iocastê and Laïos’s attempts, their true son lived instead of being killed, and was brought to another family, in which he would grow up royally as well. When he moved away from the parents he thought was his true family, he was trying to attempt to avoid the curse by distance. In doing this, he ended up moving back to where he had been born, killing his blood father in an argument during his travels and once arriving at his destination in which he thought was distant enough, married his own mother and served in his father’s position as King. In this story, fate definitely could not be denied. Sophocles probably had a strong belief in predestiny and he demonstrated this in his story of Oedipus. Oedipus Rex is one play that is held together by the fact that fate is more powerful than anyone’s free will. In conclusion, fate is the only true evil. Everything that happens is somehow meant to be. Lastly, a little advice, “Let every man in mankind’s frailty/Consider his last day; and let none/Presume on his good fortune until he find pain/Life, at his death, a memory without pain” (Sophocles 78).

引用这篇文章为:William Anderson(学校工作助手编辑团队),《俄狄浦斯雷克斯的命运》,在SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/fate-in-oedipus-rex/




