消防蚂蚁已经在美国超过了超过六十年,几乎每个人都住在或经常访问它们居住的那些被隔离的国家与这些令人讨厌的生物发生了不愉快的冲突。曾经无意中站在火蚁堆上的东南部居民知道,这种昆虫的名字恰如其分。当蚂蚁叮它的时候,它会产生一种类似于热针触碰皮肤瞬间引起的灼烧感。tschinke 474)。火蚁原产于南美洲,1928年通过阿拉巴马州莫比尔的一个港口被引入美国。这些蚂蚁是偷渡者,藏在用于压舱物和垫舱物的土壤中,这些土壤是船只从南美驶往阿拉巴马州港口后扔下的。Lockley 31)。美国火蚁的两种基本种类是黑蚁和红蚁,它们的长度从八分之一到四分之一英寸不等。首先到达的是黑火蚁,随后是臭名昭著的进口红火蚁。黑色蚂蚁(Solenopsis Richteri Forel)是第一批到达的蚂蚁,尽管政府干预阻止了它们的传播,但它们的传播速度缓慢而稳定。 Lockley 33). These black ants would spread much further then the second wave of imported ants recognized as Solenopsis Invicta Buren or red fire ants(4. Lockley 33). This second wave of ants arrived in about 1945 and spread much more rapidly and dominated the previous more passive black ant(5. Lockley 34). Homer Collins, a fire an t expert, stated that “The new invader, known as the red imported fire ant, proved more adaptive and rapidly displaced the existing imported black ant. By 1949, Solenopsis Invicta Buren were the dominant species of imported fire ant. Ants could be found in commercial ornamental-plant nurseries in the heart of the Southeast.” Red ants are a particularly aggressive ant species that, like the killer bees, are rapidly spreading northward from the Southeastern United States, and have traveled as far west as Texas and as far north as North Carolina. “Experts predict that the ants may eventually reach as far west as California and as far north as Chesapeake Bay.”(7. Tschinkel 474). The spread of fire ants into new areas depends on many factors: the existing level of fire ant population, climate, competition, and natural predators . In areas where other ant populations are well established and an abundance of natural enemies exist, colony establishment is hindered because of the threat to the queen and the competition for resources. Man and his need for cleared land has created open sunny areas free of natural enemies and fewer competitors and inadvertently aided the spread of the fire ants(8. Lockley 35). Fire ant infestation is a very serious problem in the Southern United States ranging from Florida, West along the Gulf Coast region, to West Texas. Over 200,000,000 acres of land in the United States and Puerto Rico are infested with fire ants. They pose a major economic threat to the agricultural and ranching industries, lawns, gardens and recreational areas, as well as a threat to animal life and even human life. The total cost of controlling the ants, preventing the damage, and treating the medical problems in urban and rural areas is estimated to be $2.7 billion per year (9. Lockley 36). When native species are defeated by aggressive invaders, the cost is measured in lost species and disrupted communities. The result, predicted ecologist Gordon Orians at the 1994 Ecological Society of America Conference, will be the “Homogocene,” an era in which the world’s biota is homogenized through biological invasions (10. Lockley 37). Fire ants use their stingers to immobilize or kill prey and to defend ant mounds from disturbance by larger animals such as humans. Any disturbance sends hundreds of workers out to attack the potential nourishment or predator. The ant grabs its victim with its mandibles (mouth parts) and then inserts its stinger. The process of stinging releases a chemical which alerts other ants, inducing them to sting simultaneously. In addition, one ant can sting several times, even after its’ venom sack has been emptied, without letting go with its mandibles(11. Lockley 37). Once stung, human beings experience a sharp pain which lasts a couple of minutes. These ants are notorious for their painful, burning sting that results in a pustule and intense itching, which may persist for ten days. Initially the sting results in a localized intense burning sensation (hence the name “fire” ant).

通过在刺痛部位形成白色脓液,在14-18小时内遵循这一点。这些脓疱可以成为中学的网站在某些情况下,如果脓疱破坏或不保持清洁,则可以留下永久疤痕(12锁利38)。有些人对消防蚂蚁的过敏反应,从皮疹和肿胀到瘫痪,或过敏休克。在罕见的情况下,严重的过敏反应会导致死亡(14.锁定朗35)。然后刺痛开始瘙痒,出现一个贴头。与其他刺痛昆虫相比,火蚁毒液含有生物碱和相对少量的蛋白质。毒液中的生物碱杀死皮肤细胞;这吸引了白细胞,在稳定的几个小时内形成脓疱。脓疱中的液体是无菌的,但如果脓疱破裂,伤口可能会被感染。毒液中的蛋白质会导致可能需要医疗注意的恶心,呕吐,头晕,汗水,紫绀和哮喘的过敏反应。已知死亡会导致小孩落在消防蚂蚁土堆上,当成年人具有极端的过敏反应时。 Although fire ant stings are not as painful as those of harvester ants or as dangerous as those of bees and wasps, their greater numbers raise them to the status of pest. Although less than one percent of the population requires medical attention after a sting, so many people live in areas infested with fire ants and fire ants are so dense i n these areas that this translates to tens of thousands of people requiring medical attention for fire ant bites each year. Fire Ants construct nests which are often in the form of dome-shaped mounds of soil, sometimes as large as three feet across and one and one half feet in height. In sandy soils, mounds are flatter and less visible(15. Lockley 38).. Fire ants usually build mounds in sunny, open areas such as lawns, pastures, cultivated fields, and meadows, but they are not restricted to these areas. Mounds or nests may be located in rotting logs, dried cow manure, around trees and stumps, under pavement and buildings, and occasionally indoor. When the nest is disturbed, numerous fire ants will quickly disperse out of the mound and attack any intruder. The mound serves three primary purposes: it is a platform for nuptial flights, a place to raise the colony above the water table in soaked soil, and it collects the suns warmth during the cold months of winter(16. Melnick 14). Fire Ant colonies consist of eggs, brood, minim and major workers, and one or more reproductive queens. A colony is usually started by a single queen, however some beginning colonies can have up to five queens(17. Lockley 39).


成熟的蜂群通常有一个以上的蜂王。在春天和夏天,有翅膀的雄性和雌性离开土堆,在空中交配。交配后,雌性成为蚁后,可以飞到离母蚁群10英里的地方。然而,大多数蜂王在更短的距离下到地面。只有一小部分蚁后能在着陆后存活下来。大多数蚁后被觅食蚂蚁杀死,尤其是其他火蚁。如果蚁后活了下来,她就会脱下翅膀,在地下挖洞,产卵,开始一个新的殖民地。蚁后将卵产在蚁丘25到50毫米深的巢室里。20到30天后,第一批工人出现了。梅尔尼克14)。 These workers, called minims, are very small due to the limited amount of energy and resources the queen can devote to them. The minims explore the outside world and forage for food to feed the queen and the developing colony. Within thirty days the next wave of workers emerge and are up to ten times larger than the minims(19. Lockley 39). These workers are called majors and perform the tasks of expanding the mound and foraging for nourishment. The labor is divided by age, and to a lesser degree by size. Youngest and smallest workers are given the job of caring for the developing eggs and brood. Middle-aged workers are tasked with colony maintenance while the eldest and largest workers forage for food and defend the mound. A colony may contain as many as 240,000 workers after three years(20. Lockley 39). Fire ants are omnivorous, feeding on almost any plant or animal material; although insects seem to be their preferred food. The arrival of imported fire ants into an ecosystem can wreak havoc on the local ecological community. Studies have shown that a minimum two-fold reduction occurs among populations of field mice, snakes, turtles and other vertebrates when fire ants are allowed to establish colonies within a given area. In some instances, the depredation by fire ants has completely eliminated spiders, scorpions, mites, centipedes, ground nesting mammals and birds from an ecosystem(21. Lockley 41). Fire ants are not only a threat to other insects and small mammals,它们每年还造成价值数十亿美元的损失。在城市地区,蚂蚁被电流吸引,并对热泵、空调、电话接线盒、变压器、交通灯、汽油泵等造成相当大的破坏。Lockley 41)。在农业领域,火蚁已被确认破坏玉米、大豆、柑橘树、秋葵和多达54种其他栽培植物。蚂蚁还以节肢动物捕食者和其他有益昆虫为食,以在地面筑巢的脊椎动物和其他野生动物为食,破坏沥青道路,破坏农场设备和机械而闻名(23)。Lockley 41)。摘要火蚁群的消灭是一个非常困难的问题。扑灭火蚁的四种基本方法是:个体丘处理、撒播处理、生物防治和天敌效应。单蚁丘处理就是直接在蚁丘上喷洒杀虫剂,让工蚁携带毒药进入蚁群,喂给幼蚁和蚁后。喷洒处理不需要确定每个蚁丘的位置,但仍然依赖工蚁将杀虫剂带回蚁丘杀死蚁后和幼蚁。 Biological and natural enemies feed upon the ants themselves, like parasites, to terminate the colony.


预防是减少在室内消防蚂蚁感染威胁的关键,这意味着去除可能吸引这些昆虫的暴露的食物来源。如果消防蚂蚁进入建筑物,则应尽可能快地减少偶然蜇铅的可能性。标记为室内使用的杀虫剂特别是拟除虫菊酯,可用于家庭和公共建筑物,以驱动外面或远离关键区域的蚂蚁,例如厨房,娱乐室,患者房,手术室或重症监护室。Baits适用于侵入建筑物的许多蚂蚁。然而,诱饵应适量使用,以控制在室内的消防蚂蚁,因为它们可能会吸引额外的觅食蚂蚁,增加乘员将被蜇的机会。最终,只有通过定位和治疗丘陵或土堆(24.锁利42)消防蚂蚁,只能通过定位和治疗丘疹(24.锁利42)火蚂蚁,只能通过定位和治疗杀菌剂或土堆来实现的长期控制。自介绍六十年前的美国。即使在1997年社会上尚未找到生成或控制这些麻烦的昆虫的蔓延的有效方法。随着人类选择遗传地试验物种,并继续以更快,更有效的方式连接世界的偏远地区,搬家食品和货物。麻烦的害虫,细菌和病毒意外运输的发生也将增加。 The fire ant while costly and annoying won’t cause the absolute destruction of life as we know it. Fire ants are however a reminder that ecosystems are a delicately balanced environments with forces that keep the food chain functioning. The fire ant and the African killer bee do not have natural enemies in the Southern United States that reside in South Africa. As mankind destroys the rain forests of South America for cattle grazing, he has released things like the Hunta virus, and the Ebola virus in Africa. Both of these viruses could rapidly destroy populations. Mankind has made tremendous leaps in knowledge and technology during this century. If this use of that technology is not metered and controlled intelligently it may be the downfall of the mankind.

引用本文为:威廉安德森(Schoolworkhelper编辑组),“消防蚂蚁:物种和概述”学校努力, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/firepants-species-overview/


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