青蛙是一个包括蟾蜍的两栖动物种类的常见名称。一个非常常见的问题是“有什么区别青蛙和蟾蜍之间?“,答案:没有,除了蟾蜍缺乏青蛙的强大腿。“在哪里找到青蛙和蟾蜍?”,一个人可能会问。他们住在世界各地,除了南极洲,但主要在热带地区发现。青蛙是小动物,具有光滑的湿润皮肤,并且在几乎任何方向都可以看到的大眼睛。大多数物种都有蹼脚和强大的腿,使它们隆起,优秀的游泳运动员。青蛙舌头附着在嘴巴的前部而不是后方,大多数青蛙都是非常声乐,特别是男性青蛙。由于青蛙增长,它会经历许多变化。开始作为蝌蚪,而变成青蛙。大多数青蛙在水中产卵。其他人会把他们的鸡蛋放在安全的地方,然后将它们携带到孵化到蝌蚪的水中。 At this stage they have gills, no legs, and a tail. As they mature, their gills and tail disappear, and they develop lungs and legs. This period of tadpole life can be divided into three stages. The first stage, called “premetamorphosis,” lasts about 50 days (Patent 54).

后腿生长的第二阶段被称为“Prometmormormormormormorm,”并持续约21天。当腿部大约是身体时,第三阶段被称为“变质高潮”,并开始非常迅速地发生。在最后阶段,持续大约一周,发生了许多巨大的变化。他们肺部完成了他们的发展,鳃消失了。皮肤越厚,鼻孔形式,尾巴完全被吸收。大多数青蛙喜欢潮湿的地区,而且很多种生活在水中。因为青蛙通过皮肤吸收水中的氧气,所以它们可以长时间保持水下。青蛙体温取决于周围环境,在寒冷的天气期间,青蛙在泥浆中挖掘沟渠和冬眠。在冬眠期间,青蛙需要很少的氧气,而不是在其组织中的食物。在激烈的热量期间,一只青蛙可能扮演,或换句话说,在热量的热量状态下,在埋葬沙子和粘土之后,在热量之后。 Frogs are carnivores. They eat just about anything smaller than then that moves. A frog thinks like this: If it’s smaller than itself and moves, eat it. If it’s the same size, mate, or attempt to mate (this gets some frogs in lots of trouble). If it’s bigger than itself, run. Their diet may include insects, worms, spiders, or even centipedes. Aquatic frogs sometimes eat other frogs, tadpoles, and small fish. Large frogs can eat can eat stuff as big as mice and snakes. Sometimes a frog eats something too big to swallow all at once, and will leave it sticking out of its mouth ingesting it gradually or even choking and regurgitating it. So virtually, the size of a frog’s dinner is determined by the size of its mouth. If a frog eats something poisonous or bad for them, they can throw up their entire stomach and wipe it with their right front leg. Frogs help out humans in many ways. Toads are used worldwide as pest control in gardens and on farms. One toad alone can consume thousands of insects. Frogs have been used as food for centuries. Efforts have been made to harvest frogs, but most frogs eaten today are taken from their natural habitat. People in South America, the South Pacific, Philippine Islands, and parts of Africa savor frogs, and consider them a delicacy. The Chinese and French are lovers of frog’s legs. One of the reasons frogs legs are so expensive is the great demand for frogs in scientific and medical laboratories. Because their skeletal, muscular, digestive, nervous, and other systems are similar to those of higher animals, frogs are very important in these in these fields of research.


一个大型和近乎全球青蛙家庭是真正的青蛙,许多物种结合所众所周知(Encarta True Flogs)。牛蛙是北美最大的真正青蛙之一(巴克150)。它的重量高达1.2磅,总长度为15英寸。最常见的北美物种之一是豹纹青蛙(Barker 154),它很容易被众多黑色的识别,通常是背部和腿上的光边斑点。大多数真正的青蛙靠近池塘和溪流,但北美木头青蛙(Stebbins 135),一个小型的褐色物种,头上有面罩的黑色带,远离水远离水。绿色青蛙是北美的另一种常见物种,尽管他们的名字,一些绿色的青蛙是棕色的。欧洲的两个众所周知的真正青蛙是欧洲常见的欧洲青蛙,类似于木青蛙,以及可食用的青蛙,欧洲的热门食品。非洲巨人青蛙是所有青蛙中最大的青蛙,它长达26英寸并重达10磅的重量也是一个真正的青蛙。最小的青蛙可能是来自巴西的Psylophyne DidActyla,作为成年人约为9.8毫米。北美的青蛙和其他大陆的两栖和族也很重要,所有狂野的事情都很重要。 They are also a living resource that needs protection and greater understanding to appreciate its true worth.





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