
抒情的民谣由Samuel Taylor Coleridge和William Wordsworth被认为是标志着英语的开头-yronic-hero文学中的浪漫运动。抒情的民谣是由Wordsworth写的,它推翻了新古典主义(启蒙)惯例。

第一版抒情的民谣(1798)仅包含一个“广告”,其中WordSworth解释抒情的民谣作为中下社会阶层的语言的诗歌实验。“广告”是开发的前言,这是一个关于诗歌本质的诗意革命性。在其中,Woedsworth拒绝了新古典主义的原则:Decorum的类型和使用等级 - 一种特殊类型的特殊风格和语言。Wordsworth stood against „poetic diction“(the elevated language) and introduced the language „really used by men“(everyday language), and he considered that a poet should be ”the man speaking the men’’ (a poet for common people). He was against strict poetic form and talking about royalty and aristocracy. Instead, he chose to describe situations and incidents from common life, and include common people, or even outcasts, peasants, criminals, and children as characters. He considered that ”all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”, that is: it is spontaneous in the act of creation, free of boundaries of strict form, genre and language. Wordsworth considered that the role of literature should be to keep human beings emotionally alive and morally sensitive in the modern era of technological and increasingly urban society and mass media.


正如名称所说,交替英雄是基于浪漫诗人乔治·戈登勋爵耶朗勋爵的个性和他的半自传工作Childe Harold的朝圣。交替英雄拥有理想的浪漫特征 - 对法律,规则和社会的个人,独立性和无视。他是一个理想化,但有缺陷的性格。他是一种外星人,神秘和阴沉的精神,不可避免地注定。他在激情和力量方面的优越性,但往往具有折磨的记忆或巨大内疚的秘密。浪漫的英雄在他的隔离,狡猾和能够适应,愤世嫉俗,情感冲突,智能和感知,延迟,世界疲惫,磁性,魅力,诱人,性感,自我破坏性,精致和受过教育,受到悲伤的作为流亡,渗透或歹徒。反乐英雄的一些例子是byron的曼弗雷德,Polidori的主Ruthvenvampyre.,普希金的Eugene Oniegin.和Liermontov的Pechorin我们的英雄时间

引用本文:威廉安德森(学校努力编辑团队),“抒情的民谣和交替英雄”学校努力,2019年,//www.chadjarvis.com/lyrical -ballads-the-byronic-hero/


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