电导率是一种物质携带电力的能力。像铜,铝,银和金这样的物质非常好。它们被称为导体。其他人部分地进行电力,它们被称为半导体。电动传输的概念非常简单地理解。导通电流的导线由原子制成,其具有相同数量的质子和电子使原子电中性。如果这种平衡受到电子的增益或损失的影响,则原子将变电荷并且称为离子。电子占据能量状态。每个级别需要一定的能量。对于移动到更高水平的电子,它需要适量的能量。 Electrons can move between different levels and between different materials but to do that, they require the right amount of energy and an “empty” slot in the band they enter. The metallic conductors have a lot of these slots and this is where the free electrons will head when voltage (energy) is applied. A simpler way to look at this is to think of atoms aligned in a straight line (wire). if we add an electron to the first atom of the line, that atom would have an excess of electrons so it releases another electron which will go to the second atom and the process repeats again and again until an electron pops out from the end of the wire. We can then say that conduction of an electrical current is simply electrons moving from one empty slot to another in the atoms’ outer shells. The problem with these conductors is the fact that they do not let all the current get through. Whenever an electric current flows, it encounters some resistance, which changes the electrical energy into heat. This is what causes the wires to heat. The conductors become themselves like a resistance but an unwanted one. This explains why only 95% of the power generated by an AC generator reaches consumers. The rest is converted into useless heat along the way. The conducting wire is made of vibrating atoms called lattice. The higher the temperature, the more the lattice shakes making it harder for the electrons to travel through that wire. It becomes like a jungle full of obstacles. Some of the electrons will bump with the vibrating atoms and impurities and fly off in all directions and lose energy in form of heat. This is known as friction. This is where superconductivity comes into work. Inside a superconductor, the lattice and the impurities are still there, but their state is much different from that of an ordinary conductor.
1911年,荷兰物理学家海克·卡莫林·昂内斯发现了超导性。它是一种没有电的导电能力电阻和无损耗。当时,液氦需要在极低的温度下才能产生超导物质,大约4开尔文。这离绝对零度(理论温度,在此温度下,物质的原子和分子会失去所有疯狂的热依赖能量,所有的阻力都会停止)不远。开尔文认为,当温度接近绝对零度时,电子在导体中的运动将完全停止。但其他人并不那么肯定。开尔文是错误的。温度越低,晶格震动越小,使得电子更容易通过。有一种理论可以最好地解释超导导线中发生的情况:当导体冷却到超低温时,在其内部运动的电子将以某种方式结合起来,组成一个团队移动。这个概念的问题在于电子携带负电荷,同性电荷相互排斥。这种斥力会阻止电子形成它们的队伍。 The answer to that were phonons. It is believed that packets of sound waves (phonons) that are emitted by the vibrating lattice overcome the electrons natural repulsion making it possible for them to travel in team. It’s as if they were all holding hands together. If one of them falls in a hole or bumps into something, the preceding electron would pull him and the following one would push. There was no chance of getting lost. Since the lattice was cooled, there was less vibration making it easier for the paired electrons to go through.
问题 /解决方案
一直以来,科学家们成功地提高了过渡温度,这是一种材料超导所需要的温度。虽然超导体的温度已经远高于4k,但在工业中使用超导体仍然很困难,因为它远低于室温。另一个问题是,新的陶瓷导体太脆弱了。它们不能被弯曲、扭曲、拉伸和加工。这让它们变得毫无用处。科学家们正试图通过开发复合金属线来解决这个问题。这意味着超导材料将被一层铜覆盖。如果陶瓷失去了超导性,铜就会取而代之,直到超导体反弹回来。旧的超导体在柔韧性方面没有问题,但所需的极低温度仍然是个问题。陶瓷的一个优点是它们能产生极高的磁场。 The old superconductors use to fail under low magnetic fields but the new ones seem to do well even with extremely high magnetic field applied on them.
超导体(低电阻和强磁场)的特性似乎有很多用途。高效的发电机;超级强制磁铁;在闪存中处理数据的计算机;用于地球物理勘探和军事监测的超敏电子设备;经济储能单位;存储器设备,如厘米长的视频带,具有超级导电的记忆环;高清卫星电视;高精度的医疗诊断设备;船舶推进的较小电动机; magnetically levitated trains; more efficient particle accelerators; fusion reactors that would generate cheap, clean power; and even electromagnetic launch vehicles and magnetic tunnels that could accelerate spacecraft to escape velocity.
首先是磁悬浮列车,这是一个相当简单但非常聪明的概念。那列火车可以达到很高的速度,因为它与轨道没有摩擦。导轨有数千个用于悬浮的电磁铁,放置在地板上。在u形轨道的两侧设置了更多用于推进的电磁铁。火车上的超导磁体与轨道上的电磁铁具有相同的极性,所以它们相互推动,使火车漂浮在离地面约4英寸的地方。这个有趣的概念来自推进系统。操作者通过两侧的电磁铁发送交流电流,并通过改变脉冲频率来控制列车的速度。假设正的峰值到达轨道一侧的第一个电磁铁。磁铁将推动磁铁使火车向前移动。当负峰到达同一个磁体时,火车上的磁体会向前移动,所以它会被轨道上的同一个磁体推着,被轨道上后面的电磁铁拉着,现在轨道上有一个正电压。 So the first would be pushing and the second would be pulling. It takes some time to clearly understand what is going on but it becomes so obvious afterwards. It’s as if the train was “surfing” on waves of voltage.
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