阿巴·埃班1915年2月2日出生于南非开普敦,原名奥布里·所罗门·埃班。他早年移居英国,在那里上学。当他在英国的时候,第二次世界大战爆发了,他加入了英国军队。当他在军队里的时候,他设法晋升到少校,这是将军中较高的军衔之一。阿巴·埃班随后移居以色列,并在战后在那里工作。他曾是盟军驻巴勒斯坦犹太义卫军的军官。建国后,他成为了以色列在联合国的第一位代表。阿巴·埃班的讲话非常有力,赢得了他在联合国同事的尊敬。其中一个主要原因是他能流利地说10种语言。从1966年到1974年,埃班成为以色列外交部长。 In 1988 Abba Eban lost his seat in the Labor Party and retired from politics. Abba Eban was important to history because he helped kick start the state of Israel. He helped make Israel more recognizable in the world by being a major part of the United Nations. He also helped fight for Israel’s right for independence and he also helped save the UK from destruction. It is also important that he was a face of the world because of the fact that he was fluent in 10 languages. He also made Israel and history by being the Foreign Minister during the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War. He will always be known in history as an important leader in the Jewish world and a man who stood for all people.

引用这篇文章为:William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper编辑团队),“Abba Eban:传记和重要性,”SchoolWorkHelper,2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/abba-eban-biography-importance/




