美国退休人员协会(AARP)于1958年由埃塞尔·珀西博士(Dr. Ethel Percy)创立,一直致力于解决美国老年人的需求和利益。珀西认为,美国老年人可以通过保持身体和智力上的活跃,在社会上获得一种满足感和成就感,因此他产生了成立美国退休人员协会的想法。美国退休人员协会(AARP)是一个非营利性、无党派的会员制组织,对50岁以上的在职或退休人士开放。总部设在华盛顿特区的美国退休人员协会(AARP)通过服务、倡导和教育来实现其目标。美国退休人员协会的最终目标是帮助美国老年人获得独立、有尊严和有意义的生活。美国退休人员协会通过地方分会在全国范围内传播,主要由地方和国家层面的志愿董事会成员管理。3,300万美国退休人员协会(AARP)成员可以从该协会获得许多好处和支持。服务范围很广,从电影票到研究拨款,无所不有。美国退休人员协会还以音频和出版物的形式出版了许多出版物。其中最著名的出版物是双月刊《现代成熟》,面向所有对AARP杂志感兴趣的读者。 The issues and goals the AARP advocates span a great deal throughout the political, economic, and social arena. While diverse in its areas of interest, the AARP mainly concentrates on social issues. Being a nonpartisan organization, the AARP does not nationally endorse or contribute any money to the campaigns of any candidate running对于包括总统的国家职位。AARP中的政治基本上留给个人来决定他/她将支持谁。AARP所需的唯一参与是通过AARP /投票计划。

AARP/VOTE方案的目标是教育AARP成员和公众有关重要的经济、健康和消费者问题,以及公职候选人在这些问题上所采取的立场。他们还向候选人和当选官员通报AARP在关键政策问题上的立场,并通过促进与选民的有效沟通,帮助当选官员更积极地响应其选区或州的需求。AARP/VOTE之所以成功,是因为它采用了有效的方法,使候选人和选民更紧密地联系在一起。他们使用诸如候选人论坛(候选人访问当地分会)、候选人填写的问卷和选民登记驱动等技术。除了美国退休人员协会(AARP) /投票计划外,美国退休人员协会(AARP)还通过组织良好的活动系统来应对来自基层的政治压力。这个事件系统可以概括为四个基本步骤。第一个是获取成员输入。这一步骤涉及地方一级的成员就任何领域关注的立法问题提供意见。这些投入以数千封关切信件的形式提供,这些信件由美国退休人员协会(AARP)的全国立法委员会审查。如果一个问题得到了大多数议员的支持,就进入到立法委员会和董事会的决策阶段。 At this level, the National Council and Board of directors decide which issues to support and include these new issues into the AARP’s federal and state policy agenda for the year. The Council and Board interact with Congressional and government leaders. Leaders read over and respond to the AARP’s policy and debate over issues of concern. Once revisions are made to the policy agenda, a final draft is made and is distributed in many forms to anyone interested. The third step, Disseminating and Implementing Legislative Policy, includes lobbying in Washington D.C. and testifying regularly on Capitol Hill about the AARP’s federal and state policy for that year. While action is being taken in Washington, the AARP is also educating members on the new policy. The final step would be Ongoing Policy Analysis. At this level the AARP reviews and analyses federal response policies to see if they are consistent with AARP policy. Recommendations are logged into a working draft of the upcoming year’s policy book and the process of interacting with the federal government starts all over again. The AARP is concerned with economic issues such as the financing of Social Security and Medicare, trust funds, the federal deficit, and COLAs or Cost of Living Adjustments to health care services. The AARP believes only modest changes need to made to Social Security in order to keep it going into the 21st century. The rising cost of health services is a threat to Medicare and the AARP feels the solution is to get the nation’s entire health care system under control. Another reason why the AARP is so optimistic about Social Security is because of trust funds. The trust funds are estimated to have $460 billion in assets in 1995. Even if nothing is done to strengthen Social Security, there is enough money to pay benefits for 35 years. Modest changes will be needed to extend the trust funds well beyond that time. With regards to the federal deficit, the AARP is for the reduction of the deficit and is willing to pay their share as long as it doesn’t single out and overburden older Americans for an unfair share of the cost.

Alvin Ailey舞蹈剧场:历史与工作

也许美国退休人员协会采取的最极端的立场是为医疗改革提供资金。他们可能的解决方案包括工资税、增加所得税、增值税或增值税,以及对烟酒征收消费税。最后,美国退休人员协会认为,消费者物价指数(CPI)或消费者物价指数(CPI- e)在与消费物价指数(CES)或消费者支出调查(Consumer Expenditure Survey)计算通货膨胀率时,应该考虑老年人消费物价指数(CPI- e)。CPI-E的前提是,老年人的购买模式与其他人群显著不同,尤其是65岁及以上的人群。例如,老年人将收入的很大一部分用于医疗保健,而医疗保健的价格远远超过了总体通货膨胀。因此,CPI-E可以反映较高的通货膨胀率;在可乐计算中使用它可以保护老年人免受不断上涨的医疗费用的影响。最后,主导美国退休人员协会的社会问题包括老年人的交通、反对年龄歧视、支持非专利药物、一般医疗保健和家庭护理改革、反对强制退休、老年人和驾驶问题。首先,美国退休人员协会主张联邦、州和地方政府应该考虑所有公民的出行需求综合交通规划。应考虑由身体残疾公民,运输券和其他创新过境服务等购物等选项。此外,私营部门和社区资源应支持当地政府运输努力。例如,一些AARP章节和退休教师协会(RTA)单位已经在地方一级赞助了特殊的运输系统。其他公民组织和企业可以做到这一点。这些举措在交付当地运输服务时越来越重要。第三,创新的交通工具,如过境服务路线和安全的步行道,靠近住房和服务,必须包括在所有社区发展规划中。AARP正在通过教育,立法和诉讼来争取年龄歧视。通过教育,AARP使工人更加了解其根据法律的权利,帮助消除对老年工人的负面刻板印象,帮助雇主认识到老年工人的价值和经验。通过立法,AARP正在敦促国会删除法律的任何例外,使其在年龄的基础上歧视就业。 Litigation comes in the form numerous “friend-of-the-court” briefs in significant cases involving the interpretation of the ADEA. The AARP is pro generic drugs mainly because Medicare does not cover outpatient prescription drugs, which are the second largest out-of-pocket health expense for older persons, after long-term care. They don’t feel consumers should pay more money for the same product. On the issue of long term health care, the AARP feels there is a need for strong reform. For more than three decades, AARP has taken a leadership role on health and long- term care issues, and considers health care reform a national priority. AARP stands firmly for a system that provides high- quality, affordable health and long-term care for all Americans. Currently America’s health care costs are skyrocketing out of control. More than 37 million Americans have no health insurance ,one-fourth of them are children, and another 20 million are underinsured. Two of the greatest health care needs for older Americans, long-term care and prescription drugs, can be a tremendous expense, and, unfortunately, many persons lack any insurance coverage for these costs.


关于全国医疗保健的辩论,尽管民主党提出了许多不同的计划;加强政府控制,削减政府在医疗保健方面的开支,以及共和党人;将医疗保健私有化并削减医疗保健开支,这是美国退休人员协会感兴趣的一个问题,它不会危害美国的医疗保健质量。任何这样的威胁都会引发美国退休人员协会的行动。美国退休人员协会全国保健运动的另一个主要目标是发展一系列长期保健服务,使个人能够在尽可能少的限制条件下获得他们需要的帮助。这就是所谓的家庭护理。留在家中有助于许多老年人保持与社区和家庭的社会联系和参与,并有助于保持他们的独立感和安全感。它还可以帮助减轻在长期疾病或残疾期间过多的医院或疗养院账单所造成的压力。美国退休人员协会也反对强制要求提前退休的法律。他们认为只要个人愿意和能够工作,他们就应该能够工作。让老年人工作更长时间也会使社会保障和私人养老金受益,因为有更多的人在工作,从而增加缴纳的金额,并推迟支付。 Finally, the AARP stands firmly against age-related driver testing. They say it is discriminatory and isn’t the solution to the elderly’s driving problems. The solution the AARP proposes is education. They would like to educate the elderly more about driving as well as having tougher tests when renewing driver’s licenses. Another suggestion is to have more conspicuous and highly visible road signs. These ideas all together, says the AARP, would make roadways safer for all drivers. Thus, through this small sample of their large interest for social issues, one can get a better idea how the AARP stands. Being a member of the AARP has it’s many personal benefits as well as having the satisfaction that as an older person, one is still involved in society at the political, economic, and social levels.

引用这篇文章为:William Anderson(学校工作助手编辑团队),“美国退休人员协会(AARP):历史和总结”SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/american-association-of-retired-persons-aarp-history-summary/


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