安妮·沙利文·梅西于1866年4月4日出生在马萨诸塞州的喂哺山。她的父母是贫穷的爱尔兰移民。安妮了她的眼睛一辈子都有问题。安妮八岁时母亲去世,两年后父亲离开了她。安妮的妹妹和亲戚们住在了一起,安妮和她的弟弟吉米被送到了州医务室,也就是图克斯伯里的救济院。他们被送去那里是因为安妮双目失明,无法发挥作用,而吉米因臀部结核而跛脚。几个月后吉米去世了,安妮在那里住了四年。1880年10月,14岁的安妮去了帕金斯学院学习盲文。当她在那里的时候,她做了眼部手术,这让她在有限的时间内正常阅读。她在帕金斯大学待了六年,并以优异的成绩毕业。1887年3月3日,安妮·沙利文·梅西来到阿拉巴马州的图斯康比亚,成为海伦·凯勒的老师。她开始在海伦的手上拼写单词,大约一个月后,海伦“接触到了现实”。 When Helen was older she went to Radcliffe College. Anne “read” her all the texts that were not available in Braille. This eventually caused Anne to completely lose her sight.

海伦从雷德克里夫学院毕业一年后,安妮嫁给了约翰·梅西,但他们的婚姻很快就破裂了,因为安妮太爱海伦了。安妮的视力开始恶化,她再也不能确定自己在陌生的地方要去哪里。她身体不好,他们也没有很多钱。1913年初,他们开始巡回演讲。没过多久,安妮病得很重,他们意识到自己无法独自完成任务。海伦决定接受她之前拒绝过的安德鲁·卡内基的养老金。安妮康复后,他们又上路了,但这次海伦的母亲和他们在一起。这次参观结束后,他们遇到了后来成为他们秘书的波莉·汤姆森小姐。他们继续讲课,直到1916年,海伦对欧洲的战争如此着迷,她唯一能谈论的就是和平。不久之后,安妮得了重病,咳嗽被误诊为肺结核。 She was rushed off to Lake Placid and then went to Puerto Rico where she got the rest that she needed. When she came back, they were offered a large sum of money to make a factual movie about Helen’s life. They went to Hollywood and made the movie, but it was very embellished and it failed in the box office. At this time they were very poor, so they tried vaudeville. In 20 minutes they demonstrated how Anne had taught Helen. That was the first time in Helen’s life that she had supported herself, and not only was she supporting herself, she was also supporting Anne and Polly. They did vaudeville for four years. Then in 1923, when Helen Joined the American Foundation for the Blind, she began what she called her life work, “Helping others who were traveling beside her in the dark silence”(19-20). Near the end of Anne’s life her vision was totally gone. Anne Sullivan Macy died on October 20, 1936, having fulfilled her mission to make Helen free. Anne Sullivan Macy wasn’t the first person to work with a person who was blind and deaf, but she was the first person to teach a blind and deaf person to function in a hearing and seeing world. Her work allowed people to realize that it is possible for someone with these handicaps to actually be taught.

引用这篇文章如下:威廉·安德森(学校工作助手编辑团队),“安妮·沙利文·梅西:传记和海伦·凯勒,”在SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/anne-sullivan-macy-biography-helen-keller/




