公元前第一个剧作家亚里士多德开始写一系列被称为悲剧的戏剧。他们是这样的:这出戏围绕一个伟大的人,如国王或战争英雄,谁有悲剧性的缺点。这个缺点最终将成为他的堕落,他将从他的荣耀中坠落。显然,这是他的傲慢;俄狄浦斯,他的骄傲和好奇心。在整部戏中,男主角有很多机会去克服他的错误。另一方面,因为他的天性是肉瘤,所以要受到严厉的惩罚。尽管这些类型的戏剧今天仍在创作,但大多数作家都改变了写悲剧的方式。作者米勒就是一个例子。他试图说明普通人的不幸; he shows this in “Death to a Salesman.” According to Arthur Miller, “the tragic feeling is evoked in us when we are in the presence of a character who ready to put his life aside, if necessary, to secure one thing – his sense of personal dignity.” (Tragedy and the Common Man p.1) He is saying in this quotation is that even that the common man can even be tragic because occasionally the one thing that she prizes the most, his sense of self-dignity, can be so jaded that he will sacrifice his own life to secure this dignity.

在《推销员之死》(Death to a Salesman)一书中,阿瑟·米勒(Arthur Miller)成功地证明,你不必成为大人物或国王来证明这一点。的悲剧的经典模型是,高位者具有优越的品质,比如领导能力,比如国王。然而,英雄总是有一个缺点,这可能是这些品质中的一个过剩,如傲慢。这个英雄在尝试完成任务等目标时最终会受到惩罚,通常是死亡。有人可能会说,不仅亚里士多德对悲剧的定义是正确的,而且悲剧可以有很多种。从一个普通人的悲剧到一个家庭或群体的悲剧。与亚里士多德的观点相反,人们可以争辩说,任何类型的人都可以表现出悲剧的品质,不管他来自什么样的社会环境。主人公可能是一个智力超群、受过良好教育、潜力巨大但缺乏动力的人,也可能是一个住在大街上拒绝进入戒毒所的瘾君子。这样的人的命运也许不像死亡那样可怕;然而可能是经济上的失败或社会上的排斥。在《推销员之死》这出戏中,一个悲剧人物的平庸之道中包含了一些元素。 Willy Loman is in the low social position but it seems to act like he is king of the world. Family believes that he is the heron in the world and they would be nothing without him. But he is only an agitated sales man. “In the greatest country of the world a young man with such attractiveness, gets lost.” (Page 16 Death to a Salesman) He also shows qualities of a tragic hero. Arthur Miller a tragic man would rather die than to face losing his dignity. “I think the tragic feeling is evoked in us when we are in the presence of a character who is ready to lay down his life.” (Para. 4, Arthur Miller) Willy was ready to throw his life away to be a well-liked man and successful being. His weakness was he was not able to be as successful as he wanted to so he faked it. He made him self-out to be top dog but in the end his fate was that he was a nobody or an average Joe. He pictures as he prepares for suicide that lots of salesman are coming to his funeral but it’s false. Willy might maybe a common man who is nothing more than a visionary and a liar, but he is still pictured a tragic hero. He even thought manual labor manual labor wasn’t civilized enough for people yet he was proud of the ceiling he put in the dining room, which was manual labor. He shows there that he is a hypocrite.



引用这篇文章如下:威廉·安德森(学校工作助手编辑团队),《阿瑟·米勒的推销员之死:总结与分析》,在SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/arthur-millers-death-of-a-salesman-summary-analysis/





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