将于1905年2月2日,将成为Ayn Rand的女性出生于Alice Rosenbaum。(Branden,Barbara PG.3 1986)。她出生于俄罗斯尼古拉斯二世统治的第十一年。(Baker PG.1 1987)。兰德的出生就在俄罗斯革命之前,然而,这场革命是由她的第一年被贬低。(Branden,Barbara PG.3 1986)。罗森鲍姆在Czar下舒适地生活。(Baker PG.1 1987)。

在他们的大型公寓之下是Fronz Rosenbaum的化学家店。(Branden,Barbara Pg。4 1986年)。兰德的父亲是一个严肃的人她从来不错。(Branden,Barbara PG.4 1986)。Ayn的母亲Anna Rosenbaum是她父亲的对面,很善于善。(Branden,Barbara PG。4-5 1986年)。作为一个孩子,兰德没有对她父亲真正的感情意义。(Branden,Barbara PG.5 1986)。然而,在她年纪大年龄的增加时,她确实培养了对他的强烈情感。(Branden,Barbara PG。4 1986)。AYN与她的母亲不相处得很好。(Branden,Barbara PG.5 1986)。虽然罗森鲍姆家庭传统上是犹太人,但据说兰德真的没有宗教成长。 (Baker pg.2 1987). As a result, she became atheist as a child after coming to the conclusion that believing in God is degrading to humans in the sense that man should live for no one else but himself. (Baker pg.3 1987). Rand discovered a passion for upbeat, lively music which she began collecting on records. (Branden, Barbara pg.8 1986). By the time she was five years of age, she had two little sisters, Natasha and Elena. (Branden, Barbara pg.7 1986). As a whole, Ayn’s childhood was not a pleasant experience for her; in later years it proved to be an unhappy memory as well. (Branden, Barbara pg.34 1986). Ayn Rand received a good education and learned to read and write at age six. (Baker pg.2 1987).

她发现她的课程无聊,太容易了。(Baker PG.2 1987)。这让她开始写简单的短篇小说和小说。(Baker PG.2 1987)。兰特无法在学校和她的厌倦与她接受的教育中的无聊,她接受了一些例外,以外地成为一个例外:她对文学的热情。(Branden,Barbara PG.11 1986)。文学似乎比任何其他事情都吸收Ayn;它提起了她,并让她很高兴阅读并很快,写作。(Branden,Barbara PG.11 1986)。“她会坐在学校,在一本书后面,疯狂地涂抹在她最新的冒险中,只想独处,写作,为她的人物设计危险的漏洞。” (Branden, Barbara pg.11 1986). Rand’s decision to become a writer became certain at age nine. (Baker pg.2 1987). The decision was made while walking down a London street that she would devote her life to writing. (Branden, Barbara pg.14 1986). When the great war in Russia began, Ayn started writing stories with “the intensity that the times demanded”. (Baker pg.2 1987). Rand enrolled herself in a university at Petrograd, previously known as St. Petersburg and her place of birth, at age sixteen. (Baker pg.3 1987). Although she did not write any creative, fictional works during her years at the university, an outline for a play was later used as inspiration for her novel, Anthem. (Baker pg.3 1987). Rand read many literary works while she was at the university and gained a lot of knowledge from them. (Baker pg.3 1987).

Ayn Rand于1924年毕业了大学。(Baker PG.4 1987)。1926年,Ayn Rand庆祝她的二十一岁生日。(贝克PG.4 1987)。然而,她并没有觉得这是她的二十一岁生日,这是她的生命的开始。(Branden,Barbara PG.62 1986)。兰特在2月晚上抵达纽约,七点钟下午钟。(Branden,Barbara PG.63 1986)。她的口袋里只有五十美元,她的手臂上的打字机,故事在她的脑海中讨厌和“生活感。”(Branden,Barbara PG.63 1986)。来自纽约,兰德继续前往芝加哥,在那里留下一些亲戚。 (Baker pg.5 1987). Ayn disliked Chicago very much and went straight to work on writing scenarios and film ideas. (Branden, Barbara pg.69 1986). Over this summer in Chicago, Rand worked to improve her English, wrote manuscripts and her film ideas. (Baker pg.5 1987). She was ecstatic to finally be free and to be able to achieve all the things she had always wanted. (Branden, Barbara pg.71 1986). At the end of the summer in Chicago, Rand set out for Hollywood with only her manuscripts and a recommendation from DeMille’s Chicago Distributors to the Cecil B. DeMille Studio in Hollywood. (Baker pg.5 1987). Ayn’s relatives sent her off with a train ticket and one-hundred dollars. (Branden, Barbara pg.73 1986). She was ready to go out on her own and truly begin her life. (Branden, Barbara pg.73 1986). Alice Rosenbaum re-named herself Ayn after a Finnish writer she adored. (Baker pg.4 1987). It appealed to her because Ayn rhymed with mine and promised she would be recognized and admired. (Baker pg.4 1987). Rand came from her “Remington-Rand” typewriter. (Baker pg.4 1987).


AYN决定这个名字听起来比Alice Rosenbaum更多的美国人。(贝克PG.4 1987)。此外,它意味着俄罗斯系统的新生活和救济。(贝克PG.4 1987)。最后,Ayn并不想让她的反共产主义的感情在共产主义俄罗斯危害她的亲戚的生活。(Branden,Barbara PG.72 1986)。Ayn Rand搬到了新的Studio Club的一个房间,这是一个“......年轻有志者的避难所来征服好莱坞......”并居住了许多女演员,舞者,工作室职员等。(Branden,Barbara PG.73 1986)。在她的第一天看,Ayn发现了在Demille Studio工作的工作。(贝克PG.5 1987)。 Rand was hired as an extra at the studio for seven dollars and fifty cents a day which seemed to be a fortune to her. (Branden, Barbara pg. 77 1986). She worked for DeMille for nine years until his studio closed and remained in Hollywood for nine more years. (Baker pg.5 1987). Ayn Rand met what was to become her future husband after her second week in Hollywood; his name was Frank O’ Connor. (Branden, Barbara pg.79 1986). Rand says her feelings for O’ Connor were love at first sight. (Branden, Barbara pg.80 1986). They were great companions and were married in 1929. (Baker pg.6 1987). Because she was now married to an American citizen, Ayn applied for citizenship and was naturalized in 1931. (Baker pg.7 1987). The two remained married for fifty years until O’ Connor’s death in 1979. (Baker pg.6-7 1987).

兰特开始在R.K.O的衣柜部门工作。工作室在1929年夏天。(Baker PG.7 1987)。她开始写作我们生活在1936年出版。(Baker PG.7 1987)。“随着腰带的好莱坞成功,兰德对百老汇感到有信心......”(Baker PG.9 1987)。她的比赛,1月16日的夜晚是一个巨大的成功,跑了七个月。(贝克PG.9 1987)。Ayn花了六年,写下了她的下一步新颖的源泉。(贝克PG.11 1987)。1935年末,兰德终于能够奉献所有的时间来写入源头。(Branden,Barbara PG.36 1986)。最后,最后,1942年12月,兰德完成了Fountainhead,(Branden,Barbara PG.174 1986年),这本书于1943年出版。(Baker PG.13 1987年)。阿特拉斯耸了耸肩就是Ayn Rand的下一部小说。 (Baker pg.17 1987). She was aware that it would take awhile to be accepted but that eventually, Atlas Shrugged would have an influence. (Branden, Barbara pg.294 1986). Atlas Shrugged is a philosophical novel which began with the question: “What if all the creative minds of the world went on strike?” (Branden, Nathaniel pg.79-80 1989). When it came time to find a publisher for Atlas Shrugged, Rand wanted to make sure that, because of the controversy her book would inevitably cause, the publisher would stand by her. (Branden, Barbara pg.294 1986). Finally, the book was published by Random House Publishers on October 10, 1957. (Baker pg.17 1987). “Rand supporters and critics alike agree that this is the essence of her philosophy of life, politics and economics.” (Baker pg.17 1987).

虽然阿特拉斯耸耸肩是对大多数情况的负面审查,但它非常好,销售良好,销量在第一年销售额为125,000。(Baker PG.17 1987)。“无论是[阿特拉斯耸了耸肩]作为一个经典的美国小说的地方,或者只是判断巨大的思想风爆发取决于后代的味道。”(Baker PG.64 1987)。Ayn Rand称为阿特拉斯耸耸肩,因为她最好的小说,是最大的1,168页,并花了9年才能完成。(贝克PG.58 1987)。阿特拉斯耸耸肩已成为“客观主义运动的圣文”。(贝克PG.63 1987)。从地图集耸了耸肩,Ayn Rand能够展示她哲学,客观主义的本质。(Ayn Rand列)。这本书成了她最后的小说小说,因为到了1958年,她已成为哲学家。 (Baker pg.17 1987). In 1961, Ayn published her first non-fiction philosophic novel, For The New Intellectual. (Baker pg.19 1987). In 1962, Ayn Rand began the Objectivist Newsletter, in which she was able to further her influence of Objectivism. (Baker pg.20 1987). The four basics of Objectivism are: Objective Reality, Reason, Self-interest, and Capitalism. (Ayn Rand Column).

客观主义是针对利他主义的“......抱着那个男人没有权利以自己的缘故存在,对他人的服务是他存在的唯一道德理由......”(Ayn Rand专栏)。在1968年客观主义运动的高度期间,兰德已经聚集了一个非常忠诚的追随者和她哲学的信徒。(贝克PG.22 1987)。这些追随者所生活的座右铭是:“我发誓我的生命和我的爱 - 我永远不会为另一个男人而生活,也不会要求另一个人为我的生活而活。”(贝克PG.22 1987)。在1970-1971年之间​​,Ayn Rand在她的哲学上发表了四本书:自私,资本主义的美德:未知的理想,浪漫的宣言:文学哲学和新左派:反工业革命。(Baker PG.22 1987和Branden,Barbara PGS。324-325 1986)。兰德表示政府给予的教育争议。(Ayn Rand列)。据说教育是政府和政府计划在新的教育方案下花费数百万税收的计划。 (Ayn Rand Column). On the contrary, many families who pay taxes cannot afford to send their children to college, and they are not allowed to take away educational costs from their taxes. (Ayn Rand Column). Rand believed that the American school system is like the situation brought up in Victor Hugo’s, The Man Who Laughs. (Baker pg.90 1987). “It is a story about a society that kept children in oddly shaped pots until they were so monstrously stunted and deformed that they could be used to entertain dignitaries.” (Baker pg.90 1987). Rand felt this action is similar to that of nursery schools, where children are taught to play fairly, and not to use imaginary or conceptual skills. (Baker pg.90 1987).

Nat Turner:叛乱和传记

此外,它仍在高校甚至高校。(贝克PG.90 1987)。学生们在这些水平教授“人类思维是无法了解某些事情。“(贝克PG.90 1987)。“...... .Young美国人如此智力肢解,它们无法识别......”(Baker PG.90 1987)。折磨者是“......驯鹿教授培养教师抑制儿童的个性,他们通过自己的生活证明了知识超出了人类思想的掌握。”(贝克PG.90 1987)。Ayn Rand于1982年3月6日在七十八岁时死亡。(Baker PG.28 1987和Branden,Nathaniel PG.1 1989)。在她死亡之前,她的健康状况迅速恶化;她已经开发了心动肺问题。(Branden,Nathaniel PG.1 1989)。 Ayn was buried next to her husband, Frank O’ Connor, at the Kensico Cemetery in Valhalla, New York. (Baker pg.28 1987). “Ayn had begun life with a single passionate goal–to create her ideal world and her ideal man. And at the end of her life–despite the odds against her, despite the pain and the losses, despite the illness and anguish and death–it was done.” (Branden, Barbara pg.404 1986). “It’s a benevolent universe, and I love it, and any struggle was worth it. Struggle or unhappiness are so enormously unimportant. I don’t regret a minute of my life.” (Branden, Barbara pg.404 1986 [said by Ayn Rand]).


Branden,Barbara Annand 1986 Bantam Doubleday Dell Publist Group Inc.纽约,N.Y.Nathaniel,Branden判决日:我的岁月与Ayn Rand 1989 Houghton Mifflin公司波士顿Massachusetts James T. Baker Ayn Rand 1987 G.K.Hall And Co. Boston,Massachusetts Ayn Rand专栏:为洛杉矶时代编写的每周报纸文章。与Ayn Rand 1971,1976,1977,1978,1991,1991,1991年,1991年的第二个文艺复兴时期书籍海边,加利福尼亚州

引用本文:威廉安德森(Schoolworkhelper编辑组),“Ayn Rand:小说家和客观主义”学校努力,2019年,//www.chadjarvis.com/ayn-rand-novelist-objectivism//


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