

Kerouac在Lowell Massachusetts跳过洛厄尔高中的课程,由一位学生Sammy Sampas接触到托马斯沃尔夫的工作。他们鼓励彼此写作,Kerouac开始认真地写作。由于Kerouacs无法承担大学,那么当地牧师建议他试图获得足球奖学金(Clark,32)。他被提供了两个;其中一个来自哥伦比亚大学,另一个来自波士顿学院。Kerouac选择了哥伦比亚,并通过大学的要求,在一年中,在大学的要求下,在Horace Mann School为男孩们。在这里,他并不符合丰富的准备人群,但他暴露在扫空道(克拉克,37岁)。此外,在学校出版中,他的作品首次印刷(Clark,39)。经过两年的学校,哥伦比亚Kerouac做出了一个改变他的生命的决定。他总是相信他在课堂外的学会比在课堂外; and so after a series of arguments with his coach, he quit the team. Not long after he dropped out of school as well. He served briefly in the navy, and drinking heavily, was discharged on psychiatric grounds(Clark, 52). Upon his return home he got a job with as a Merchant Marine. When he wasn’t working he spent his time with Allen Ginsberg, Lucien Carr, William S. Burroughs, and Neal Cassady (Jack Kerouac, 1). His family’s disapproval of his friends led him to a life balancing his friends and family. This is recorded in The Town and the City, a novel which Ginsberg’s professors got published. Not long after Kerouac began making the now famous series of cross-country trips with Cassady immortalized in On the Road (On the Road). But it would be seven years before On the Road would be published (Jack Kerouac, 2). During these trips Kerouac made several literary discoveries that changed the American Novel. First and foremost he developed a “sketching” style of writing, inspired by an artist friend named Ed White and the speed of bop music. Here the main goal was to write on the spot.

这成为他所谓的“发现我灵魂的伟大时刻”(克拉克,102)。后来,这种“草图”发展成与任何其他人不同的写作。他会在现场或记忆中写入,但总是在许多级别;想象力与现实,心理和社会,诗歌和叙事,但总是完全诚实。kerouac这是“写作的唯一方式。”在科迪的愿景中,这种风格是明显的,Kerouac对Cassady致敬(Clark,110)。1952年,Kerouac在墨西哥城留在墨西哥城市的纽带。在这里,他撰写了萨克斯博士,即使在哥打贝格告诉Kerouac,也被认为是令人震惊的,因为它永远不会出版,因为它是“所以个人,充满性别语言”(Clark,115)。后来Kerouac说,Ginsberg是在欺骗他的职业生涯,并没有利用在平装中席卷该国的性和药物革命(Clark,117)。Ginsberg错了。 Dr. Sax was published, but not until 1959 (Clark, xvii). That fall he took a job with the Southern Pacific rail road. On the trains he developed another adaptation to his writing style. He called this “speed writing” which was supposed to “clack along all the way like a steam engine pulling a 100-car freight with a talky caboose at the end.” He also became well practiced in describing the American landscape, to the point where it almost becomes more of a character than a setting (Clark,118). The job on the rail road, and his writing led him to an isolation that brought a beauty to his writing similar to Dickinson. This is very evident when comparing On the Road with later works such as The Dharma Bums and Big Sur. But, Ginsberg believed the isolation was making him too focused on “self as subject matter” but, this is what had earlier drawn Ginsberg to Kerouac’s writing (Clark,119).

Thomas Jefferson:传记和主席

1953年,Viking Press仍在考虑出版Kerouac,Malcolm Cowley拒绝了他的三本书,但仍然认为他是今天没有发表的最有趣的作家。“仍然在道路上仍然不可用到美国公众(Clark,123)。与此同时,Kerouac通过将其与新的“自发散文”相结合,完善了他的“自发写作”风格。除了他已经习惯的大麻和酒精之外,他还是进入纽约地下Kerouac开始使用海洛因,瓢和巴比妥酸盐。这一经验记录在Kerouac在坐在坐在其中15磅的72小时内写的那样。这是杰克所描述的“真的是一个梦幻般的运动壮举和精神”(Clark,127)。手稿留下了深刻的印象深刻的破产和吉因斯伯格,让Kerouac向他们提供了他的新风格的详细陈述。Kerouac答复了一个标题为自发散文的必需品的名单。这仍然是Kerouac风格的最佳解释;写作“没有半恍惚意识......兴奋地,迅速......从内部,被放宽,”(克拉克,128)。 In 1954 Kerouac had possibly the most important interview of his life. John Holmes of The New York Times quoted Jack’s referral to his group of writer and artist friends as “the beat generation.” This became the title of the article in which Holmes stated “it was Jack Kerouac who invented the phrase, and his unpublished narrative On the Road is the best record of their lives,” (Clark, 133). A new chapter in Kerouac’s life began when he found religion in Buddhism. Kerouac moved again to Mexico City. Here he wrote some of his longest poems. These were combined into the 242 choruses of Mexico City Blues. This is described as “an extended sequence of free-association, spontaneous poems. He also began work on Tristessa which was not completed until the following year (Clark, 139). From Mexico City Kerouac moved to Berkley and became good friends with Gary Snyder, a Zen poet, (Jack Kerouac, 2).

Kerouac在这段时间里花了很多时间,在这段时间里,斯奈德队的长期徒步旅行,谁是卡拉迪的完全相反。斯奈德的影响对于Kerouac的灵性以及他的写作(Palmer)有益。这次被记录在Dharma Bums(Dharma Bums)中的美丽描述中。1955年也是现在着名的六画廊诗歌阅读的时代。现在被认为是“旧金山诗歌文艺复兴的诞生”的夜晚。这里有许多“击败一代”作家和艺术家首先获得了名声。他们遗憾地看到,他们被认为是最有才华的人如此不快乐的人,随身携带他一生的工作在一个破烂的帆布背包(杰克·凯鲁亚克,2)。最后,1957年在路上发表,它成为一个畅销书。有一次评论家提到出版物作为“历史悠久的场合,即到目前为止的真实艺术品的曝光是一个很棒的时刻。”Kerouac正在迅速获得名气,但经过六年的文学拒绝,他不知道如何处理它。 He was older, sadder, and smarter than the public had expected. He tried to live up to his wild On the Road image, which only lead him down the dark spiral of alcoholism (Jack Kerouac, 2). The publication of On the Road coincided with Ginsberg’s推出“统一战线”,是加入东部和西海岸艺术家的媒体运动。Ginsberg悄然溜到欧洲,允许Kerouac承担流行媒体的全部力量。媒体将他描绘成倡导违法和不道德的活动,但大部分时间都太醉了,智能地处理批评和对抗。他觉得“由警察拖入的孩子”(克拉克,164)。

Edvard Munch:传记和艺术家

他的名望开始成长,但这阻碍了他的写作。他参与了尊敬的文学评论家肯尼斯雷克斯的妻子。最初的Rexroth将Kerouac视为“Celine的同行”(Clark,147)。毋庸置疑,因为Kerouac的名望传播Rexroth对他的看法继续下降,直到Kerouac被认为是“比荒谬更可怜”的观点。最终,Kerouac陷入了大多数评论家(Jack Kerouac,2)。批评者以及Kerouac认为“击败一代”只是一个时尚,但Kerouac认为他的写作是在FAD之上(Jack Kerouac,2)。但随着地下批评者的时候,批评者说“阅读Kerouac的最佳方式是用氧气面具。”但是,1961年,他回到洛厄尔几乎没有写过任何东西。该镇的女士们组织了一场运动,让Kerouac的书籍从商店和图书馆中删除。厌倦了,他和他的母亲一起去了佛罗里达。 His last major writing effort began and in 10 days he finished Big Sur, the story of the alcohol delirium, paranoia, and madness he had suffered on a 1960 trip to California. It was written mainly as an apology and an explanation to everyone he had wronged during that time (Big Sur). By 1964 many of Cassady and Ginsberg were associating themselves more and more with the hippies of Ken Kesey, the Merry Pranksters, and The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test fame (The Electric…). Kerouac, though, was a conservative at heart and avoided the psychedelic drug movement (Clark, 193). This eventually to Kerouac being despised by even those whose careers he began, and lives he had changed. In one meeting one of the Merry Pranksters had covered a couch with a flag. Ginsberg watched Kerouac slowly fold it up and “marveled sadly… history was… out of Jack’s hands now,” (Clark, 201). Neal Cassady died of a drug overdose in Mexico in 1968. Not long after, Jack Kerouac died of an abdominal hemorrhage and cirrhosis of the liver, he had literally drunk himself to death. He was only 47. He died a lonely death. A sad ending to the sad writer who gave so much of himself in his belief that “writing was his duty on earth.”


克拉克,汤姆。杰克kerouac:传记。Paragon House。“杰克kerouac。”11月3日 Kerouac,Jack。大苏尔。纽约:Viking Press,1959年。 - 佛法博姆斯。纽约:Viking Press,1958年。 - 在路上。纽约:Viking Press,1957.沃尔夫,汤姆。 The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. New York: Bantam Books, 1968.



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