哈伊姆·波托克(Chaim Potok)的《被选中的人》(The Chosen)讲述了两个有着截然不同的犹太宗教背景的男孩之间的友谊。他们的由于其不同的背景,彼此的初始不信任和仇恨让r,并发展成为一个深厚的友谊。Danny Saunders在契约环境中被培养。他的父亲是他的犹太教堂和教派的拉比,并尊重为一个伟大的tzaddik和一个塔拉姆兄弟的学者。他在过去五代世代的祖先一直非常尊重并尊重他自己的犹太教堂,而拉比苏德的儿子Danny,预计将在他们的脚步上追随。丹尼也是一个伟大的塔尔莫德学者和深深的宗教人士,但他与一个较少的宗教男孩的友谊将他融入了一个更世俗的世界,改变了他的许多观点。Reuven Malter在现代东正教犹太环境中提出。他的父亲是他的犹太教堂的拉比和高中的老师。Reuven是一个非常现代的犹太人,他学习各种各样的犹太人。虽然他在Gemara投资了很多时间,但他的学习金额与Chasidim学习的内容相比没有任何东西。这种教育和宗教态度的差异会导致Chasidim和现代东正教犹太人之间的摩擦。 The Chasidim believe that the modern orthodox are corrupt in their beliefs- they should be studying the Gemara a lot more, and be much more religious in everything they do, such as praying to G-d. It is not expected to find a modern orthodox boy playing with a Chasidic boy.


这两个男孩正在打棒球比赛,他们是Chasidim,是现代正统犹太人。两队之间有明显的仇恨情绪。比赛快结束时,丹尼用球打中了鲁文的眼睛,把他送进了医院。就目前而言,他们成了敌人。丹尼去医院看望鲁文,他们成了朋友。丹尼邀请鲁文到他家和他父亲一起学习一些格马拉语,他接受了邀请。他们变得越来越亲密,直到最终成为最好的朋友。他们的友谊熬过了困难时期。当Malter做了一个支持犹太复国主义的演讲,影响了整个世界,桑德斯拉比恨他和所有非Chasidim,因为Chasidim是反犹太复国主义者。桑德斯拉比禁止他儿子和鲁文说话。 After two years, the anti-Zionist movement fails, and Rabbi Saunders allows Danny to speak to Reuven once again. They once again develop an extremely close friendship, realizing how valuable it is. As their relationship grows, Danny is drawn into the secular world, which makes his father very upset. Yet, their friendship still survives and flourishes making Danny happier than any time before, alleviating much of his father’s anger. Chaim Potok’s The Chosen demonstrates how two people from totally different backgrounds can befriend each other in such a close friendship. Whether their families approved of their friendship or not, they were still able to maintain a long lasting, and meaningful relationship.

引用这篇文章为:William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper编辑团队),“Chaim Potok的选择:总结与分析”,在SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/chaim-potoks-the-chosen-summary-analysis/




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