


它是荒谬的,她爱上了他,因为他比她从这样的下层阶级,他是一个人,她是一个仙女,他的头驴。她也是一个女王,他是一个没受过教育的工人,这样的比赛永远不会发生。波顿在语言方面有这样的问题。他说话总是用词不当。他想说一个词,但总是说错。他是一个努力让自己表现得比实际更有教养的人。通过波顿和提泰妮娅,我们看到了爱情是盲目的。同时,泰坦妮娅在情汁的影响下,她释放了换子男孩给奥伯伦,所以他完成了他的目标。拉山德、赫米娅、海伦娜和狄米特律斯之间因为爱情的汁液而产生的混淆充满了有趣的事情。当拉山德醒来并认为他爱上了海伦娜时,赫米娅被拉山德忽视并虐待。这样一来,不仅拉山德说他爱海伦娜,狄米特律斯也对赫米娅很不好。 This left poor Hermia so upset but we as the audience know this is a prank and soon the spell will be lifted. The main characters in the play are all developed to a point where the audience can identify with them. We learn things about them individually so we can feel happy or sad when things happen in their life. I felt sad for Hermia when she was jolted by Lysander because their love for each other had seemed so strong and she was so confused by his behavior. Even though the audience knows the truth it is easy to feel sad for her. As the play nears the end, Oberon lifts the spell and everyone seems to believe they have had a rare vision and then their lives go on just as if none of this had happened.

通过传统的喜剧结束,该剧将封闭件闭合到读者。他们通常以婚礼结束,一个盛宴,这正是在仲夏夜之梦中发生的事情。Lysander和Hermia,Helena和Demetrius,以及Someus和Hippolyta都结婚,表示一个新的开始。工作男士结束了Bergomask舞蹈和仙女在舞蹈中加入舞蹈并祝福婚姻。仲夏夜之梦包含了许多喜剧元素。最重要的是我的戏剧愉快地结束,它很有趣,让我笑。莎士比亚写得很多关于哪些也是一个喜剧,但这是一种不同类型的喜剧,而不是仲夏夜之梦。虽然这两种剧本共享一些常见的元素,但它们也具有差异。很多关于什么都不是一个喜剧的喜剧。它涉及悬疑,问题并具有侦探故事元素。 Within the comedy of intrigue, there is social comedy involving Beatrice and Benedick. Through this couple and Claudio and Hero, the play explores the was people interact with each other. Shakespeare shows that love can be very logical but also very passionate. Claudio and Hero have a love that is soft, delicate and logical. Beatrice and Benedick on the other hand, are very passionately in love with each other and show this by quarreling constantly. Claudio’s obsession with Hero is from a distance.


他崇拜她,对她的美丽感到震惊。他对她的爱是非常浅的,因为他并不知道她作为一个人。Claudio通过询问英雄的金融状态和社会站立,致婚姻是婚姻的逻辑。在发现她是一个独生子女之后,他同意让佩德罗·沃霍伊在他的青睐中,所以她会成为他的妻子。当Claudio和Don Pedro将他们的计划放在蒙面​​球上的行动时,唐约翰出现。他在这场比赛中充当一个封锁的人物,并导致许多问题。他告诉Claudio Don Pedro希望为自己的英雄,这是一个谎言,但克劳迪奥的行为就像“轻松进入”。他是不是很不高兴,他只是失去了他即将成为新娘。当真相出现时,婚礼当天被设定,规划开始。Don John再次计划毁掉东西。 He is a jealous, sour and unhappy person. The greenworld is also used in this play but not for festive activities. It is used for plotting bad things that will hurt people. After Claudio is led to believe Hero was cheating on him, he becomes malicious and wants revenge. Claudio disgraces Hero at the wedding. He refuses to marry her in front of all the guests and accuses her of already having sex with someone else. This serious act of revenge causes the audience to feel sorry for not only Hero, but her family as well because we know that was not her kissing Borachio. The audience may have felt worse for Hero if her character had been more fully developed but she hardly ever spoke even when agreeing to marry Claudio. We can feel sorry for her but not really identify with her because we do not know her very well. Hero is made a spectacle of for no truthful reason and disgraces her family. After Hero faints at the wedding, Beatrice is furious. She wants revenge against Claudio.

最后,她和本尼迪克宣布他们对彼此的爱,通过受到紧张和情感压力,她终于能够放下守卫。她感到失望,因为她需要一个人杀死克劳迪奥。她通常能够自己照顾好东西,但不是这次。谢天谢地,Benedick不会杀死Claudio,而真理因守护者和寒尿而出现。当夜间看门门夸张的博拉乔谈到这个计划守护者,并让他和他的同志们带到他们的上级。这是有趣的这位钟门可以抓住任何错误的人。守望者就像底部,是讽刺的。他们有与底部相同的问题,沟通很难。在真相之后,克劳迪奥被愚弄了思考英雄在欺骗他,他充满了悲伤,因为他相信英雄已经死了。他同意嫁给莱昂托的侄女,他们应该像英雄一样看起来像英雄,为他的家人弥补他可怕的错误。 After he marries the masked bride, he is happy to see it is Hero. This certainly is a marriage of convenience. He did not know Hero anyway so it would not have mattered if he knew the bride to be. In a sense, Hero was resurrected from the dead and Claudio ends up being a very lucky guy. Most of the characters are fully developed, except Hero, so we can identify with their grief and then their joy. As the play comes to an end everything is wrapped in a neat package. Don John is captured and brought back to be punished, Claudio and Hero, and Beatrice and Benedick are married and the dance and the feast begin. Measure for Measure is a play that is very different from A Midsummer Night’s Dream.


这出戏的喜剧很原始。这两部剧的氛围不同,但都涉及到同样的性问题。在公爵把城市交给安吉洛之后,他想通过判处克劳迪奥死刑来显示他的权力,因为他让朱丽叶怀孕了。安吉洛不讲道理是因为他被权力冲昏了头脑。安吉洛也有过婚外性行为;他只是没让玛丽安娜怀孕在这出戏里性被描绘得比其他两部戏里要危险得多。克劳迪奥入狱后,他向他的妹妹伊莎贝拉请求帮助他获得宽恕。伊莎贝拉还没有宣誓成为一名修女,所以她同意帮助他。伊莎贝拉和安吉洛是平行的人物。 Both live with great restraint. After Isabella pleads with Angelo to pardon her brother, he comes up with the idea of an exchange for Claudio’s freedom. He wants Isabella to sleep with him so he could have her virginity and then he would pardon Claudio. Angelo is a very cold person with no feelings and has restrained himself tremendously throughout his life. He has a problem with women and he is tempted more by a virtuous woman than a frivolous one. In a soliloquy, he talks to himself and tries to understand his lust for Isabella. He has a violent image of sex with her because he wants to destroy her virtue. Angelo is very cruel. He is going to torture and kill Claudio and he is getting pleasure by controlling Isabella.

这场比赛正在处理权力,谁最多。在公爵之后,伪装成Friar,在听到Isabella告诉Claudio她不会和安吉洛一起睡觉,他提出了一个计划。伊莎贝拉会同意在午夜遇见安吉洛,他们会派马里亚娜,因为他们的两个人在之前已经结婚,但她的嫁妆在海上迷失了,安吉罗在婚姻中退出了婚姻。计划工作,但安吉洛回到了他的话语中,并订购了Claudio的头立即向他交付。Friar有助于让Claudio隐藏,所以每个人都会认为他已经死了。然后,Friar然后返回Duke和Angelo的世界开始解开。他公开曝光所以每个人都会知道一个人,他是一个什么样的国王。他被欺骗婚姻,现在是一个非常悲惨的人。虽然他有一个简短的时间的最终力量,但他滥用它,现在必须遭受一生的后果。在Claudio生产并允许嫁给朱丽叶之后,公爵要求伊莎贝拉的手婚姻。 The satire in this play looks at the two extremes and the audience tries to believe something in the middle. The language used in this play is crude when they are discussing sex.

城市里的男人用一种肮脏的方式谈论性谈论他们从沙哑中得了多少疾病。性被描绘成一件卑鄙下流的事。《以毒攻毒》在视觉上不同于其他剧本。他们坚持非常极端的法律。人们被评判。这表明在采取行动之前,你应该理性和权衡。这三出戏都以不同的方式传达着不同的信息。作为一个作家,莎士比亚是如此的有才华,他可以写不同类型的故事,如此优雅。这三出戏只是他能做到的不同极端的几个例子。写作和定义喜剧是非常困难的。 Many elements of comedy are in his plays and this makes they very enjoyable reading.




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