大多数人都对灵媒和通灵能力持怀疑态度。在迪恩·孔茨的《异象》一书中,出现了一个真正有说服力的通灵者玛丽,她看到了即将发生的谋杀。但是,故事的一个新的转折使玛丽看到了不同的视角。谋杀比以前更可怕。更难看清。难以追求。所有这些因素导致读者,可能是她爱的人?也可能是关于过去的真相。故事发生在现代加利福尼亚的不同地点。故事的一部分发生在洛杉矶,但故事中最重要的部分发生在一个叫国王角的小镇。 The town is on the Pacific Coast Highway, and expensive houses dot the shoreline. Pertaining to the visions, Dean Koontz vividly describes the scene of each of them, as they take place. For example, he takes the reader to one of the scenes of a murder. A small beauty shop in Santa Ana, California. He forces the reader to picture the various aspects of a normal beauty shop, such as, the exterior. The neon lights, the palm tree, the jade-plant hedges, and the money-scented air. He informs the reader of the scent of the shampoo, cream rinse cologne, and perspiration. He tells how the floor was covered in air, and the purple color of the walls, and the plush purple carpet.

他描述了吹风机的声音和凶手向收银员开枪的声音。正如我们所看到的,作者详细描述设置。主角当然是玛丽·伯根。她是一家报纸关于通灵现象专栏的作者,她追求的是凶手所创造的幻象。直到书的结尾,凶手的真实身份才明朗。玛丽的丈夫马克斯·伯根(Max Bergen)和玛丽的弟弟艾伦·坦纳(Alan Tanner)都试图帮助玛丽追寻她的梦想,抓住凶手,并将玛丽的生活从包围着她的可怕压力中解放出来。但是Max和Alan相处得不太好。艾伦觉得玛丽可以找一个更好的男人结婚,因为他相信麦克斯追求的只是玛丽的钱,而麦克斯并没有真正意识到她有多脆弱。麦克斯知道艾伦的感受,但显然不同意。Max是一个相当强壮的男人,比Alan高6英寸,重40磅。虽然麦克斯向玛丽保证他再也不会和别人打架了,但他感到有一种强烈的需要和艾伦打架,但他知道这并不能阻止他如此傲慢。 Alan on the other hand, can easily persuade people with his sweet voice, and pleasing appearance. There is also Dr. Cauvel, Mary’s psychiatrist, and Lou Pasternak, one of Mary’s old friends. Cauvel desperately tries to link Mary’s visions to the past. Pasternak, an alcoholic journalist, helps Mary and Max try to find the killer, and stop him. Mary Bergen, the well-known psychic, has unfortunate visions of murderers killing their victims. One day, a terrible vision appears with no warning, And from then on, these vision are even more macabre than her usual visions, and they always prevent Mary from seeing the killer’s face. This puzzles Mary, so she goes to her psychiatrist Dr. Cauvel, to seek some answers. He tries to delve into her past and unveil some truths.


她小时候被一个邻居虐待过,据说那个邻居杀了她哥哥艾伦所有的宠物。她父亲在她很小的时候就去世了。玛丽不清楚地记得她遭受过什么虐待。她唯一能记得的就是她拍打着很多翅膀,就像鸟儿一样。她经常看到只有翅膀的幻象,这是一个让玛丽非常害怕的谜。她只知道翅膀和她的虐待有关。考虑到玛丽已经将她过去的这一部分屏蔽了,科维尔认为是她的虐待导致了她开始出现这些幻觉。就在那一天,一个幻象出现在她的脑海里。当她试图追寻那个幻象并看到杀手的脸时,博士收集的数百只玻璃狗从架子上飞了下来,扑向了玛丽。又害怕又困惑,玛丽后来在马克斯身上寻求安慰。 He of course comforts her, and tries to help solve the mystery. He takes her to King’s Point where the next murder is to take place and to meet with Lou, who helps them by having a séance to answer some of Mary’s questions. A Ouji board assists in answering these questions. But, there are a few questions asked by the reader, such as: Is the killer actually someone who is close to Mary? The Vision by Dean Koontz, is a very exiting book that will most definitely keep one turning the pages. It has a lot of suspense, and most of all, a lot of mystery. The author does a good a job in letting the reader know what is going on at all times. He does so in such an interesting manner, which keeps one begging for more. The book itself has a very attractive cover which also gets one’s attention. This book is recommended to almost anyone, but mostly to those who like murder mysteries. In reading this book, one will find that the main character Mary goes through many perils but never seems to give up. She persists with her visions until she feels that justice has been served. Even though she has some people against her, mainly the skeptics, she also has people who love her helping. This just shows that even though one might feel like the world is against them, they actually have friends who love them enough to help them solve all their problems. It just takes persistence and patience.

引用这篇文章为:William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper编辑团队),“Dean Koontz的愿景:总结与分析”SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/dean-koontzs-the-vision-summary-analysis/


约翰·厄普代克的《A & P:分析与主题》


