
从水晶洞的第一页,读者通过使用图像被运送到书中;玛丽斯图尔特差点迫使他与这本书的人物和周围环境联系起来。“随着黄昏的到来,雨停了下来,但雾中已经上升,穿过树木的膝盖高,使它们像鬼一样地站起来,而放牧的马就像天鹅一样漂浮。”(水晶洞穴pg。2)玛丽斯图尔特描述了这一场景,这么好,读者实际上可以看到雾中升起树木并进入森林。在描述Ambrosius,Merlin的父亲的战斗场景时,正在努力获得高国王的标题,她使用足够的细节来实现这一点,而不会使场景血腥和血腥在今天的世界中。“到处都是男人在小组中争夺,甚至是单独和手握手。噪音,冲突和喊叫,甚至是汗水的气味和血液混合......(水晶洞pg.373。)读者几乎闻到了战场上的汗水和血液混合,就像没有危险的情况一样。在这个新颖的斯图尔特也混合在一起的图像和表征,当她展示了读者,当他第一次学习他有“视线”时,他在水晶洞里看到了梅林。这是作者试验的开始,让Merlin的大脑里面的读者在开始使用他的力量时。“ Though the place was cold, the men worked naked save for loincloths, and the sweat ran over their backs as they hacked over the rock-face, steady ceaseless tapping blows that’s made no noise, but you could see the muscles clench and jar under the torch lit sweat.”(Crystal Cave pg 66) The reader is put inside of Merlin’s brain, seeing what he sees, what he thinks, and how he responds to the reaction of others toward him.

Philip Larkin的蟾蜍:摘要和分析

在整个新的玛丽斯图尔特帮助读者通过表征与Merlin连接。她呈现出他的行为,言语,思想和感情,作为读者看到这个传奇魔术师面具背后的真正发生了什么。Merlin的愿景如此明确代表读者,他在Merlin在Merlin的头脑里面。“公牛旋转,再次充电。那个男人在没有移动的情况下等着,他的脚略微分开,他的姿势休闲,几乎不屑。因为公牛到达他,他似乎像舞者一样轻轻地摇摆着。公牛队依靠他如此接近,我看到一个喇叭矛旋转斗篷......(水晶洞pg.142)读者开始看到真正的力量Merlin,而不是作为拼写施法者,而是先知。虽然Merlin有权力,但他不是傲慢,他每天都像一个男人一样住。他认为不是比大多数男人更好,但是平等的。在他父亲的实例中,梅林叔叔,Merlin会尊重他们,告诉他们,每当他们需要他就会在那里。 In the light of his father’s death Merlin makes a vow to himself and others,” I will deck his grave with nothing less then the light itself.”(Crystal Cave pg. 442) The reader is shown here that Merlin had great respect for his father, and even though it was deemed impossible by others he made his vow become a reality. The way other reacted toward Merlin and his power is a big part of this story, throughout this novel the reader can see the changes of attitude toward Merlin as he grows. The young Merlin was thought of as a “bastard” because he had no father. “. Keep your bastard out of my sight! Now that your brother’s home, we’ll find a man that will take the pair of you from under my feet.”(Crystal Cave pg.7) Merlin is constantly ridiculed for what he had no control over, but he doesn’t care, he likes to be alone and in the darkness. As Merlin grows older the attitudes toward him change as he begins to use his power. People as a whole begin to pressure him to tell them their fortunes, futures, etc. Ambrosius is one of the many, “What do you see in the fire, Merlin the prophet?” “Nothing but dead men roasting.”” Then look and see something for me, Merlin. Where has Octa gone” (Crystal Cave pg.379) Merlin’s power does not come on command and few realize this fact, and so Merlin is constantly pushed to see into the future, though he cannot on will. The characterization of this character makes the reader realize Merlin is so much more than a man of power, he is a man with thoughts, and feelings also.

坩埚:Giles Corey角色分析


引用本文:William Anderson(Schoolworkhelper编辑组),“玛丽斯图尔特的水晶洞穴:摘要和分析,”学校努力,2019年,//www.chadjarvis.com/mary-stewarts-the-crystal-cave-summary-analysis/


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