《伊桑·弗罗斯特》讲述的是一段不幸的爱情故事,故事发生在新英格兰的斯塔克菲尔德小镇的一个冬天。伊森是一个农民娶了一个叫齐娜的多病女人。伊森的农场孤立无援,破败不堪,两人心中充满了无法言说的怨恨。伊森已经照顾他的妻子六年了。由于齐娜的众多并发症,他们雇用了她的表姐在房子里帮忙,动画玛蒂·西尔弗。随着玛蒂的出现,伊桑意识到自己年轻时失去的机会带来的痛苦,以及对生活和空虚婚姻的不满。伊桑和玛蒂轮流坠入爱河。然而,由于伊桑的道德观以及他对与齐娜的婚姻的尊重,他们从来没有追随他们的爱情。伊桑急切地等待着晚上他能从镇上的舞会上送玛蒂回家。他珍爱她走过的土地。在看了医生之后,齐娜被告知她需要更多的雇佣帮手。 Thus, she decides to send her incompetent cousin away and hire a new one. Ethan and Mattie are desperate to stay together. However, Ethan’s lack of financial means and Zeena’s health are factors that will never allow him to leave Starkfield. Unable to find any solutions to this problem, Ethan and Mattie decide to commit suicide by sledding into a tree. They figure it is the only way they can be together. The attempt fails, and the two are left paralyzed. Now Ethan’s wife must care for the two for the rest of their lives.

在ethan frome中发现了许多主题,但它们中的最大是孤独和孤立。在大学伊斯兰获得了“老僵硬”的绰号,因为他很少和男孩一起出去。一旦他回到农场照顾他的父母,即使他想去,他也不能和他们一起出去。无论他完成了什么,让他除以他人:抚育农场和磨坊,养生病的母亲,照顾Zeena。埃桑的孤立是加强的,因为他经常舌头捆绑。他想与他人联系,但不能。例如,当他想用美丽的爱情留下弥莱的印象,他嘀咕着“来吧。”以自己的方式,Zeena和Mattie也是孤独的人物。多年来,Zeena很少离开房子。她因病情消耗了。 Mattie, on the other hand, seeks refuge from loneliness at the Fromes’ farm. A year later she chooses to die rather than return to a world of solitude. Edith Wharton uses characters such as Mattie, to express the theme of loneliness and isolation. Mattie Silver is unlike any of the other characters in Ethan Frome. The town of Starkfield is very colorless and dull. When Mattie enters she is wearing bright clothing and ribbons tied in her hair. From her first appearance, the reader becomes aware that Mattie is very different from Ethan’s wife. Of all the characters in this novel, Mattie is the most tragic. She was so energetic and full of life that she wanted to free Ethan from this terrible society he lived in. She suggested suicide as a means of escape for the two of them. When the attempt failed, she became paralyzed. She is now stuck in the cold, colorless, world of Starkfield.


ethan frome的设置也表达了隔离。在世纪之交,在埃兰的时间里,斯塔克菲尔德镇是一种寒冷而生气的地方。在斯塔克菲尔德的生活是沉闷和无忧无余的。人们待在室内并保持自己。几周通过朋友或邻居之间的访问。沃顿呼叫斯塔克菲尔德是一个小农业社区,城镇确实辜负了它的名字。它荒凉,人们很穷。Ethan几乎无法刮掉土地。斯塔克菲尔德镇折磨了埃兰,有助于塑造他的命运。像小镇一样,他是闷闷不乐的。 Starkfield sits alone in its valley, isolated from the world around it. Ethan is also isolated. He left the lonely valley to go to college, but since returning he has gone scarcely more than few miles from his remote farm. Physically, and therefore, emotionally, he is trapped by his wife, his farm, and his poverty. Ethan is in some ways, a piece of the scenery, or as the narrator says, “a part of the mute melancholy landscape, an incarnation of frozen woe.” He lacks the strength to shake himself loose before it’s too late. The author is able to clearly portray the themes of isolation and loneliness through the characters and the setting.


这本书是关于整个社会的,这一点吸引了很多读者。他的性格是经过深思熟虑的。虽然《伊桑·弗罗姆》刚写的时候并没有取得商业上的成功,但许多评论家都称赞了这部小说。金尼克特博士说,《伊桑·弗罗姆》是“一部经典之作,值得人们怀着愉悦和愉悦的心情再读一遍。”亨利·詹姆斯告诉伊迪丝·沃顿,这部小说“包含了一种美丽的艺术、基调和真理——一种美丽的、巧妙的、低调的。”许多评论家也不喜欢这本书。人们说它太悲观了,不宜推荐给普通读者。《布克曼》中的一位评论家无法原谅沃顿对书中人物和读者的残忍。小说表现了一个人如何因为社会的想法而不听从自己的心。它显示了20世纪社会信仰的价值。 Despite low sales when this book first became published and unfavorable remarks about Ethan Frome, the novel is still read and loved by many people, in many countries and languages, today

引用这篇文章如下:威廉·安德森(学校工作助手编辑团队),《伊桑·弗罗姆:总结和评论》,在SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/ethan-frome-summary-review/



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