世界闻名的哈里·胡迪尼于1874年3月24日出生在布达佩斯。尽管胡迪尼经常声称自己出生在威斯康星州的阿普尔顿,但胡迪尼实际上是在四岁时来到美国的。直到今天,许多与阿普尔顿小镇有关的人仍然声称胡迪尼出生在那里完全是为了吸引游客。胡迪尼的父亲是梅尔·塞缪尔·维斯。胡迪尼的父亲是个拉比。他母亲的名字是塞西莉亚·斯坦纳·维斯。他的父母几乎不会说英语,而且家里很穷,所以大多数孩子很小就开始工作。从八岁起,年轻的韦斯就开始卖报纸,当擦鞋童。12岁的时候,年轻的埃里希为了养家而离开了家。年轻的埃里希在全国旅行了大约一年,只要有可能,他总是寄钱回家。 Finally he joined up with his father in New York City. The family moved to New York in the hope of finding a better life there. In New York, Houdini worked as a messenger and as a cutter in a garment center sweat shop, to help support his family. Houdini began performing magic as a teenager first calling himself Eric the Great. Ehrich acquired the name Houdini from a book he read, “The Memoirs of Robert-Houdin,” the autobiography of one of the greatest magicians of the day. Influenced by what he read and learned about the internationally known magician Robert Houdin, young Ehrich changed his name to Houdini, hoping to be in some way like his new found mentor. Houdini’s first magic shows consisted of card tricks and other simple magic. Soon Houdini began experimenting with hand cuffs and using them in his acts. Houdini performed with another young man who worked with him in the factory in New York. They called themselves the Houdini Brothers. Soon Houdini’s younger brother Theo took the place of the boy from the factory. Together with his brother Theo, they tried to succeed as the Houdini Brothers.

他们的首次演出包括在游乐园、啤酒厅、“廉价博物馆”和1893年的芝加哥世界博览会。在1894年,Houdini遇见了Wilhelmina Beatrice Rahner,他作为花姐妹的一部分唱歌和跳舞。他们当时工作了康尼岛。在彼此了解后只有两周,他们在7月份结婚。贝斯,因为她被召唤,工作和旅行着Houdini。贝尔斯在现在被称为“Houdini”的行为中拿走了他的行为。Houdini开始向任何可以成功抑制他的人提供奖励,以便在手铐中,以后的各种物体。Houdini逃离了手铐,腿部铁杆,直夹克,监狱和监狱电池,邮件袋,包装板条箱,巨型纸袋(没有撕裂纸),巨型足球,铁锅炉,牛奶罐,棺材和着名水酷刑细胞。Houdini的一些逃生,如直夹克或百英尺的绳子绑,Houdini会在众多观众身上做。Houdini花了很多时间的学习,练习和调理。 For Houdini’s underwater stunts, Houdini would practice holding his breath in the bathtub for up to four minutes. To help draw crowds and sell tickets, Houdini would do escape challenges, often at police stations with newspaper reporters present, assuring a headline story. Martin Beck, Vaudeville’s most important booking agent caught Houdini’s act in 1899 and was impressed with his dynamic personality and booked him as a “challenge escape artist.” Martin Beck booked the Orpheum circuit, the largest chain of vaudeville theaters in the country and booked all of the stars of vaudeville. He had a trained eye for talent. He immediately placed Houdini in big time vaudeville as a supporting act. Houdini soon began to headline in several theaters throughout the country. After some success in the United States Houdini decided to go to Europe in the year 1900. Houdini created a sensation in London, England and went on to travel throughout Europe for five years as a headliner. Houdini had so much work in Europe that he summoned his brother Theo to work there under the name Hardeen. Houdini returned to the United States, determined to become an even bigger star in the country he loved. He would cris-cross between Europe and the United States going where he could get the biggest offers.


随着逃脱艺术家模仿胡迪尼的巨大成功,胡迪尼开始创造新的,更困难和危险的逃脱。胡迪尼发明了水下包装盒逃脱作为一个神话般的宣传噱头,被许多人复制。他也是第一个做直夹克越狱的人。他介绍了轰动一时的圣马利克罐头逃脱事件。1908年1月27日的路易斯。1913年,他介绍了他的传奇中国水酷刑细胞。这是他母亲去世的同年,这对Houdini来说是一个很大的震惊。他在欧洲在欧洲,他的家人没有告诉他母亲的病。他也是第一个在那一天做最大的舞台错觉,使当时已知最大的物体 - 大象消失了。这是于1918年在纽约市的河马完成的。1916年,Houdini开始了电影职业。这给世界各地都有机会看到伟大的艺术家。Houdini在1923年之前制作了五个主要的沉默电影。他也写了几个。他的电影包括“主人神秘”,“严峻的比赛”,“恐怖岛”和“来自超越的人”。Houdini在好莱坞的第一颗星中获得了一首名人的第一颗星,为他对电影行业的贡献。 The star is in a prominent spot out side of Hollywood’s famous Chinese Theater. Houdini wrote and even directed several of his movies. Houdini hated cheats and frauds. Throughout his career Houdini exposed cheats and frauds in the areas of gambling, spiritualism, and psychic frauds.


Houdini从未相信灵性主义,但经常会假装为了进入Seances。Houdini将在整个生命中写下许多书籍和文章。它们包括“正确的方法,”露出诈骗者的揭露,“精神中的魔术师”,“精神欺诈的曝光”,以及“罗伯特 - ·赫丁的揭露,”在那个时候这是最伟大的书魔术的历史。1926年10月22日,Houdini在蒙特利尼在公主剧院表演。在剧院的敷料室,同时躺在沙滩后台,来自麦吉尔大学的年轻运动员,问Houdini如果听到他所听到的那样可以抵御肚子。在Houdini可以通过收紧他的胃肌肉来制作自己之前,学生开始在中剧上打传奇魔术师。Houdini不知道,但他的附录破裂了。Houdini在蒙特利尔做了几个展示,然后为底特律而领导。Houdini在那里做了一个表现,然后倒塌并赶到了医院。 Houdini did not die in an escape or fail in some final escape as many believe. The greatest “ghost buster” of all time died on October 31, 1926, Halloween. No other famous magician worked as hard as Houdini to promote his craft and those around him. Houdini today is one of the best know performers and promoters in theatrical and film history and Houidni’s name has come to mean the ability to escape from any restraint or difficult situation. Houdini not only earned a place in history but in the dictionary as well.

引用这篇文章为:威廉·安德森(学校工作助手编辑团队),《哈利·胡迪尼:传记和魔术师》,在学校努力, 2019,//


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