在美国历史上,很少有作者赢得了被称为“伟大”的权利。Herman Melville是这几个人之一。他的小说和诗歌在全世界都被享受了一个多个世纪,他已经赢得了所有时间最好的美国作家之一。一个高耸的人才,智慧和艺术艺术的光彩,以及深入了解人类动机和行为的心灵,当然是他真正的伟大在他去世后几乎一代的真正伟大的耻辱。

1819年8月1日出生于1819年8月1日,梅尔维尔是艾伦梅尔维尔的第三个孩子和第二个儿子(直到艾伦死亡1832年梅尔维尔结束时的“e”加入了,为了使苏格兰梅尔维尔氏族的联系更明显),然后批发商人和进口国生活在舒适的经济环境中,以及玛丽亚甘赛沃特梅尔维尔,只有“奥尔巴尼最富有的人,“受人尊敬的和富裕的彼得·佩·佩斯沃特,在美国革命期间斯坦旺克堡堡的英雄。总共,艾伦和玛丽亚有八个孩子。在他父亲的一边,他的祖先,虽然没有像母亲那样繁荣,但同样杰出。他的祖父主要托马斯·梅尔维尔是波士顿茶党的“印第安人”,导致战争的活动,然后在整个敌对行动中获得信誉地提供给他的国家。梅尔沃家族在茶党作为这个场合的瞬间之后,一瓶茶叶出来的一瓶茶。赫尔曼从大约七岁到1830年出席了纽约男高中。到了那个时候,艾伦·梅尔维尔的业务由于他的信贷被过度扩张而开始失败。在徒劳的尝试重新建立自己之后,他最终发现有必要接受纽约毛皮公司的管理层在奥尔巴尼。这个家庭在1830年秋天搬到那里,在那时,赫尔曼参加了他的兄弟·甘赛沃特和艾伦,奥尔曼学院。就像运气似乎再次受到梅尔维尔一样,艾伦的商务再次遭受了挫折。过度担忧和过度劳累终于造成了健康的损失。 By January, 1832, he was both physically and mentally very ill. On January 28, 1832, Allan Melvill died.

仅仅一年多的时间,父亲经济崩溃的打击和他悲惨的去世让赫尔曼的心情沉重起来。二十年后,他在写皮埃尔的时候,要利用这段回忆。为了养家,赫尔曼在当地一家银行当助理职员,他的兄弟甘斯沃特和艾伦接管了他们已故父亲的皮草生意。可能是母亲担心他的健康,1834年春天,赫尔曼辞去了银行的工作,在皮茨菲尔德附近的叔叔托马斯的农场上干了一个季度。在1835年初的冬天,赫尔曼离开了皮茨菲尔德,加入了他的兄弟们的皮草生意。现在他十五岁半了,他掌管着公司接下来两年的账簿。在此期间,他作为奥尔巴尼古典学校的一名学生入学。他还成为奥尔巴尼青年协会的成员,一个辩论和阅读的俱乐部,他的兄弟已经是其中的成员。这样的俱乐部在没有公共图书馆的情况下,在许多城市很受欢迎,并且起到了非常有益的教育作用。在奥尔巴尼古典学校接受了一两年的教育后,他成为了一名合格的教师。 He left his brothers at the now failing fur company and became a teacher at a one-room schoolhouse outside of Pittsfiesd. On his first day of the new job, the inexperienced teacher was confronted with thirty students of all ages and levels of skill. Some were his age, and a few utterly illiterate. In such extreme conditions Herman found it hard to maintain discipline, let alone teach. After six weeks, he gave up and returned to Albany. For a few months, Herman looked for work without success. His leisure hours, though, were filled with excitement. Early in 1838 he organized a debating club and promptly got into a dispute over the presidency of the club with a rival member, which he eventually won. Before long, Maria Melvill was forced to admit that she could no longer afford to live in Albany. Faced with the prospect of having to constantly ask her brother Peter for money, she finally decided to move her family to Lansingburgh, a village not far from Albany near the Hudson River. Herman was in a difficult and unhappy position. Although he was almost twenty years old, he was not contributing to the family’s income and felt ashamed. At the same time, he was unable to decide on a career or event settle down to a job. Perhaps because he remembered the stories of his uncle and two cousins who had gone to sea, Herman decided to try his own fate at sea. He asked his brother Gansevoort to look for a ship’s berth for him, and almost immediately, he was hired as a crewman aboard the St. Lawrence, a three masted ship that was preparing to cross the Atlantic from New York City to Liverpool, England. The St. Lawrence left New York on June 3, 1839. Herman could take pride in the fact that he was earning his own living at last.

Robert Francis(“Bobby”)肯尼迪:传记和参议员

赫尔曼很快就会了解了谦卑。他既比大多数普通话和大多数普通或不熟练的海员都经过大多数普通话,他都经过更好的教育,但他对船只或航行的所有人都没有。他不得不学习一条全新的语言,其中每一绳子,每一件任务和船的各个部分都有自己的特殊名称。他也了解了大海的严格纪律,这要求他毫无疑问地向军官致意并遵循他们的命令。此外,他不得不忍受更有经验丰富的船员的实用笑话,讽刺和经常残忍的幽默,他们传统上使生活变得困难于他们的第一个航行。在赫尔曼的访问时,利物浦在快速增长。人们陷入了来自爱尔兰的饥荒农场,威尔士贫困矿业,以及英国乡村,所有寻求城市的码头或工厂的城市。在乞丐,妓女,醉酒和衣衫褴褛的儿童在悲伤的情况下,赫尔曼无耻地徘徊地进入贫民窟。多年后,他会在他的小说中记得这些场景。他的下一次航行是在马萨诸塞州新贝德福德注册的全新船上的捕鲸船Acushnet。 He departed from New Bedford on January 3, 1841, bound for the North Pacific. Although bound for the Pacific, the ship and her crew managed to capture several whales in the Atlantic. After two months of sailing, when the ship reached Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, it had 150 barrels of oil in its hold. These were transferred to another New England ship to be sent home, and the Acushnet left Rio after only one day in the scenic port Melville called “the bay of all beauties.” As they approached Cape Horn, Melville heard many dire stories from his fellow crewmen about these wild southern waters. The men also told whaling tales, of course. Some of these tales concerned an unusual sperm whale called Mocha Dick.

据说莫乔迪克几乎是白人,莫乔迪克在太平洋生活,并与普通的精子鲸不同。这些故事毫无疑问地影响了梅尔维尔最着名的故事,莫尔迪迪克。虽然航行最初似乎有前途,但其中大多数包括梅尔维尔在内的船员并没有意识到精子鲸鱼越来越稀缺,幸存者变得谨慎。超速造成的损失。1月至5月之间,Acushnet认为九组鲸群,但只能制作两三个杀戮,只需将150桶油加入其货物。6月,男人杀死了另一个鲸鱼;另外50桶油。它现在看起来好像需要数年时间才能填补2,800桶,他们需要进行有利可图的航行。运气的奔跑让船长的处置感到厌恶。他不仅对缺乏鲸鱼烦恼,他也遭受了贫困的健康状况。这是他的最后一个航行,他就是退休的利润。 With every passing week, this plan seemed more and more distant. He became snappish, strict and quarrelsome, so much that both his first and third mates deserted. Stress began to appear amongst the rest of the crew as well, as men began to fall ill from scurvy and other nutrition-lacking ailments. Fights and feuds broke out, and Melville no longer rejoiced in the high quality of his shipmates. As soon as the captain took the Acushnet to the Marquesas Islands to stock up on fresh food and water, Melville began making plans to depart both ship and captain. Accompanying Melville was another crewman by the name of Tobias Greene, or “Toby” as Melville called him. The pair escaped into the wilderness of the island shortly before the ship’s departure, and a brief hunt for them by the remaining crew was unsuccessful. Melville and Toby remained on the island for four weeks, taken in by the Taipi Indians. Thought to be cannibals, they proved to be quite hospitable to the deserters. Even so, they were eager to depart, and Toby was sent to see if he could sight any ships off the coast. He never returned, thought by Melville to be captured by another tribe. It was this experience that inspired Melville’s first novel, Typee.

在这里,他们仍然是另一种捕鲸船,露西安,到了岛屿。这艘船听到了一个被泰菲俘虏的白人谣言,并缺乏船员,他们踏上了“救援使命”,并将梅尔维尔作为他们的船员成员于1842年8月。讽刺地,讽刺地,在露西上的航行安证被证明是更加悲惨的是acushnet。当船停靠在塔希提里时,梅尔维尔管理了另一个大胆的逃脱。那同一天,他登上了查尔斯和亨利作为她的船员的成员,他们为夏威夷驾驶,然后叫做三明治群岛。这是该船的最终目的地,1842年11月,船员解散。梅尔维尔渴望看到他错过的家庭所以,回到兰辛堡,他母亲仍在那里居住。他的家人对他在海上旅行的光荣故事着迷;这么多,所以赫尔曼的兄弟托马斯套装自己。不幸的是,赫尔曼处于同样的情况,他在这些冒险之前的情况下 - 失业者。 He believed that if he put his stories on paper, he would find a publisher, and the vexing question of his career would be answered – he would become a writer. As he sat in his mother’s house to write his first novel, Melville turned to the part of his South Seas adventure about which everyone was most curious: his “stay among the cannibals.” The story was his own, certainly, but in writing Typee, Melville established a habit that would follow throughout his career. Hi used his own experiences as the skeleton of the book and fleshed out the details with his own imagination. In Typee, he wrote about his escape from a whaling vessel with Toby, and renamed the ship the Dolly rather than the Acushnet. He also changed their departure, which in reality he was never in any real danger, to one of great heroics as they escaped from a horrible fate. In addition, he lengthened their stay on the island from four weeks to a grueling four months. He did find a publisher, and Typee, his first book, was published in 1846. The following year, Melville met and fell in love with a woman named Elizabeth Shaw, and they were married on August 4, 1847. They bought a home in New York City, where they would remain for the rest of their lives. Together they would have two sons, Malcolm and Stanwix, born in 1849 and 1851, respectively. Also born to them were two daughters, Elizabeth and Frances, in 1853 and 1855.

Francisco de Goya:传记和画家

1851年,也就是梅尔维尔第二个儿子出生的那一年,他最著名的作品《白鲸》出版了。在《泰比》和《白鲸记》出版期间,梅尔维尔还写了其他不那么声名狼藉的书。《Omoo》(1847),一本关于他在塔希提岛逗留的书;《Mardi》(1849),《Redburn》(1849)讲述了他在利物浦度过的时光,《White Jacket》(1850)。众所周知,《白鲸记》讲述的是亚哈船长和他的追求,最终演变成偏执的追求,要杀死大白鲸莫比·迪克的故事。今天,《白鲸记》被公认为梅尔维尔的最高成就和美国文学的经典之作。这本书出版时,让许多人感到困扰的事情——它打破了写作的“规则”,并以如此热情地这样做——现在被视为其力量的源泉。今天,混合不同体裁或创造独特声音和风格的作家都受到赞赏。因此,《白鲸》现在被认为不是一部失败的海上传奇或混合的冒险故事,而是创造性想象力的胜利,是一部包罗万象的巨著的典范。与马克·吐温的《哈克贝利历险记》和沃尔特·惠特曼的《草叶集》一样,《白鲸记》被认为是美国最伟大的小说之一。 However, as aforementioned, his greatness was not recognized at this time. Melville’s later works, Pierre (1852), The Piazza Tales (1856), The Confidence Man (1857), the poem Clarel (1876), and the post-mortumously published Billy Bud (1924), went almost completely unnoticed until the early 1920’s, when a student of literature named Raymond Weaver approached the Melville family and was given permission to examine the papers Herman left behind in a tin box after his death. It was here Billy Bud was first discovered and later published, which introduced a whole new generation to Melville’s work. Soon critics, students, and the general public were reading his novels and stories, and greeting some of them as masterpieces. In 1927, American novelist William Faulkner declared that Moby Dick was the book he most wished he had written. Knowing the quality of his work, one cannot help but feel sympathetic to Melville’s passing. He died on September 28, 1891 in his home in New York City, still unknown by the general public.



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