


Marlene Fisher是一名非常聪明的年轻女性,十五岁。作为一个孩子,所有遇到她感受到她的人都不同的人。她睁大眼睛吸收了她周围的一切,似乎很了解很多。成长年龄较大,她的“独特性”成立了自己作为一种礼物,她能够读成他人的肢体语言。轻微的运动,一个口红的词,最小的犹豫给她呈现到一个人的真实感受和动机。有些人把这件礼物误认为她是“心灵”,但她不是。玛琳只学会了如何解释通常忽视的小迹象。现在是一个年轻女子,马琳的不可思议的能力已经变得相当发展。她发现自己不断看待人们的反应,并毫不犹豫地伸出她所学到的东西。她的直觉有时会变得太干扰,她经常穿过有用的线条。 Many become extremely uncomfortable whenever in her presence, so she is advised by her mother against showing this talent. She tries to follow her mother’s warning and her annoyance at the falseness of those surrounding her dwindles. Although Marlene is obviously an exceptional youth, she has troubles and stresses just like any other teenage girl. She knows she is rather plain looking and senses that others agree, but she has come to accept this fact. In her unrequited love for Aurinel, Marlene is perplexed that her intelligence, which should outshine beauty, does not. However, as time passes and life becomes more complicated, she soon buries these feelings. Marlene knows that she can use her talent to her own advantage and does. When on Rotor, she yearns to be on Erythro, not knowing why but making a firm resolution to do everything in her power to make her desire reality. She confronts the Commissioner of Rotor about his dislike for her and her mother, thereby accomplishing Marlene’s goal of being transferred to the nearby planet. Bathed in red light from the star Nemesis, she is more at ease with herself on Erythro. A mysterious illness plagues the planet, especially those of higher intelligence. Though many fear for Marlene’s health, she is extremely confident that she will not be harmed. Her stubbornness prevents her from giving in to the advice of others, and she ventures forth into the planet’s natural environment. Meeting with a being of like intellect, her mind is able to further expand. Her new friend, indigenous to Erythro, assists Marlene in using her mind to communicate with it. Her outings become an almost daily event and, as a result of her confidences with this alien, she matures. She now understands why people do not always reveal their true feelings and why they keep things to themselves. She learns the importance of privacy and has come to terms with her father’s desertion of her. She is now seen as a true adult in the eyes of those around her.



涅墨西斯是希腊神话中的复仇女神、正义复仇女神和惩罚女神。在艾萨克·阿西莫夫的《复仇者》中,主题的概念可以从标题本身衍生出来。尽管有时它似乎使变化变得更好,人类本质上是一个自我毁灭的物种,它摧毁别人和自己。这一关于人性的主题及其在处理其问题方面的无能在事件的整个过程中是明显的。阿西莫夫表达了他的观点,他看到了未来的地球,尽管它取得了所有的进步,但仍无法克服困难。最初,未来被描绘成一个美好的世界,因为它有许多技术。科学延长了生命,“定居点”离开地球进入附近太空的轨道,太空旅行的发生次数也增加了。然而,这种和平景象很快就开始瓦解。在殖民时代之前,地球似乎已经完全废除了所有基于外在表象的偏见。关于不同种族的俚语已经有两个世纪没有使用了,这是地球引以为豪的。 After years of struggling to live in peace, with all backgrounds and all features, it has much improved over the previous hateful times. Nevertheless, as soon as space travel allows for groups of people to move out into space, this illusion of total harmony fades. Settlements are now quite common as there are hundreds floating around in near space. Visitors to other Settlements notice the differences between each and the uniformity within every small establishment. As observed by Earth’s Director: Like clings to like, because like hates and despises unlike. Most have adopted a racial unity and those of different ethnicity are made to feel an inconvenience. The reason for this suspicion of one another lies in Earth’s wild mixture of cultures. Earthmen are proud of this characteristic and consider it to be a strong point. Then why hate Settlements for having what Earth would consider a disadvantage? It is fearful that this racial unity will prove successful. This development of a dislike between Settlements themselves and between Earth leads to competition in outdoing one another. As faster space travel techniques are established, one particular Settlement, Rotor, moves away to a newly found star named Nemesis. Despite their knowledge of the danger it poses to Earth, the Commissioner does not warn others of the potential loss of lives. Rather, he keeps this information to himself, hoping his Settlement will be the last seed from which all other life will begin anew. In anticipation for the arrival of representatives from Earth, he installs locating devices to warn him, and at their signal will blast them out of space. Earth develops a more advanced superluminal flight, thus enabling travel at the speed of light. Its destruction is inevitable so it is decided that Erythro will be taken over, to serve as a temporary rescue location before it is possible for the population to disperse into outer space. Regardless of the Commissioner’s hate for these people, he is perceptible in that he sees the fate of humankind far into the future. In order for civilizations to be successful, Humanity needs space, size, variety, a horizon, a frontier. This is the rationalization provided by Earth for expanding into the outer regions of space, beyond the Solar System. In spite of this given reason, mankind cannot be expected to live a virtuous life when it was not even able to handle its problems when on Earth. What more if this problem is allowed to spread out? The same anarchy, the same degeneration, the same short-term thinking, all the same cultural and social disparities would continue to prevail–Galaxywide. All vices will be allowed to grow and overflow into other worlds. The complications of the human race will multiply. Sense will never be made out of all the confusion.



引用本文:威廉安德森(SchoolWorkeHelper编辑组),“Isaac Asimov的克星:人物和主题”SchoolWorkHelper,2019年,//www.chadjarvis.com/isaac-asimovs-nemesis-characters-theme/



