Jacques Cartier Jacques Cartier于1491年出生于圣马洛(法国)。当他在第一次航行时,他在1534年之前的生命中不多。他正在寻找一段通道或在北美洲到东亚的段落,因为有些人在他面前做过,而且许多人会在他之后。尽管他无疑是在1534年之前向新世界的航行,但可能在巴西。在1534年,他被法国国王弗朗西斯I获得了授予,以寻找西北段。卡地亚探索了纽芬兰的海岸,但发现了向西领先的段落。他在大西洋中横穿了大西洋,并在纽芬兰海岸附近的岛屿上落在了纽芬兰海岸的岛屿,然后已经被布莱顿渔民经常光顾。他驶向北,进入了贝尔岛的直线。他沿着纽芬兰的Westcoast航行,沿着纽芬兰的Westcoast航行,并将海湾越过北部的海湾和爱德华王子岛,他认为他认为是大陆的一部分。然后他去了Chaleur Bay和Gaspe Peninsula,他声称为法国皇冠。

在那里,他看到了50个独木舟充满了麦克马克印第安人,他似乎友好,并用Napeu Tondamen Ssurtah的话语迎接他(我们想要友谊)。第二天法国和麦克马布克交易和庆祝。卡地亚探索了海湾,失望,它不是直接对中国他希望的。他还遇到了一个由他们的席位,唐纳蒙纳领导的200肩派对。他的儿子,多米尼亚和泰姬陵,去了法国用卡地亚成为口译员。卡地亚探索了天际群岛,并返回法国。正如他对西方的一条大河听到的那样,希望它成为东北段的寻求,卡地亚在明年的第二次航行中离开了。他再次航行了贝尔岛海峡,但这一次沿着海岸向西,并达到圣劳伦斯。他航行了上游,直到Stadacona的休伦村(现今魁北克省的地点)。唐纳卡纳首先迎接他友好,庄严地迎来了他,但拒绝让他进一步航行。 Three medicine men dressed up as devils, and warned Cartier not to go further, but Cartier just laughed at it. He went further upriver, leaving the two Huron boys behind. He reached Hochelaga, another Huron village. Again their coming resulted in extensive festivities. Cartier climbed a mountain he called Mount R’eal (royal mountain), and was appointing when he saw the Lachine Rapids a bit upriver, which told him that this was not the passage to China. He spent the winter in Stadacona.


在冬天,他的男人遭受了闷闷不乐,不到十名的110名男子仍然足够强大,并且必须为所有人获得食物和水。因为他担心印第安人会攻击,如果他们得知法国人生病了,卡地亚让他的人在靠近时发出噪音。如果不是在Domagaia,探险队可能不会幸存下来。Domagaia也有很好的破坏,但十天后的Cartier看到他健康和良好。Domagaia告诉他,他已经从吠陀和白色雪松树的针刺治愈了。在一周后,树是裸露的,但所有卡地亚人都再次健康。狼队告诉他关于北方的一片土地的故事,称为Saguenay,充满了黄金和其他宝藏。这一切都没有这一切,但飓风很喜欢讲述故事,当他们发现法国人喜欢的财富故事时,他们很乐意给他们这些。愿意让国王弗朗西斯我听到这些故事,卡地亚被绑架的唐纳蒙娜和他的儿子,并把他与他带到法国。他想再次探险,这次寻找萨格努耶,但由于西班牙的战争,以及准备航行的困难,他无法这样做,直到1541年。这次卡地亚不是唯一的领导者 the expedition, but had to serve under Jean-Francois de la Rocque, sieur de Robervalas viceroy and commander in chief. He visited Stadacona, and built a fort near the mouth of the Saguenay. His men collected what they thought were diamonds and gold, but in reality were only quartz and iron pyrite (fool’s gold). Cartier himself went west, looking for Saguenay, but got no further than Hochelaga. Back at his fort (called Charlesbourg-Royal) he spent the winter. Some thirty-five of his men were killed in sporadical indian attacks (the Hurons had become hostile when they realized the French had come to stay), and Cartier was worried about the fact that Roberval did not show up. The next spring he met Roberval on Newfoundland. Roberval wanted him to return, but Cartier refused, and sneaked back to France. Roberval built a fort near Stadacona, wintered there, went looking for Saguenay but also got no further than Hochelaga, and returned to France. Cartier spent the rest of his life in St.-Malo and his nearby estate, and died in September 1, 1557, age 66. He published an account of his voyages in 1545, which was translated into english by Richard Hakluyt in 1600. In conclusion Jacques Cartier has discovered new land for the French, which sponsored his many voyages (3). He explored the coast of the St. Lawrence river, Mount Royal (Montreal), the coast of the Newfoundland, and Cap Rouge.

Gustave Caillebotte:传记和画家




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