

黑格的自尊心太强了,所以她不能对周围的人表达爱意。她从父亲那里继承了她的骄傲,从小她就拒绝表露情感,因为她太骄傲了,不让任何人看到她的弱点。她的父亲意识到她有“骨气”,而且“她像他”(第10页)。当父亲责备她告诉一位顾客葡萄干桶里有虫子时,黑格终于露出了骄傲的第一声叹息。她拒绝在惩罚前后哭:“我不想让他看到我哭,我太生气了”(第9页)。她继续在自己周围筑起一堵墙来隐藏自己的情感。她的骄傲妨碍了她生活中的许多关系。当她的哥哥丹快死的时候,她的另一个哥哥马特让她穿上她妈妈的披肩,假装是她来安慰丹。黑格拒绝了:“……不管我有多想同情你。扮演她的角色——这超出了我的能力。” Hagar was to proud to pretend to be her weak mother even for her dying brother. Matt resented the fact that Hagar refused to do a favour for Dan and therefore Matt and Hagar’s relationship was ruined. Even though Hagar got married to Bram she didn’t really feel any love for him. Her “hoity-toity” (p.06) attitude prevented her from showing emotion and tenderness towards her husband. She never let him know how she felt about him: “… I never let him knew. I never spoke aloud… I prided myself on keeping my pride intact” (p.81). Hagar’s pride also destroyed her relationship with her son John. One night John brought Arlene home to stay but Hagar was to proud to let her stay and refused. They were later killed in a car accident and Hagar then realised that if she had compromised then maybe they would have been alive. She apologised too late: “I didn’t mean it, about not bring her here… You could come here in the evenings. I wouldn’t say a word” (p.247). When Hagar saw Arlene’s dead body the matron told her to, “Cry. Let yourself. It’s the best thing” (p.242). However she was to proud to let anyone see her cry. “I shoved her [matron’s] arms away. I straightened my spine… I wouldn’t cry in front of strangers, whatever it cost me” (p.242). She realised too late that her pride got in the way of her son’s happiness and after her son’s death she was unable to show any emotions. Hagar’s pride and her lack of emotions ruined her relationships with her father, brother, husband and son.


黑格的固执是她和她家人不幸福的另一个原因。由于她的固执,黑格没有找到真爱。当她的父亲和洛蒂说他“像泥土一样平庸”(第48页)时,她拒绝妥协。她的父亲再次解释说,“在这个城市里,没有一个体面的女孩会在没有家人同意的情况下结婚……这是不可能的”(第49页)。然后她用她固执的方式回答说:“这将由我来做”(第49页)。在她和Bram结婚后,她和她的父亲不再说话,她和Bram的婚姻也以他们的分离而告终。随着夏甲长大,她需要更多的照顾。夏甲的儿媳多丽丝总是想帮忙,但夏甲不愿意让任何人帮她:“别管我,别管我——”(第31页)。即使马文试图帮忙,她也只是拒绝,并回答说:“我能处理得很好,谢谢——你……现在看在可怜的份上继续吧”(第33页)。当多丽丝和马文建议把黑格送到养老院时,她拒绝了,“我不会去的……你们两个可以搬出去。” Go ahead and move right now” (p.57). Hagar’s stubbornness and refusal to compromise caused frustration for Doris and Marvin. In the end Hagar’s stubbornness killed her. The nurse at the hospital tried to help her drink the water but Hagar felt that she could do it on her own, she was wrong. “I only defeat myself for not accepting her. I know this- I know this very well. But I can’t help it- it’s my nature… I’d think her daft, and push her hands away, certain I could hold it for her better… I hold it in my hands. There. There. And then-” (p.308). Hagar’s stubbornness got in the way of her and her family’s happiness and destroyed her and the lives of those she cared about.



引用这篇文章如下:威廉·安德森(学校工作助手编辑团队),“让·克雷格黑德·乔治的猎鹰之夏:总结与分析,”在SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/jean-craighead-georges-the-summer-of-the-falcon-summary-analysis/



