
Jon Krakauer是三本书的作者,包括Eiger梦想,并成为狂野的好评。他也是外部杂志的贡献编辑。他和他的妻子住在西雅图,稀疏空气是一个伟大的冒险故事,即关于山克拉科尔口音的巨大冒险故事。珠穆朗玛峰。Krakauer是一个抢劫大厅的“冒险顾问”探险的成员,该探险将于1996年5月10日在珠穆朗玛峰峰会上尝试。


故事始于珠穆朗玛峰的简短历史。在发现世界上最高山的印度的伟大三角调查中,它是1852年。山首先配音XV;山的第一个测量高度为29,002。这种测量稍后会证明是不准确的,在整个使用现代激光和卫星数据图片中,山的实际高度被确定为29,029英尺。1865年,XV峰被命名为MT.珠穆朗玛峰后,乔治珠穆朗玛峰的晚期普通测量师之后。山峰将攀登山峰需要101年。第一个达到峰会的人是Edmund Hillary后来被女王的士兵们的壮举。5月29日,1953年的希拉里和他的Sherpa Tenzing是第一个站在世界顶部的人。Jon在外面的出版商(攀登杂志)以外的珠穆朗玛峰探险提供了一个地方,以涵盖关于珠穆朗玛峰商业化的故事。 Jon had always dreamed about climbing Everest ever since he was a child, now he had a chance. Jon didn’t realize that this trip was going to be one that would bring him as closer to death than he had ever been before. The spring of 1996 would turn out to be the most murderous season in the mountain’s history. That spring claimed the lives of 12 climbers, a spring that will be remembered for many years to come. Prompted by the proliferation of guided trips promising that any reasonably fit person could make it to the top of the world, Krakauer — an accomplished outdoorsman and technical climber, but with little experience at high altitude — jumped at the chance to attempt this mountaineering grail. Disaster struck on summit day when a blinding, whiteout storm caught four groups on top of the mountain, claiming the lives of nine climbers, including Rob Hall and Scott Fischer, two of the most renowned guides/climbers in the business. Krakauer, through a combination of luck, skill, and discipline, was fortunate enough to survive, though the experience extracted a heavy psychic toll. Immediately, the tragedy at 29,000 feet became the focus of intense worldwide media observation, and the cause for much soul searching within the mountaineering community.




引用本文为:威廉安德森(Schoolworkhelper编辑组),“Jon Krakauer进入了薄空气:摘要和主题”学校努力,2019年,//www.chadjarvis.com/jon-krakauers-into-thin-air-summary-theme/


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