Ponce de Leon的追求青春的喷泉导致佛罗里达州的发现以及许多其他意外但重要的发现。他的发现帮助他成为一个富人和一个勇敢的征服者。1513年3月3日,Juan Ponce de Leon从波多黎各岛航行,三艘船。在询问西班牙国王费迪南德允许征服并解决比米尼岛岛后,Ponce de Leon队列在寻求一个神话的青年喷泉的追求中。

一个神话般的喷泉的想法据说让永恒的青年来喝了永恒的青年,抓住了国王。也许这是其中之一Ponce de Leon说服国王让他在这个航行中航行。也许通过将国王诱人思考喷泉存在,庞塞能够探索北美。很难相信许多人存在这种令人难以置信的喷泉。金蝶王和庞塞相信这样的喷泉。有许多版本的图例是指这个神秘的春天,泳池,溪流或河流。如果一个人沐浴在这水中,一个人的青年被恢复了。如果可以揭示一个全新的世界,为什么不是青年喷泉?在克里斯托弗·哥伦布航行到许多未被发现的地方之后,很容易看出,为什么许多欧洲人认为有些地方有一些不知情的现象,如在某处的纽扣上。这是一个欧洲故事,既不是庞克斯·莱昂也没有王妃·费迪南德都能抗拒。

庞塞旨在探索巴哈马斯的第一个具体迹象是关于青年源泉的一封信。这是来自Pictro Martired'Anghiera的1514个信,以Pope Leo X.D'Angheria是一个代表西班牙皇家法庭教皇的外交官。D'Angheria在前一年发生的Bahamas略微探讨了POPE Leo的这封信,就佩斯·莱奥提供了庞塞·莱奥。D'Anghiera写道:庞塞探索并调查了一个叫做/美国[BIMINI]的岛屿的岛屿;there is a fountain continuing throughout the year that is so remarkable, that the water of this fountain being drunk makes old men young,” Still, it is not certain whether this fountain was originally one of the objects of Ponce’s search and thus a reason for his expedition, or whether he heard of the phenomenon in the course of his voyage and reported its purposed existence afterward to his king. Juan Ponce de Leon was born in San Campos, Leon, in the year of 1460. His mother was a daughter of Don Rodrigo Ponce de Leon, one of the heroes of the wars to expel the Moors. Ponce de Leon is said to have resembled his grandfather in both appearance and courage. Ponce de Leon was the first explorer to claim a part of North America’s mainland for Spain.

在他对新世界的第一个航行时,他陪同克里斯托弗·哥伦布。Ponce de Leon很快成为西印度群岛西印度群岛西班牙西番莲岛的一名士兵。从大约1502-1504起,他领导西班牙部队对赫尤东部北部鹤尼奥省的残酷印第安人。他们征服他们后,Juan Ponce de Leon被任命为州长作为奖励。他在1508年离开了Hispaniola岛,探索波多黎各,在岛上找到了金子;此外,他在一年内征服了岛屿。Ponce de Leon于1509年成为州长,然后玫瑰是一个非常富有和强大的人。他治理了波多黎各大约三年。政治竞争对手在1512年从办公室移走了他。这是他收到了Ferdinand国王的许可,以殖民殖民于比米尼岛岛。1513年,他带着巴哈马和其他几个未知岛屿的各种不同地区的探险。 In April of 1513, Ponce de Leon found Florida. He claimed Florida part of Spain and continued to explore the coast and the tip of Florida. This is where he searched for the fountain of youth. On the west coast of Florida, he looked for the fountain only to come to the disappointment that it didn’t exist. Along the southeast coast of Florida near the Indian River, Ponce de Leon and his crew encountered a group of Indians. This group of Indians were the Ais Indians. They called out to Ponce de Leon, so he went ashore. They tried to steal a boat from the Spanish, but Ponce was not going to retreat so easily. They then fought the Indians in a ferocious battle; an Indian clubbed a Spaniard in the head. They then captured an Indian and took him aboard their ship. From a captured Indian, the crew learned that the land was called Cautio by the Ais. Of course, the Indian told stories of an elusive fountain, and Ponce believed the man and spared his life. The ships set a course through the Bahamas. One day, less than a month after visiting the island of Cautio, the fleet of three ships anchored in eight fathoms of water off a previously uncharted coast. The next day, Ponce rowed ashore to take possession of this land for Spain. When Ponce went on this land, he discovered the true beauty of this country. Lush groves of gray cypress, tulip, ash and magnolia trees, backed by tall palms and broom pines, exuded a delightful surprise. It was an unexpected surprise by Ponce and his crew, and they were struck in awe by this new land. Many plants such as azaleas, oranges, and jasmines were in bloom, and the woods were alive with insects and the calls of hummingbirds, loons, and wild turkeys.

James A. Garfield:传记和主席

Ponce de Leon在复活节季节进行了发现,西班牙语叫做Pascua佛罗里达或鲜花的盛宴。他打电话给这一点新土地佛罗里达州。在他着陆的情况下,Ponce成为第一个在北美大陆踏上徒步的欧洲。Ponce de Leon认为这个半岛佛罗里达州是一个岛屿。4月8日,三艘船再次驾驶。他们最初冒险北方,但改变了他们的方向,沿着海岸沿线旅行。这些人保持了充分的食物和水供应。他们在这个新发现的土地上杀了许多动物,称为佛罗里达州。两周后,西班牙人发现了一些小屋,这是他们看到印度人的第一个标志。Ponce de Leon无法识别的一个重要发现是一条名为海湾溪流的河流的存在。虽然Ponce的男人在他们身边有风,但强大的海湾流将它们推回来。 The two ships anchored, but one was carried away. When the two ships closest to shore dropped anchor, the sailors noticed that they were defenseless against the current. They drifted off and were lost to their sister vessel for two days. The pilot, Anton de Alaminos, proved his theory by bringing treasure from Mexico to the King of Spain using the Gulf Stream. This became an important route that allowed many future treasure ships to carry back gold from the nearby islands. Although Ponce had no way of knowing at the time this current was the Gulf Stream, it was an extremely significant discovery. The stream passed through the Straits of Florida and shot up the southeastern coast of the United States until it meets a cold current by North Carolina. The stream then flowed northeastward into the Atlantic Ocean. The Calusa Indians that Ponce met on this island were even more interesting than the land they had discovered. The Spaniards were very interested in the Indians who had appeared and were motioning them ashore. When Ponce complied with the Indians, they wounded two of his men with bone-tipped arrows and tried to seize his longboat. The Spaniards retreated and sailed south to a river that was probably somewhere near Jupiter Inlet. While the Spaniards gathered wood and water and waited for another party, the Indians attacked. This time, the explorers fared a little better in the fight, and Ponce captured one of the attackers to train as an interpreter and guide. Then, the expedition sailed south around the Florida keys and traveled up the west coast of Florida to an area near the present-day Sanibel Island. The crew navigated carefully to avoid scraping the coast with their huge ships. Ponce de Leon posted a lookout for changes in water color and heaved the anchor over to check for depth. At night, careful navigation was impossible, and the ships were forced to anchor. While they were there, Calusa Indians wearing palm-leaf loincloths canoed across the inlet to trade with the men on the ship. The Indians had many items to trade, such as animal pelts and guanin, a low-grade gold. There they encountered yet another battle with the Calusa Indians, led by their chief, Cacigue Carlos. Again, there was an all day fight which led to the Spaniards retreat. Turning southward across the Gulf of Mexico, the ship was losing many supplies.

食物和水有短缺。当探险家遇到一群岛屿时,他们几乎补充了他们的食物供应居住在岛屿的两百海龟。他们还杀死了众多海豹和奶牛和数千个齿轮和鹈鹕。他们在海龟之后将他们命名为岛屿萝卜。虽然探险家从北方的不同岛屿喝了甜水,但Ponce没有成功地找到青少年的泉源。他继续南方,Ponce de Leon的船只到达墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛。从那里,Ponce de Leon穿过佛罗里达海峡和巴哈马。他的其中一位中尉乘船乘船,位于一个可能是比米尼的岛屿。中尉遇到春天,但既不在其中沐浴也不喝酒,露出对远征人的任何物理影响。从那里,他们回到了古巴岛,然后再回到巴哈马和波多黎各之后七个月后。Ponce de Leon于1573年9月21日在波多黎各抵达Puerto Rico。尽管首次不成功地搜索喷泉,但Ponce de Leon确实是第二次航行。 He felt that his efforts were not appreciated by the colonial authorities; therefore, he reported to King Ferdinand. He brought five thousand gold pesos which made King Ferdinand more agreeable with his proposals. The king treated Ponce very courteously. The king gave Ponce the rights to colonize his discoveries if he did it at his own cost. Ponce de Leon then secured his claims to the lands he had discovered, and now he had the authority to colonize them and add to his fortune. He could be the governor of Puerto Rico but only under a certain conditions. Under King Ferdinand’s terms, Ponce was to attempt to convert the natives to Catholicism, but if they resisted, “he may make war on them, capture them, and take them for slaves.” Ponce would then have sole rights to profit from the slave trade and other money made from the island. In order to achieve these goals, Ponce de Leon would have to defeat the brutal Caribs of Guadeloupe, south of Puerto Rico. The expedition against the Caribs was a failure; many of Ponce’s men were ambushed and slaughtered. Ponce de Leon’s second voyage was a very hasty voyage. It almost immediately followed his first Florida expedition.

理查德Milhous Nixon:传记和第37母联盟

他非常渴望探索他发现的土地。但事件突然出现,这阻止了他在他的解决方案上行事。庞塞的男人上有许多Carib突袭,这一直试图殖民地殖民地。被要求划船结束了这些袭击,所以他担任指挥官。他取得了一些成功,但他几乎没有取得进展。当Ferdinand于1516年初去世时,他甚至进一步延迟了。由于这一点,Ponce觉得预计会恢复西班牙,并确保他的计划无法毁容。Ponce de Leon在1516年到1518年间的西班牙至少花了至少18个月。根据一些来源,他娶了一个名叫Juana Pineda的女人。据说是Ponce的第一任妻子Leonor,在第二次到西班牙之前在某个时候去世。Ponce de Leon的两艘船只在2月1521年离开Puerto Rico,居住在八十岁及两百人左右。它们与种子,马,牲畜和其他设备和物资均匀,以建立殖民地。 His route was unknown, but Ponce made land somewhere on Florida’s west coast on Sanibel Island. Here he constructed a settlement, but disease and Indian attacks quickly made the group smaller. Although later European settlers in the region reported the Indians to be friendly, they were not anywhere near as peaceful as Ponce, now a veteran conquistador. The Indians usually responded in battles against these men over their land. Ponce was seriously wounded by an arrow in the thigh. Infection quickly set in his entire body. Ponce de Leon’s men shipped him off for treatment to the nearby island of Cuba, where the nearest Spanish settlement was located. The wound was so bad by this point, and only so little could be done. Juan Ponce de Leon, a great and brave conquistador, died in July of 1521. The poet, Juan de Castellanos, wrote his opinion of Ponce de Leon on the explorers tombstone: “Here rest the bones of a Lion/ mightier in deeds than in name.” Ponce’s quest for the elusive fountain of youth had come to an end, but the objects of his discoveries continue to inspire travelers. Many questions are still asked today about whether the fountain of youth exists or not. His quest he made long ago led to the discovery of Florida and many unpredicted, yet significant discoveries.

引用本文:威廉安德森(SchoolWorkeHelper编辑组),“Juan Ponce de Leon:传记&Explorer,”学校努力,2019年,//www.chadjarvis.com/juan-ponce-de-leon-biography-explorer/


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