1968年10月15日,由佩奇、普兰特、琼斯和博纳姆组成的齐柏林飞艇在萨里大学正式亮相。的小组开始巡回巡回赛,塑造这样的头条新闻作为香草乳汁,此后不久的MC5。瞬间识别遵循。群体的流行度飙升。在'69年1月31日,LED Zeppelin为铁蝴蝶开放,然后是世界上最大的乐队之一。LED Zeppelin获得了从观众那里获得了如此响亮的批准,Doug ingle,铁蝴蝶的引导歌手决定废弃节目。在那个铁蝴蝶的原因是害怕他们无法对他们的人群产生这样的影响......在他们自己的音乐会中......他们正在标题。

LED Zeppelin很快就成为了自己的权利。在其官方首次亮相的八个月内,LED Zeppelin位于伦敦剧院的账单的票据之上,以及伦敦皇家阿尔伯特大厅的流行舞会。On October 17, ’69, a year and two days from the bands conception, Led Zeppelin played in Carnegie Hall, ending a ban on rock groups at the concert hall, originally caused by the Rolling Stones in 1965. While playing in Denmark, Eva von Zeppelin, relative of the designer of the airship, Ferdinand von Zeppelin, threatened to sue the band if they used the name in the country. Led Zeppelin played under the alias The Nobs.

第一张专辑LED Zeppelin攀登了美国的#10和英国#6。专辑二,题为LED Zeppelin 2,在美国和英国搬到了#1,在美国和英国的98年停留在图表上,并在英国令人惊讶。


在美国或英国的六个直的#1张专辑。无数的卖出音乐会。票房图纸的记录。出席记录。3张3张显示伯爵法院的51,000张门票,伦敦在不到两小时内卖出。国际名声。在这么一段小的一段时间内,没有其他小组过得愉快。LED Zeppelin正在彻底改变音乐。虽然大多数乐队被避开了播放与它不同的歌曲不同的歌曲,但LED Zeppelin在他们的音乐中可以自由地漫游。听到一首半小时长的歌曲并不是不寻常的,而不是专辑上的对应物,这只有五分钟。 These lengthy jam sessions diguised as concerts gave way to new ground being touched musically. Led Zeppelin introduced the world to the music of black artists such as Muddy Watters, Otis Rush, Otis Redding, and Willie Dixon. Pieces of songs from the 1930s were being worked into their own music, as in their covers of Dixon’s You Need Love, and Rush’s Can’t Quit You, and it was working. The blues riffs incorporated into their own music later influenced bands heavily, and opened doors to new tastes in music for the predominately American audience. The most significant thing about Led Zeppelin’s music today, is that it doesn’t sound dated. The music seems similar to music today. The lasting impression of their music is obvious, and can be heard in any Rock band of today.


引用本文为:威廉安德森(SchoolWorkeHelper编辑组),“LED Zeppelin:乐队和历史”学校努力,2019年,//www.chadjarvis.com/led-zeppelin-Band-history/




