

许多中世纪晚期的石头城堡仍然矗立着。一些是旅游景点,处于不同的修复状态,沿着莱茵河从美因茨到德国科隆,点缀在法国的乡村,或栖息在西班牙的山顶。原来的法国城堡建在开阔的平原上。然而,后来的堡垒则坐落在岩石峭壁、河流分叉处,或者某些敌人很难接近的地方。随着时间的推移,这些防御工事变得更加精致,人们相当重视使居住环境更加舒适。典型的城堡通常在郊区有厚厚的木栅栏把守,这些栅栏由尖尖的木桩组成,叫做“巴比肯”。它的目的是通过拖延进攻者的前进和给城堡内的人时间准备抵抗和攻击来防止突然袭击。在巴比肯里面,延伸着城堡周围的狭长地带。兵马俑在和平时期是道路,在战争时期是陷阱;一进巴比肯,敌人就在城墙上射出的箭的射程之内。 In peacetime the lists also served as an exercise ground for horses and occasionally as tournament grounds.

在城墙上的列表和高耸的外墙上是护城河,通常用水充满水。穿过它伸展了一个吊桥,每晚都升起。城堡尽头的吊桥上有一个吊闸,这是一个木制或铁制的滑动门,悬挂在入口处。它在凹槽中上下移动,每天上升,晚上下降。在危险的时候,它挡住了通往城堡大院的橡木大门的路。这些门是如此之大,以至于它们很少被打开,除非在仪式场合。其中一扇小一点的门被建了起来,为住在城堡里的人提供了方便的进出通道。一个被称为搬运工领班的人负责确保只有朋友才能通过。大多数城堡的外墙都非常厚,有时高达15英尺。每隔一段时间就有高塔,每个高塔本身都是一座小堡垒,里面有足够的物资来抵御长时间的围攻。当预计会有攻击时,就在墙的外缘挂上木制阳台。 During an attack, large stones were thrown or boiling oil poured from the balconies onto anyone trying to climb the wall. The wall and the towers had hundreds of narrow openings through which defenders could shoot arrows and other missiles. Inside the walls was the bailey, or courtyard. At intervals around the bailey were the stables, a carpentry shop, the shop of the armorer and blacksmith, barracks for the men-at-arms and for servants, a chapel, and a storehouse. There was also an oven room where the bread was baked, a kitchen, a kennel for dogs, and a well and drinking fountain.. The largest building along the wall was the castle owner’s home. It contained the apartment for the master and his family and a great hall. This great hall was the center of social life such as wedding feasts, banquets, and knighting ceremonies. Within the walls there was another structure called the keep, or donjon (dungeon).. The keep was the focal point of the castle, the place to which, in times of attack or siege, the whole population of the castle retired if the outer defenses were failing. The keep had its own walls and was often protected by a moat as well. It contained private apartments, service rooms, weapons supplies, and a well to provide water.

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大多数保留是两到四个故事的矩形结构。入口门口经常在二楼,由墙壁或预设保护的楼梯。在中东,来自欧洲的十字军发现,圆形或多边塔内建造,以更容易地防御来自任何方向的敌人。在12世纪之后,圆形在欧洲常见。一些后来的城堡内置在一个方形中,并被一两条墙壁包围。在墙壁内部的每个角落都是一个强大的塔楼。强大的网关取代了保留的地方,在建造外部工厂方面采取了极大的照顾,以便进入城堡困难。威尔士的Conway和Caernarvon的城堡都是这种类型的。术语城堡和宫殿经常互换使用,但它们不一样。城堡是防御工事,而宫殿建于几个世纪以来作为国王和贵族的住所。但由于城堡开始失去防守角色,他们成为住所; and to them were added the customary luxuries. As early as the 15th century, imposing residential tower houses, designed more for elegance than defense, were built within castles, such as those at Vincennes near Paris and Tattershall in England. Historically the palace antedates the castle by several centuries. Although the word derives from the Palatine Hill in Rome, where the emperors built their residences, palaces were built for the pharaohs of ancient Egypt as early as the 16th century BC. Much larger than the Egyptian palaces were those built in Assyria, which today is Iraq. The palace at Khorsabad of Sargon II, who ruled from 721 to 705 BC, extended over more than 25 acres. In Rome more than 1 million square feet of the Palatine Hill were devoted to splendid residences of such emperors as Augustus, Tiberius, and Septimius Severus. Palace building declined in Europe during the Middle Ages until prosperity and a measure of safety returned during the Renaissance. Then, in Italy, every prince and wealthy family had its palazzo. Many are still standing: the Pitti and Medici palaces in Florence and the palaces along the Grand Canal in Venice. London has three notable palaces: Buckingham, Whitehall, and St. James. Many German cities notably Wurzburg and Munich have impressive palaces. Among those most recently built are those of Ludwig II of Bavaria in the 19th century.




。史密斯,贝丝。城堡。第18页。纽约:富兰克林瓦特,1988年。.Macaulay,大卫。城堡。第54页。波士顿:1977年霍顿MIFFLIN公司。.CLENCE,Gillian。关于城堡的真相。第9页。明尼阿波利斯:Carolrhoda Books,Inc。,1990. .Macaulay,David。 Castle. p.13. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1977. .Smith, Beth. Castles. p. 23. New York: Franklin Watts, 1988.



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