单核细胞多组是一种人类的传染病,其中血液和组织含有单核白细胞(白细胞只有一个核),单核细胞或淋巴细胞。传染病是一种可以给你感染的疾病,可以通过无需实际接触的感染传播,或者可以由微生物引起的。所有物种患有由多种生物引起的感染,来自亚脉状病毒到蠕虫状寄生虫。当一个人有一种传染病这样的传染病,如单声道,有机体获得患者的身体,存活,然后倍数。接下来,患者获得症状。然后患者可以自发地死亡或恢复,或者感染可能对特异性治疗进行响应。通常存在免疫力。传染病强烈影响了地球上的历史过程。负责人类感染的生物是病毒。病毒是由核酸,编码遗传信息和蛋白质的表面成分组成的简单寿命形式,使它们能够进入细胞。 Viruses are unable to multiple outside of cells. Mono is found in the DNA in the body. Another name for mononucleosis is glandular fever because of the fever and swelling of the lymph nodes throughout the body. What causes mononucleosis is the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which is like herpes. The herpes virus also causes some cases of mono and other diseases. Mono usually occurs in adults 15 to 30 years old, but is known to appear at any age.

单核细胞增多症的症状包括发热、寒战、疲劳、不适、喉咙痛、头痛、淋巴结肿大(颈部明显)和皮疹。可能发生肝脏炎症。此外,上眼睑肿胀也是一种常见的症状。在某些情况下,尿液中可发现血液。喉咙常发红;一层白色到深灰色的类似白喉的膜可能存在。在许多情况下软腭上有瘀点皮疹。单核细胞增多症主要通过唾液交换的口腔接触传播,这就是为什么它有时被称为“接吻病”。共用一个杯子是患上单核细胞增多症的另一种方式。它的传染性不高。 The incubation period is thought to be about 30 to 40 days. In about two/thirds of the patients the spleen is enlarged. The illness is mild to moderate, death is rare, but in some cases a patient may die of rupturing the spleen. A rash consisting of small hemorrhages or resembling measles or scarlet fever sometimes appears. Also, pneumonia occurs in about 2 percent of the infected patients. Although, involvement of the liver occurs almost in all the patients, but severe disease of the liver is rare. Encephalitis,脑膜炎或外周神经炎罕见。死亡随后是脑炎。在有单声道的同时,心脏很少受到影响。


在疾病抗体期间发生。检测到这一点的一种方法是由Paul Bunnell测试。通过研究血液来进行诊断。患者血液的血清(透明液体)样品与绵羊的血液混合。如果患者有疾病,羊的血细胞会粘在一起。没有治疗,但根据严重性建议卧床休息。医疗保健是为了缓解症状和预防继发感染。单声道通常持续大约一两周或两周或有时可能持续数周,特别是当肝脏或神经系统受到影响时。复发发生罕见,第二次攻击可能非常罕见。恢复可能需要几个月。 The disease known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or “yuppie disease “resembles mono. For a while the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was suspected of also being caused by EBV, but this theory has been discounted. Still no cure or therapy has been found to help us with the infectious disease called mononucleosis.





