朝鲜战争的起源朝鲜战争开始于1950年6月25日,但你知道它是如何以及为什么发生的吗?当一个人提到朝鲜战争,大家都知道那是朝鲜和韩国之间的内战。但是,你知道它的起源吗?在朝鲜决定越过三八线之前,发生了很多事情。朝鲜内战只是整个战争的一小部分。这场战争不仅包括韩国人。人们不知道的是,还有其他国家在朝鲜战争的爆发中发挥了重要作用,比如日本、中国、俄罗斯和美国。在19世纪,朝鲜只是一个向中国人致敬的小农民社会。这个小小的朝鲜社会只不过是内向的前资本主义中国世界的一部分(麦克唐纳3)。但是当俄罗斯和日本帝国主义对中国产生巨大影响时,朝鲜能够走出它的孤立。到本世纪末,韩国已经成为中国、俄罗斯和日本三方竞赛的奖品。1894年,日本击败了中国,从而将中国排除在竞争之外。 Then in 1905, Japan defeated Russia, making them the dominant power in Korea. In 1910, Japan took over Korea and made them into a Japanese colony. As soon as Korea became a Japanese colony, Korea became the Japans expansion into the Northeast Asia. Though Japan tried to pursue a program of modernization, Japans rule was generally unpopular. This created a Korean group called KPG. KPG was a Korean Provisional Government in Shanghai in 1921. This was a self-constructed group that later came to be known as the main source of resistance to Japanese rule in 1930. Man named Kim Il Sung was one of the members of the KPG who stood out amongst the rest.

他后来成为了朝鲜的总统。作为日本殖民地奋斗了四十年后,朝鲜现在不得不在新创造的冷战中成为一枚棋子(黑斯廷斯25)。美国人决定在战争结束后登陆军队占领朝鲜半岛,因为他们发现俄国想要超越朝鲜半岛作为他们的利益范围。苏联占领朝鲜将在远东创造全新的战略形势。尽管五角大楼认为,对韩国的兴趣不会影响美国的长期利益,但他们的看法在三周内就发生了巨大变化。华盛顿对至少否认朝鲜半岛一小部分的可取性和可行性的看法发生了改变。1945年8月10日,美国投下长崎原子弹,最终决定了美国对朝鲜半岛的占领。出乎美国意料的是,苏联同意接受三八线作为他们前进的极限(黑斯廷斯27)。俄罗斯和美国在波茨坦会面,决定以三八线分割朝鲜半岛,接受日本军队的投降是最好的选择。这件事发生在1945年夏天。 As in Europe, 38th parallel became permanent, violating the US and Russia’s sphere of interest. Russia and the US tried to define the parameters of change, only to find out that they both supported the different sides. While Russia took the left, US took the alliance with the right. This placed the conservatives in control of the security device that was granted by the defeated Japanese. Russia accepted the Japanese surrender in August, and United States accepted the Japanese surrender in September. Through this, Korea had unexpectedly found themselves separated. North Korea was now set up to work as an satellite state for China and South Korea was to become a free nation prepared by the United States. By the year of 1950, the North Korea People’s Army was trained and equipped by the Soviet Union. North Koreans were now heavily trained and now had an aggressive military force. They were well equipped with Russian small arms, artillery, armor, and propeller-driven fighter aircraft(Knox 3). By 1950 the balance power was moved drastically towards the North Koreans, making the South Koreans in a venerable situations. In late spring of that year, the North Koreans had 150 Russian-built T34 tanks, the South Koreans had no tanks; the North Koreans had three types of artillery, the South Koreans one, and in actual numbers of divisional artillery pieces, the NKPA(North Korean People’s Army) exceeded the ROK(Republic of Korea) Army three to one; the North Koreans had a small tactical air force, the South Koreans had none; the North Koreans had seven full-strength combat divisions, the South Koreans four; the North Koreans had 89,000assault troops, the South Koreans 65,000(Knox 4). North Korea decided to unify Korea by direct military action hoping that United States would not interfere. North Korea felt that United States would have too much too lose by interfering, so they went and decided to confront South Korea.


在6月15日到20日期间,朝鲜带着七个步兵师,一个装甲旅,一个单独的步兵团,一个摩托车团,和一个边境警察旅(Knox 4)。朝鲜军队在凌晨4点穿过38度线,在安镇地区、开城地区和春川地区入侵大韩民国领土。朝鲜军队由7个师5个旅组成,空军有100-150架苏联制造的飞机。主要攻击沿着波川-义宗-首尔走廊(诺克斯5号)。朝鲜坦克参与了这次行动,包围了春川。上午9点,开城市被攻占,大约10辆朝鲜坦克参与了这次行动。从攻击的性质和发动攻击的方式来看,它构成了对大韩民国的全面进攻。当朝鲜军队在6月25日越过三八线时,这不仅仅是朝鲜人之间的斗争。这实际上是俄罗斯和美国之间的冲突。当朝鲜共产党领导人金日成(Kim Il Sung)带领朝鲜军队越过三八线时,这对韩国人来说是一个血腥的星期天。这场战争一直持续到1953年,最终在马克·w·克拉克将军“怀着沉重的心情”签署停战协议后宣告结束。 Korean War wasn’t just a war that between the North Korea and the South Korea. There were many different influenced that led to the crossing of the 38th parallel by the North Koreans. When you break down the Korean War and see it for what it actually is, you can have a better understanding of what happened that let to the crossing of the 38th parallel on June 25, 1950. Though the actual civil war only lasted for 3 years, you have to take into account that it was the territorial fight against the other counties such as Japan, China, Soviet Union and United states that led to the civil war on the June 25, 1950. The whole war took from late 18th century to the mid 19th century. Korea basically became a target and a victim of the geographical and territorial reasons of the other countries.

引用这篇文章为:William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper编辑组),“朝鲜战争的起源和原因”SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/origin-causes-of-the-korean-war/





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