
野外蟋蟀,熟悉的黑色或褐色蟋蟀通常在草地和田地中丰富。也在住宅或地面上的小簇中。树蟋蟀更多经常听到然后看到。通常彩色绿色这些纤细的蟋蟀生活在灌木丛中。鼹鼠蟋蟀可以通过潮湿的土壤迅速挖洞。他们还可以住在洞穴,空心原木,石头和其他黑暗潮湿的地方。蚱蜢也是本集团的一部分。他们经常变得非常丰富,并在巨大的群体中迁移。几乎所有植物都在他们的道路上。他们喜欢生活在潮湿的草地上。蝗虫也有助于orthoptera.。自历史开始以来已经记录了蝗虫瘟疫,仍然是世界上主要的昆虫问题之一。蟑螂是一个类似的群体,Blattodea.。世界上有一个估计有3,000个蟑螂物种。大约55岁住在美国,只有4种是普通家庭宠物。德国蟑螂或克罗顿虫,在美国特别是在北方州。他们通常在杂货店进入袋子或盒子里的房子。它们倾向于在热水管周围的温暖潮湿的地方簇。当他们没有吃东西时,他们会被隐藏。蟋蟀将在纸上或服装中吃洞,特别是那些弄脏汗水的衣服。他们还吃年轻根和幼苗,花生,花园庄稼,粮食,衣服,有时是其他昆虫,甚至彼此。蚱蜢是一个不同的故事。 They eat crops and destroy millions of dollars a year in them. Cockroaches are just a pest and they eat almost anything. Cockroaches feed on a great variety of foods, meats, cheeses, sweets, and starches(like the starch in clothing or in the glue like that in book bindings, and stamps.). When abundant they may also eat human hair, skin and nails. They secrete sticky, odorous fluid that may be lift on foods or materials.


蟑螂非常迅速地移动。他们有6条腿,3个关节,因为腿部腿部的肌肉收缩腿移动。这种运动导致蟑螂快速运动向前倾斜。蟋蟀有翅膀,所以他们可能会飞。蟋蟀的运动与蚱蜢的运动不同。蚱蜢是一种昆虫,可以跳跃其身体长度的20倍。如果人类具有相同的跳跃能力作为蚱蜢,他们可以跳到至少20英尺。他们做的有用的事情。在俄罗斯蟑螂被视为粪便的解毒剂。同样在东南亚,中国煮蟑螂的腿部肉的肉被认为是一种美味。 I 1968, 71% of more than 700 U.S. allergy patients injected with an experimental roach extract reported on easing of their symptoms. Roaches are ideal lab animals also. They are easy to care for, and but don’t bite or sting. Roaches have been implicated as disease vectors, but this has never been proven. They eat almost anything because of a wide variety of bacteria and protozoans in their gut. They help in rapid decomposition of forest litter, and animal fecal matter. We cope with poison baits, insecticides, dusts, and sprays. Other ways we can cope with common household things ar orange, and lemon peels. This instantly rill imported fire ants, house flies, stable flies, and ext. Harmful Members of Orthoptera cause lots of crop damage. Plagues of locusts occur in countless millions. When they are finished eating in one place they move on not leaving a green stem in the field. The term locust designates grasshoppers that migrate. Grasshoppers have caused more direct crop loss that any other insect. From 1925 to 1949 they damaged more than half a billion dollars worth of damage to crops. In 23 states in the western U.S. grasshoppers are considered to be among our most serious insect pests. Millions of dollars are spent in an attempt to control them. Millions of people around the word have died of starvation. In the U.S. the problem is serious, but is small compared with other areas. The Middle East and areas adjacent to it are usually the hardest to hit. Cockroaches, also a common pest, don’t bite but contaminate food. The roaches carry diseases, and damage book bindings. They will eat almost anything.





雄性蟑螂是他生命中的一个非常活跃的饲养员,而女性只能繁殖一次。他首先首先通过在翅膀下面的物质分泌出来。当他呼唤一位女性时,她骑着他并开始消费物质。这是男性和女性加入的时候。在脱离之前,他们将保持在一起几天。有时候女性会在她身上保持精子。当她施肥时,从她的后端开始有生物和蛋囊开始。在囊后掉下来,她只是离开它。经过几天的时间,小幼虫将开始吸收这种膨胀自己的空气,蛋壳将开始撕裂。一旦小蟑螂看起来像小透明的蟑螂。 Some will be eaten by predators, while some will be eaten even by their own kind. But since roaches almost always are mating this really doesn’t hinder their young. Soon the roach will reach maturity and the process will start all over again. Article.(National Geographic) The praying mantis eats nothing but live food, mostly insects. Prey is taken only from flowers, leafage, twigs, bark, or the ground. Never while the potential victim is in flight. Many species have wings but seldom use them. A mantis’s catching of prey is at times larger than the mantis itself. Its severed by surprising small mouth parts, similar to those of its cockroach ancestors. Over millions of years of evolutionary time, mantises have occupied all accessible regions that may have a suitable climate. They abound especially in tropical and subtropical areas and have adapted by protective color and form to a variety of habitats. If danger is imminent, a mantis may explode into action, scurrying with crablike speed upward and around to the opposite tree. All and all mantises are very extraordinary creatures just like the rest of the group Orthoptera.




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