奥斯卡王尔德的Dorian Graye的图片是审美主义手段的道德腐败的故事。在小说,井意义艺术家罗勒厅预设年轻的dorian灰色与自己的肖像。在与亨利·亨利·霍顿谈话之后,Dorian向一个愿望令人恐惧地影响他的生命。“如果是我总是年轻的,那么那些会变老的照片!为此,我会给一切!是的,全世界都没有什么我不会给!我会为那个“(Wilde 109)给予我的灵魂。事实证明,Dorian销售他的灵魂的魔鬼是亨利·沃顿勋爵,他们不仅存在于Dorian外部的东西,而且作为他内心的声音(Bloom 107)。多丽安继续引领一种感性的生活,他在由亨利主赐给他的一本书中了解。Dorian对快乐的不道德奉献成为他的生活方式。这部小说强调了它不赞成对主角产生负面影响的审美主义。 Each of the three primary characters is an aesthete and meets some form of terrible personal doom. Basil Hallward’s aestheticism is manifested in his dedication to his artistic creations. He searches in the outside world for the perfect manifestation of his own soul, when he finds this object, he can create masterpieces by painting it (Bloom 109). He refuses to display the portrait of Dorian Gray with the explanation that, “I have put too much of myself into it” (Wilde 106). He further demonstrates the extent to which he holds this philosophy by later stating that, “only the artist is truly reveled” (109). Lord Henry Wotton criticizes Basil Hallward that, “An artist should create beautiful things but should put nothing of his own life into them” (Wilde 25).

具有讽刺意味的是,罗勒厅的存在的目的是他是一个努力成为他艺术的美容(Eriksen 105)。这是罗勒拒绝展示的艺术品的真实作品,其中提供了Dorian灰色,了解他的行为没有后果。当他谋杀罗勒时,Dorian对此感到相信。在这里,我们看到艺术家因其对身体美的过度热爱而被杀;他希望合并的相同艺术是他的致命垮台的原因(Juan 64)。亨利·霍顿主勋爵,多利安生活中最有影响力的人,是一个思想的美容。

罗勒是一位艺术家在批发是一位使用单词的艺术家时使用刷子:没有好处,没有邪恶,没有道德和不道德;有存在的模式。为了活着是在美学上实际上实验来试验所有的感觉,了解所有的情绪,并思考所有思想,以便自我实现每一个能力都能实现(西5811)。亨利勋爵认为,“美丽比善良更好”(Wilde 215)。虽然他证明了审美主义是一种思想方式,但他并没有对他的信仰行事。罗勒厅会指责他说:“你永远不会说道德的事情,你永远不会做错事”(5)。然而,亨利勋爵确实采取了影响Dorian的不道德行动。虽然亨利勋爵指出,“所有影响都是不道德的”(Wilde 18),他仍然大大改变了Dorian Gray。随着Dorian对亨利主的信仰行为,肖像的美丽变得腐败。“亨利勋爵将多丽安带到他的新河床主义的租户,其基础是自我发展,导致完美实现一个人的性质”(Eriksen 97)。如果亨利主的审美思想有有效性,Dorian Gray的肖像不应该变得丑陋,但更美丽。 Since the picture becomes loathsome, it is evident that Lord Henry’s beliefs are untrue (West 5811). Dorian becomes so disgusted with the horrible portrait that he slashes the canvas, and the knife pierces his own heart. Because Lord Henry is responsible for influencing Dorian Gray, he is partly the cause of the death of Dorian (5810). While Lord Henry is indirectly the cause of Dorian’s death, he too causes his own downfall. Lord Henry changes Dorian with the belief that morals have no legitimate place in life. He gives Dorian a book about a man who seeks beauty in evil sensations. Both Lord Henry’s actions and thoughts prove ruinous, as his wife leaves him and the remaining focus of his life, youthful Dorian Gray, kills himself in an attempt to further the lifestyle suggested to him by Lord Henry. Eventually, he is left destitute, without Dorian, the art he so cherishes, because he tried to mold it, as dictated by aestheticism. Of all the protagonists, Dorian’s downfall is the most clearly recognized. A young man who was pure at the beginning of the novel becomes depraved by the influence of Lord Henry. “He grew more and more enamored of his own beauty, more and more interested in the corruption of his own soul” (Bloom 121). He begins to lead a life of immorality, including the murder of his dear friend Basil Hallward. “There were moments when he looked on evil simply as a mode through which he could realize his conception of beautiful” (Wilde 196). However, there is still a spark of good left in Dorian. He lashes out at his twisted mentor, Lord Henry, declaring, “I can’t bear this Henry! You mock at everything, and then suggest the most serious tragedies” (173). This trace of goodness is not enough to save Dorian, for he has crossed too far towards the perverted side of aestheticism and cannot escape it. “Dorian experiments with himself and with men and women, and watches the experiment recorded year by year in the fouling and aging corruption of his portrait’s beauty” (West 5811).

John Gunther的死亡并不自豪:摘要和分析

多利亚人变得如此厌恶这种灵魂和他的良心的肖像,他削减了帆布,杀死了自己。对于Dorian,这是终极邪恶行为,渴望摆脱所有道德意义。失败了试图通过良好行动逃脱,他决定通过犯下最可怕的罪行来逃避。审美主义已经声称最终受害者。“罗勒厅就是我想的是我所在:亨利主勋爵世界的想法是什么:Dorian Gray我想 - 在其他年龄,也许是”(Hart-Davis 352)。由于他为这些角色创造了这些角色,奥斯卡·威尔德证明他并没有想象自己在这个故事的不道德角色中,也不试图促进他们的生活方式。在他创造的所有角色中,他认为自己是罗勒,这位优秀的艺术家牺牲了自己打击不道德。“他的美丽是毁了他,他的美丽和他祈祷的年轻人”(Wilde 242)。与韦德的序言相反,“没有道德或不道德书”(VII),这部小说具有深厚而有意义的目的。“道德是,缺乏对人类生命的信仰的缺乏灵性,将像人类的多元灰色这样的个体分开,并使他们的怪物”(West 5831)。

Pearl S. Buck的好地球:王肺分析

W.H.奥登认为故事专门构建以提供道德。他将故事与童话故事的故事相比,与公主,一个邪恶的女巫和一个仙女教神母母亲一起完成。这片叶子“每个童话结束的道德的房间。”这部小说不仅被视为纯粹的童话级别,而且据称包含“伦理美”(奥登146)。Dorian Gray的图片是一种小说,包括道德对话,良知和诱惑有力地传达。虽然它似乎是对表面上的审美主义的倡导者,但故事最终会破坏整个哲学。Wilde将“我们在多大程度上塑造了我们的行为”(26)。他还展示了“艺术不能成为生命的替代品”(Eriksen 104)。这是一个奇妙的河床主义故事,具有学习和记住的道德。


  • 奥登,W.H.“在捍卫高大的故事。”纽约人。1969年11月29日.205-206,208-210。
  • 绽放,哈罗德。奥斯卡·王尔德。纽约:切尔西房屋出版商,1985年。
  • 艾尔曼理查德。奥斯卡·王尔德。纽约:1987年,阿尔弗雷德A.Noopf Inc.。
  • 埃里克森,唐纳德。奥斯卡·王尔德。波士顿:Twayne Publishers,1977. Hart-Davis,Rupert。奥斯卡王尔德的字母。纽约:
  • 哈考特,布雷斯和世界,1962年。
  • 胡安,埃菲尼奥。奥斯卡王尔德的艺术。新泽西:普林斯敦
  • 大学出版社,1967年。王尔德,奥斯卡。Dorian的图片
  • 灰色的。纽约:1992年random House,Inc。。


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