
在这个短篇故事的开头,我们介绍了萨拉,一个生活在南非的黑人老仆人。她为一个上层白人家庭努力工作,把所有的钱都花在了她的三个孩子的教育上,他们被送到了寄宿学校。他们每年圣诞节回家一次,叙述者第一次见到孩子们时,对他们彬彬有礼的行为感到惊讶。然而,她发现莎拉对他们有点苛刻,她对此进行了评论。莎拉告诉她,最好现在就吸取教训,以后再接受自己的命运。在接下来的一年里,萨拉因为她的腿不得不放弃了她的工作,有一天她的女儿来到了家里。她慢慢地把她的故事讲给讲述者听。弟弟现在的工作情况,她照顾萨拉的情况。叙述者给了她一些衣服和钱,邀请她进去喝杯茶。当她准备离开时,她开始哭泣,只能低声说她妈妈病得很重。 Unsure of what to do, the narrator hands her a handkerchief.


这个故事中的环境是1950年代的南非。种族隔离和分离是描述黑人(原住民)完全生活的条件的词语。黑人几乎没有权利,并且必须接受白人被压迫。莎拉只是许多贫困黑人中的一个,他们只能设法谋生为富人的白色家庭(叙述者)。奴隶制不再存在,但是在除了他们在所有人的工作之后,他们在50年代的原生非洲人中将奴隶的生命区分开。莎拉非常关注她的孩子们善良的教育。她可能希望他们有更好的生活,而不是她到目前为止,而这是一个非常高尚的思想,但事实谈到了它。她的孩子们目前没有一个非常好的(如果有的话)获得一个良好的牢固教育,因为它非常昂贵,而他们的母亲没有那么多钱。即使她做了足够的钱,她的腿也很糟糕,在故事的最后,她必须放弃她的工作(因此让她的孩子走出寄宿学校),因为她不能为学校付钱。这可能看起来像是孩子在生命中未来成功的最终打击。 No education means no chances of getting a better life in South Africa (and just about everywhere else, too). But what if she did have enough money to give her children a proper education – would that guarantee the children a good future life? I gravely doubt it. As I said before, the blacks live almost like slaves, and as such, they do not have the opportunity to climb the social ladder. All in all, Sarah’s hopes and dreams for her children are all very noble, but, unfortunately, at that time and place, very unrealistic.

叙述者对莎拉的态度并不比当时南非的大多数白人好。虽然她允许萨拉的孩子在圣诞节期间住在她家里,但我认为她这么做的唯一原因是她试图逃避自己的坏良心。毕竟这是圣诞节。在这一年剩下的时间里,她甚至没有想过在经济上帮助莎拉的孩子们,让他们继续上学。尽管她的钱可能比萨拉看到的要多,但在故事的任何时候,帮助她的仆人的想法都没有打动她。她的仆人就是她的仆人,仆人的孩子不是她想的人。当我们读到叙述者对萨拉的孩子们的想法的描述时,这一点也很明显。她们的举止多么得体,她感到很惊讶;仿佛她期待的是一群野兽,而不是一个正常人。毫无疑问,她不是唯一一个这样看待黑人的人; they were considered animals by many white people at that time. However, the narrator seems to excuse her treatment and behavior towards Sarah and her family with ignorance (see lines 99-103). I find it hard to believe that this ignorance really existed, but it is possible that it did, because the whites and the blacks were so distinctly segregated by the apartheid system. Yet I find it hard to believe that the narrator was completely unaware of Sarah’s almost inhuman standard of living. Surely, even though apartheid almost divided the whites and the blacks into two separate worlds, she must have known something about the conditions under which Sarah and her children lived, and that it was getting worse as the days went by (because of the mother’s bad legs).


当珍妮特的两个女儿之一,在故事结束时访问叙述者,叙述者再次展示了对黑人的无知,但这一次她公开承认它。当然,珍妮特在她母亲前雇主的后院时,她就是一个令人不快的情况。每个人都有一些骄傲,站在后院,询问施舍,当然,对于一个骄傲的人来说,不管那个人是谁。珍妮特可能试图处于类似的情况,但现在她的母亲无法为瓦解家庭提供(她的父亲失去了他的工作,她的妹妹已经结婚并搬走了),她的家庭的生死依赖于在她和她的兄弟,谁是唯一工作的人。珍妮特当然是非常沮丧和悲伤,但她现在不能放弃。她的最后希望是叙述者将帮助她,幸运的是,她确实如此。手帕实际上是叙述者曾经帮助过莎拉的孩子的第一件事。直到故事中的那一点直到珍妮特意识到莎拉和她的家人的事情有多糟糕。当然,人们可以再次想到这只是她唯一的良心,让她给予珍妮衣服,但没有办法可以确定。 I am, however, inclined to believe that the narrator has finally realized how immense the difference between the “black world” and the “white world” really is. However, the things she gives Janet (some money and the handkerchief) will not last long, and what will Janet do then? Come back for more, of course. I am not saying that the narrator is doing something bad, but I do not think she realizes that Janet will probably come back again. It is like giving a stray cat some food; it will always come back for more. The question is if the narrator would give Janet more money if she came back, and if it would be any help at all. The first question is easy: Yes, she would give her more money if she came back – her conscience forbids her to do otherwise. The second question is a bit more difficult to answer. Of course the money is an instant help to Janet and her family, but only a very insufficient one. The few dollars (or whatever currency they use in South Africa) she gives Janet will only provide the family with a meal or two, and after that they will be back to where they started, and would have to beg for more money. Now, I am not saying charity does not help, but I do not think it helps as much as many people would like to think it does. In many cases, it only puts off the sufferings.







引用这篇文章如下:威廉·安德森(学校工作助手编辑团队),“罗伯特·彭斯的《啊,我的母亲,我的悲哀:总结和分析》,在SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/robert-burns-ah-woe-is-me-my-mother-dear-summary-analysis/



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