西尔维亚·普拉斯的生活,就像她的躁狂抑郁症一样,不断地在天堂和地狱之间跳跃。她看似完美的外表下隐藏着一颗躁动不安的心。仔细看看她的童年和个人经历,就会发现她的作品中没有那么神秘。西尔维娅·普拉斯(Sylvia Plath)诗歌中的一个中心人物是她的父亲奥托·埃米尔·普拉斯(Otto Emile Plath)教授。


西尔维亚·普拉斯(Sylvia Plath)的父亲本可以阻止自己的死亡,这一事实让她产生了一种被蓄意背叛的感觉。她没有向他人寻求安慰,而是将写作作为唯一的表达途径,令人惊讶的是,她8岁时就发表了一首诗。普拉斯高中毕业后继续高产写作,并于1950年获得了史密斯学院的奖学金,在那里她遇到了朋友安妮·塞克斯顿。塞克斯顿经常和普拉斯一起在丽兹酒店喝马提尼酒,在那里他们分享诗歌和关于死亡的知性讨论。虽然他们是朋友,但塞克斯顿和普拉斯之间也有竞争的因素。西尔维娅·普拉斯(Sylvia Plath)的诗《爸爸》可能是对安妮·塞克斯顿(Anne Sexton)的《我的朋友,我的朋友》的回应。就好像普拉斯在评论她的写作技巧只比塞克斯顿好一点点。在罗伯特·洛厄尔的诗歌课上,塞克斯顿经常向他表达她对普拉斯写作的不满。她说普拉斯“在她的诗歌中回避了重点,还没有找到属于她的形式。”他们之间的竞争关系一直持续到最后。 To all appearances, Plath appeared normal, her social life similar to other middle class coeds. Many were attracted to Plath’s brilliant mind, but few were aware of the inner torment that drove her to write, alienating her from the rest of society.

《小姐》杂志在普拉斯大三之后的那个夏天给了她一个客座编辑的职位。当她回到大学时,她的朋友和家人都被她的自杀企图震惊了,大多数人认为她是因为杂志的压力而精神崩溃的。她的治疗被认为是医学界所能提供的最好的治疗,包括电击和心理治疗。普拉斯在《拉撒路夫人》这首诗中讲述了她自己的故事,她把自己的经历比作大屠杀的受害者。但她明显的康复使她得以在第二年以最优等成绩毕业。泰德·休斯(Ted Hughes)在剑桥接受富布赖特(Fulbright)奖学金继续学业时,遇到了这位作家并爱上了她。休斯也是剑桥大学的学生,也是一位诗人。四年后,这对夫妇结婚了,在美国短暂停留后回到了英国。


After returning to London, Plath’ s first book of poetry, Colossus, was published in 1960. Plath’s best known work, The Bell Jar was published following the birth of their second child.( Ted Hughes, 52-66) The novel is semi-autobiographical, describing a young woman’s tragic coming of age. The central character, a schoolgirl prodigy, Esther Greenwood, makes her way to adulthood in spite of periodic mental breakdowns. The Bell Jar is particularly poignant when Esther describes her madness as ” . ..a bell jar, stifling and airless that descends without warning…” Not long after the publication of The Bell Jar in1963, Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath split up. Plath was left caring for two children in a low-income area of London during one of the coldest Novembers in centuries. She worked between four and eight in the morning. Apparently being inspired by hardship, Plath sometimes finished a poem every day. In her last poems, death is given a cruel and physical allure and pain becomes tangible. Leaving some food and milk at the kitchen table for her children, she gassed herself to death. Ironically, the woman Ted Hughes left Sylvia Plath for another woman that would commit suicide by gas. Posthumous Publications include: Ariel, published in 1965, inspired a cult following.

这些诗歌比在巨型发表的诗更均匀,更为情绪化。其他卷是:穿过水(1971),冬季树木(1971年),约翰尼恐慌和梦想的圣经(1977年),并由Ted Hughes编辑的收集诗歌(1981)。在Sylvia Play的葬礼上,Anne Sexton在eulogy中说,她和普拉斯队“与烧毁的强度谈判死亡,我们都像飞蛾一样吸引到电灯泡。”自1700年代以来,自杀已经被想到了,在一些圈子里,一种浪漫的死方式(即罗密欧和朱丽叶)。有些人也认为,为了让自己的生命将增加你的艺术声誉。Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s novel The Sorrows of Weather suggested that suicide is accepted from those with artistic temperament because artists are supposedly more prone to drug use, isolation, suicide, etc… Every trip to the triumphant high points of Sylvia Plath’s life was followed by a long stay in the bowels of Hell. Hell for Sylvia Plath was her own fantasy playground that was demolished at a young and tender age. Maybe if her gift were better known when she was alive, her life would have been more fulfilling, but at least she is now at peace.



Hughes,Ted和Fredrick McCullough。Sylvia Plach的期刊。伦敦:西蒙和舒斯特,1983年。布尔西克,爱德华。Sylvia Plath:方法和疯狂。纽约:海伯里出版社,1976年。“钟罐”。格罗尔的多媒体百科全书。格罗尔电子出版社,1995年。“自杀”。格罗尔的多媒体百科全书。格罗尔电子出版社,1995年。吉尔森,威廉。Sylvia Plath Bio。 http://home.interlynx.net/~hecate/pbio.html




