

他还表明他可以成为一个优秀的酋长,让他们用手倾听。“拉尔夫笑着笑着沉默(#23)。”最后,当拉尔夫吹了胆螺,仿佛越来越近,孩子们去了他。“当拉尔夫完成吹胆量时,平台挤满了(#32)。”接下来,其中一个更大的符号是火灾。强制执行规则是一回事,但孩子们宁愿玩比保持火灾。拉尔夫给出了火的想法,但他们可以保持它吗?“还有另一件事。我们可以帮助他们找到我们。如果船靠近岛屿,他们可能不会注意到我们。我们必须发火(#38)。“杰克有一个美好的主意用贪心的眼镜来点燃火。“ Jack pointed suddenly. “His specs-use them as burning glasses (#40)!” Jack has a obsession of hunting and it turns to the choir as well. They have the responsibility to keep the fire going, but they get side tracked, go hunting and the fire goes out. “There was a ship. Out there. You said you’d keep the fire going and you let it out!” He took a step towards Jack who turned and faced him. “They might have seen us. We might have gone home (#70).” As you can see a bunch of children are not ready for that kind of responsibility. Finally is the conch, it shows the start of a civilization and rules, but the children can’t make a civilized place without orderliness which they don’t have. Piggy knew what the conch was at first and knew they should blow on it but all was taken credit for by Ralph. When they first found it Ralph thought it was a stone in the water but Piggy saw it as the shell and explained what he knew about it. “A stone.” “No. A shell.” Suddenly Piggy was a-bubble with decorous excitement. ” S’right. It’s a shell! I seen one like that before. On someone’s back wall. A conch he called it.


他曾经吹过它,然后他的妈妈会来。这是如此有价值 - (#15)。“贝壳发出深苛刻的音符蓬勃发展。拉尔夫惊讶于声音。“天哪!(#17)。”他惊讶于声音。这是一个岛屿的孩子。后来在这个故事中,每个人都会在同一时间谈论,所以拉尔夫说他会把它交给一个人,他们是唯一要说的人。“海螺?”“这就是这个贝壳所召唤的。 I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he’s speaking (#33).” Golding does a magnificent job of symbolism in his novel. Already proven are three of the main symbols. Golding brings emotion, thought, and symbolism together in Lord Of The Flies. Those kid’s lives were severed, some lives perished, others dreaded by the nightmares of their memories.




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