我必须说我对这本书没有很高的期望,因为我不是一个非常大的科幻粉丝,但这本书改变了我的思想。这本特定书改变了我对科幻小说看法的原因有很多。我享受这本书的主要原因之一是它写的方式。Isaac Asimov和Robert Silverberg非常奇妙地设置这个故事。我个人喜欢这本书结构的方式。第一章发生在故事的末尾,以便开始思考从一开始就发生的事情。然后,当您附近的那样,您将返回第一章中始于您开始的故事的结尾,并通过思想挑衅结束完成故事。我喜欢这个特殊的故事的另一个主要原因是因为它涉及许多道德方面,来自不同的观点。如,是人类意味着什么,人类如何被一般的智慧所察觉,这些智慧没有关于我们作为人类理性或思考的方式的知识。作者还表明,当他们发现他们能够创造一个无法以逻辑模式思考的能力,而且智慧超出自己的能力。 It was for this reason that the Three Laws of Robotics were created; to assuage the fears we will have of superior beings.

Edgar Allen Poe的“The Pit和Pendul”:摘要和分析


By telling the story from the robot’s point of view the book was able to show how we as humans would be perceived, by an intelligent robot that begins as a child with full talking and thinking capabilities and slowly comes to know what it is to be human. What we consider a simple gesture or saying would seem confusing to this robot (full grown child). This story enables us to view everyday commonplace events through a different pair of eyes. Things such as emotions, aging and death are some examples of events and processes that would seem so illogical to a being that can only think in logical terms. What does it mean to be human? Must you have a heart? Or does being human depend on the ability to have and show emotions? This story shows what it means to be human. The dictionary states, that human is having human form and or attributes. Well Andrew had human form in his android body and had most all human characteristics and attributes. So why would he not be considered human? He shows all the traits of being human, except for the fact that his soul is housed in a metal android body whereas humans have cellular structure. Andrew spent all two hundred years of his life trying to be more human, but in the end the only thing that changed public opinion and the law, was that he would rather die a man than live an eternity as a robot. So Andrew arranged for his protective systems to be removed so his brain would deteriorate just like aging human. So this ultimately showed how human Andrew was.




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