1947年,新墨西哥罗斯韦尔镇附近看到了一支UFO。它得到了许多居民的目睹,被描述为没有的东西这个星球。政府否定了这次活动的任何证据,并已涵盖了多年。现在更多信息已经向公众提供了更多的信息,很明显发生了非凡的事情。罗斯威尔镇,新墨西哥州是许多不明飞行物在20世纪40年代瞄准的位置,并认为秘密军事基地的位置。大多数当地人都有一个故事或两个人来讲述他们对这些目击的经历,但现在已经出现了关于政府如何威胁他们不会谈论发生的事件的故事。如果他们敢说他们所看到的东西,有些人觉得他们的生活濒临灭绝。One incident in particular which has sparked a craze in the study of UFO’s is when a flying disk allegedly crashed in the deserts of New Mexico near Roswell on the night of July 8, 1947. According to Roswell expert Henry Ritson, many civilians arrived at the crash scene and witnessed the bodies of alien beings (Roswell Reporter pg. 2).

这些证人报告已经看到具有大型梨形头和凸出的黑眼眼睛被政府和军事代理人拖走的人形的人,并通过这些药剂(Roswell记者PG。3)汇报了整个发生的汇报。一些证人威胁不再谈到这一事件。有关的对象后来被政府分类为天气气球,并打折了UFO现场的所有证据和目击者报告(第3页)。该农民的现场UFO坠毁的人被当地的广播电台提供了大笔资金,以讲述他的故事。他谈到了奇怪的外星材料,看似无敌的箔片,不能削减或损坏。他还描述了外星人和他们旅行的工艺(Roswell:我们在谈论什么?第2页)。他后来被军队逮捕并在政府基地举行。第一个警官队杰杰西马塞尔LT.Messe Marcel,被告知,对坠机现场进行公共重述,他误认为是一家用于飞碟的天气气球(Roswell记者PG。2)。用天气气球拍摄的图片是拍摄的,故事死了。官方声明的书面录音引用马塞尔的说法,“我们在我们的调查中如此担心,我们误认为是一种清晰的气象气球作为某种外星人旅行装置。”(Roswell记者PG。2)经过多年的羞辱,Marcel决定和他的故事提出。

他解释说,他被军队强迫改变他的整个故事,而且它根本没有天气气球。该声明制定了国家新闻,并启动了一个来自兴奋的UFO爱好者(Roswell和其他政府掩盖第4页)的UFO瞄准。大多数这些目击最有可能是这些爱好者的狂野想象力。Marcel在碰撞的那一天收集了从坠毁的物体的许多样本,并向他的家人展示。他的儿子对一个看似包含外星人写作的物体特别感兴趣。物品被政府没收,马塞尔儿子的生活受到威胁。他的母亲被告知不要谈论这些东西或遭受后果。如果只有仅仅涉及的天气气球,政府就没有理由做出这些威胁。经过几年的否定事件,政府被公众要求拒绝所有罗斯韦尔记录。在报告记录被盗并被非法摧毁的时候,它将很快成为公众。 All requests for information concerning the events which took place near Roswell were returned with a reply stating that no records exist of the alleged incident. Many requests were made for information concerning the events which took place by a group of individuals who went on to write a newsletter called the Roswell Reporter. Project Bluebook, a government project which contained all UFO reports of that period, contained no records of this incident, despite the fact that it is the most talked about UFO occurrence in history (Roswell Reporter pg. 2). This project became declassified and all records were released to the public (pg. 3). The Roswell incident was not listed in any of them. There is obviously some reason the government does not want the public to know the details of the crash. (Roswell: What are We Talking About? pg. 1) UFO skeptics have alternate theories as to what the crash actually was. One theory is that these objects we see are actually balls of gas or plasma caused by tectonic movement within the earth.


这仍然没有解释目击者看到的身体。另一个理论是这些外星人根本不会来自另一个星球。这些生物可能来自未来甚至是另一个维度。所有这些理论都可能听起来很远,但我们没有办法消除它们。即使是古代印第安人也记录了滚动中的飞行物体(古代印度飞行器PG。1)。他们声称已经为行星飞行建造了物体,并用自我和灵魂进行操作(第2页)。这些故事从未证明或不编制,但事实仍然是飞行盘的历史可以在现代人的时代(幼儿PG.1)之前历史悠久。Childress说,这些船上不仅有文件,而且还有行星际旅行的故事(第3页)。政府一直保留了罗斯威尔·罗斯韦尔崩溃的信息,是一个秘密。如果有这么多人看到这么远的撞击,那么很难想象该物体是天气气球。 It could have been a secret government experiment gone bad or even a craft from another world. In any case, the public has the right to know the truth. The proof of other intelligent life forms existing in the universe would be a great step in human knowledge. The secrecy surrounding the entire incident makes it seem as if the government has already learned from these beings. Some UFO enthusiasts also believe that the government gets information on new technology from the extraterrestrials. The massive increase in technology in the 1950’s and ’60’s supports this concept. New military aircrafts have shown signs of advanced technology and aerodynamics. The stealth bomber is a good example of this new technology. The controversy about aliens and the incident at Roswell, New Mexico will most likely continue until either alien make contact with humans publically or until the government admits to the cover-ups in Roswell and other UFO sightings. This crash was a very important historical event in the eyes of many, and the government has done a good job of keeping the details of the event a secret. No matter what the object was, it certainly opened the eyes of the public. The people involved in the incident and those who witnessed it are the only ones who know for sure what really happened on that memorable evening. They have been silenced by the government, and may never speak of the events that occurred that night. They are the few who have seen exactly what is out there. The rest may never know.




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