美国第三席,外交官,政治家,建筑师,科学家和哲学家,托马斯杰斐逊是最多的美国历史中的杰出人物。美国启蒙时期的领导者是阐明,明智或意识到自由社会作为托马斯杰斐逊的影响和后果。Thomas Jefferson出生于1743年4月13日,在弗吉尼亚州的烟草种植园Shadwell。他的父亲,彼得杰斐逊是一种自我成功的成功,虽然没有受过教育的人是一个非常聪明的人。他的母亲Jane Randolph是弗吉尼亚最杰出家庭之一的成员。当托马斯为14岁时,彼得杰斐逊去世了,让他有着宝贵的土地和财产。他自己否认了一个正规的教育,他指示他的儿子得到完整的古典培训。他曾在经典学者的父亲先生牧师学习过两年,并于1760年,他参加了威廉和玛丽学院。在1762年从威廉和玛丽毕业后,杰斐逊在乔治·怀斯特下学习了五年的法律。1月1772年1月,他娶了玛莎沃斯斯基尔顿,并在蒙蒂塞洛建立了住所。 When they moved to Monticello, only a small one room building was completed. Jefferson was thirty when he began his political career. He was elected to the Virginia House of Burgess in 1769, where his first action was an unsuccessful bill allowing owners to free their slaves. The impending crisis in British-Colonial relations overshadowed routine affairs of legislature. In 1774, the first of the Intolerable Acts closed the port of Boston until Massachusetts paid for the Boston Tea Party of the preceding year. Jefferson and other younger members of the Virginia Assembly ordained a day of fasting and prayer to demonstrate their sympathy with Massachusetts. Thereupon, Virginia’s Royal Governor Dunmore once again dissolved the assembly (Koch and Peden 20). The members met and planned to call together an inter-colonial congress. Jefferson began writing resolutions which were radical and better written than those from other counties and colonies. Although his resolutions were considered too revolutionary and not adopted, they were printed and widely circulated and subsequently all important writing assignments were entrusted to Jefferson. When Jefferson arrived in Philadelphia in June, 1775, as a Virginia delegate to the Second Continental Congress, he already possessed, as John Adams remarked, “a reputation for literature, science, and a happy talent of composition” (Koch and Peden 21). When he returned in 1776, he was appointed to the five-man committee, including Benjamin Franklin and John Adams, which was charged with the most momentous assignment ever given in the history of America: the drafting of a formal declaration of independence from Great Britain (Daugherty 109). Jefferson was responsible for preparing the draft. The document was finally approved by Congress on July 4, 1776. Cut and occasionally altered by Adams, or Franklin, or the Congress itself, the Declaration is almost completely Jefferson’s, and is the triumph and culmination of his early career. At this time, had he wanted to be a political leader, he could have easily attained a position in government. Instead, he chose to return to Monticello and give his public service to Virginia. Returning to the Virginia House of Delegates in October 1776, Jefferson set to work on reforming the laws of Virginia. He also通过撰写“建立宗教自由法案”,拟议全州教育的理性计划,并试图通过分开教会和国家将佛陀的法律写入弗吉尼亚州的法律。In June of 1779, Jefferson was elected Governor of Virginia.他开始作为公共执行人员,充满信心,确保他联邦的尊重和几乎是对其英联邦的感情。然而,他在英国袭击弗吉尼亚州的一段时间担任职责。乔治华盛顿将军没有可用于发送至弗吉尼亚的资源。杰斐逊,在其中一个突袭期间,勉强逃脱了英国部队手中的捕获;而立法者被迫逃离他们的新首都里士满。

杰斐逊,作为国家的负责人,被挑选出来批评和虐待。在他的第二个任期结束时,他宣布退休。华盛顿综合将军杰斐逊的行动批准,因为州长对脱毁了立法机构的职责的加热指控造成了鲜明对比。华盛顿批准后,立法机关通过了一项正式清除所有费用的杰斐逊(Smith 134,135)。杰斐逊于1781年回到了蒙科罗,并埋葬了弗吉尼亚州的写作。文本的页面变成了后来称为弗吉尼亚州的注释的稿件。这本书,在其澄清道德政治和社会问题的情况下,富有的外部性细节的微小分析,被两大洲的科学家们读到了多年来(史密斯142)。他的妻子生病了,自上届女儿的诞生以来,于1782年9月去世。对他的妻子悲伤,杰斐逊拒绝了许多任命。In June 1783, he was elected as a delegate to the Confederation Congress where he headed important committees and drafted many reports and official papers.他主张了更有利的国际商业关系的必要性,并于1784年,为部长们谈判与欧洲国家的商业条约的部长说明。 In May 1784, he was appointed Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States to assist Benjamin Franklin and John Adams, both of whom had preceded him to Europe to arrange commercial agreements (Koch and Peden 24). He traveled throughout Europe and every place he went, he was not only an American diplomat, but a student of the useful sciences.


他注意到酿酒和奶酪,种植和收获庄稼,养牲畜。他向美国提供了不同文化的信息,各种草的实际种子不是美国,橄榄植物和意大利大米。他仍然在巴黎,直到1789年(史密斯170)。在他的回归总统上,华盛顿要求杰斐逊成为国务卿。杰斐逊接受了该职位,并与亚历山大·汉密尔顿局长统一地发现自己。杰斐逊认为,所有汉密尔顿的行为都是一个宗旨的主导:建立政府,并有特权。杰斐逊反复考虑从内阁岗位退休,在这里,他不断地针对汉密尔顿,是首都最有力的人。在谈判这个国家的外交后,杰斐逊再次退休到蒙科罗。退休期间,杰斐逊监督他的庄园养殖,并设计了一种彻底改变农业的犁;他他的图书馆像花园一样;他改变了Monticello的建筑计划,并监督了建设。经过三年相当活跃的“退休”,杰斐逊接受了共和党于1796年为总统提出的提名。He lost by three votes, which under the prevailing system, meant he was elected Vice President and the Federalist, John Adams, was elected president.联邦主义行政通过通过外国人法案来转动其政治对手,以驱逐外国自由派和自由主义,宣传者和漫画,以及煽动法案来遏制新闻界。煽动行动赋予政府罚款,监禁和起诉任何反对作者,因此共和党人在亚当斯行政其余几年内被掩盖(Randall 523,528)。1800年,杰斐逊和亚伦伯里尔乘坐办公室。选举表决与流行投票的标志对比,导致杰斐逊和博尔尔之间的领带。联邦者威胁着杰斐逊与他们讨价还价,或者他们会选出博尔尔。然而,杰斐逊,坚定不移,没有承诺,直到联邦者放弃。 As President, Jefferson’s first project was to remove the bias which had recently infected America. His policy of general reconciliation and reform and his success in freeing the victims of the Alien and Sedition laws were generally supported by a favorable Congress (Randall 549). His popularity during his first term was greater than at any time during his career. In this term he was confronted with the most momentous problem of his career. Spain transferred to France its rights to the port of New Orleans, and the stretch of land constituting the province of Louisiana. Louisiana in the strong hands of the French rather than the weak hands of Spain placed an almost overwhelming obstacle in the path of American growth and prosperity. It was essential that America acquire the Louisiana territory, either through peaceful negotiation or by war.

当法国独裁者拿破仑,突然提出要卖15000000美元不仅新奥尔良港的整个的片土地从密西西比河到落基山脉,杰斐逊是面临的问题提供或等待一个宪法修正案授权这样的行为。经过巨大的紧张,杰斐逊批准购买(史密斯266)。他的第一个任期就这样在一片光辉中结束了,人民在他们国家的好运中团结起来,几乎一致地把杰斐逊送回了第二个任期。尽管这些年杰斐逊很忙,他还是挤出时间来从事他最喜欢的学术研究。他不仅帮助建立了一个国家图书馆,而且还为自己的私人收藏增添了许多宝贵的藏品。他的第二任期充满了困难。为了避免战争,杰斐逊推动了1806年的《互不交往法案》和1807年的《禁运令》。禁运受到了严厉的批评,而且没有效果。更糟糕的是,国内战线上到处都是叛逃和逃兵。当他的任期在1809年3月3日结束时,他非常激动地离开政坛,回到蒙蒂塞洛(Mclaughlin 376)。 Jefferson’s daughter Martha said that in retirement her father never abandon a friend or principle. He and John Adams, their earlier political differences reconciled, wrote many letters. Jefferson frequently complained about the time consumed in maintaining his ever increasing correspondence but he could not resist an intellectual challenge or turn down an appeal for his opinion, advice, or help, and continued to discuss with frankness and a brilliant clarity such diverse subjects as anthropology and political theory, religion and zoology (Koch and Peden 40). Jefferson’s major concern during his last years was education and educational philosophy. He considered knowledge not only a means to an end, but an end in itself. He felt education was the key to virtue as it was to happiness. He reopened his campaign for a system of general education in Virginia. Through his efforts, the University of Virginia, the first American University to be free of official church connection, was established and was Jefferson’s daily concern during his last seven years (Koch and Peden 39). He sent abroad an agent to select the faculty, he chose the books for the library, drew up the curriculum, designed the buildings, and supervised their construction. The University finally opened in 1825, the winter before his death. Despite his preoccupation with the University, he continued to pursue a multitude of other tasks. In his eightieth year, for example, he wrote on politics, sending President Monroe long expositions later known to the world in Monroe’s version as the Monroe Doctrine (Daugherty 326). Among all his interests, there was one intrusion on his time and thought which caused Jefferson endless embarrassment. His finances, always shaky, finally collapsed. Jefferson had frequently advanced money to friends who fancied themselves more hard-pressed than he, and occasionally had been forced to make good on their notes when they found it impossible to do so. He had spent money lavishly on his libraries and the arts, on Monticello, and on his children’s education. His passion for architecture cost him a small fortune. At the final stage of his financial distress, Jefferson petitioned the Virginia legislature to grant him permission to dispose of Monticello and its farms by lottery.

Emily Bronte:传记和写作

纽约、费城和巴尔的摩的市民听到这个消息后立即捐款16000多美元来帮助这位半个世纪以来把自己的勤奋和智慧奉献给全美国的领袖(史密斯304)。1826年7月4日,杰斐逊在蒙蒂塞洛去世。他被葬在山坡上,妻子的旁边。他亲自为自己的墓碑写了碑文:这里是托马斯·杰斐逊宣布弗吉尼亚州帝国宗教法规和弗吉尼亚大学父亲的宣言。在我们的家庭度假去年秋天到弗吉尼亚,我的妻子和我巡回了杰弗森的蒙蒂塞洛之家,也看过他的坟墓网站。We both found it very interesting that of all the accomplishments that Jefferson listed on his headstone he apparently did not think it important enough to mention that he had been twice elected and served as president of the United States.


老鹰诗,索尼娅。Thomas Jefferson:自由和人权战斗机。纽约:1961年弗雷德里克省不知所发布公司。

Koch,Adrienne和William Peden。托马斯杰斐逊的生活和选定着作。纽约:随机房屋出版商,1993.麦克劳林,杰克。

杰斐逊和蒙科罗建造者的传记。1 ed。纽约:亨利霍尔特和公司出版商,1988年。兰德尔,威尔德斯特恩。

托马斯杰斐逊的一生。1 ed。纽约:亨利霍尔特和公司出版商,1993.史密斯,页面。杰斐逊一个揭示的传记。纽约:美国遗产出版社,1976年。



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