Jim Morrison的生活充满了曲折。然而,尽管他仍然设法控制自己,以创造良好组织的音乐作品以及他的诗歌。他的社交生活开始成为安全变量,当他在舞台上时,他让松散的疯狂表演为观众。随着他的生命继续他的两个生命,开始融入一个大型错误,在那里你只能看到微小的所谓订单。

除了吉姆的生活,他生活的时间表现得相同。该国的订单在那里,但其人民及其政府展示混乱的时刻,甚至拒绝政府本身。重大事件发生了,人们的反应有时很极端。六十年代充满了混乱的事件。通过这种方式,我们可以把它与一个生活在那个时代的人联系起来。吉姆·莫里森的生活充满了多样性、秩序和混乱,就像他所生活的60年代一样。吉姆的生活开始于一个充满秩序与混乱的故事。他的父亲是一名职业军事家,这给军队带来了秩序。这份工作带来了很多的搬家和搬迁,这在吉姆的童年是不同步的。吉姆在佛罗里达州的克利尔沃特开始了他的生活。然后他搬到了华盛顿特区,然后又去了新墨西哥州的阿尔伯克基。 Jim’s family kept moving and moving Jim never had time to make any true friends in any one place (Jones 31). To deal with this Jim acted like; one could say the class clown, so he would be liked. This backfired and kids learned to watch themselves around him. With no true friends Jim found that he had no problem manipulating the ones around him. He was his own individual; he just looked out for himself. Morrison received high marks throughout school even though he didn’t put too much effort into the books and spent a lot of time drunk (34).

然后他的父母在佛罗里达州圣彼得堡初级学院注册了他,但吉姆转移到佛罗里达州立大学,只会辍学并搬到加州大学学士学位。在年底,Jim转过他的电影,但他接受了对它的不良反应,他辍学(Manzarek 60)。这使Jim更有资格起草,所以他搬到了圣莫尼卡南部的威尼斯。这是他开始使用酒精和毒品来扩大他的思绪过去的观点。在今年夏天的65岁之后,他充满了毒品和酒精,他开始认为他可以成为一个摇滚歌手(琼斯38)。稍后他遇到了雷曼扎拉克并决定形成一个乐队。1965年吉姆遇到了十八岁的帕梅拉克克森。这个红头发让Jim称他称之为“宇宙伴侣”(37)。这为Jim提供了正常的关系,他读过他的诗歌,她在服装服装类别中受益。然而,吉姆享受了洛杉矶的生活,其中怪物,冲洗和富人并排。 Nobody in L.A. would make his ambitions shallow either, Jim chose to be on the crazier side of the city so he could mask himself as he always did and because of the scene there nobody cared. Jim’s life though a little wild still kept the calm variable of his band. They made many songs and passed them around to different record companies until Columbia gave them a small deal. They went around L.A. doing birthdays, weddings, and etc… Manzerek was the prominent singer at this time because Morrison was still too shy at the time to use his own voice. The band was looking for a more stable way of playing so they sought a residency at a club. They were rejected around town because they had no bass guitar player, but then Manzerek discovered a way of getting around this by adopting a keyboard that imitated the sound the bass guitar (Jones 41). Then as the Doors concerts numbered on Jim Morrison became more and more confident with his presence on stage, which resulted in the often singing of Morrison. The band started to attract small crowds for their performances who would show up over and over again just to see The Doors play. Along with this Jim became very comfortable on stage. Soon he became so comfortable that he began showing up drunken, high, or both. At the club the Whiskey-A-Go-Go a rep from Elektra records saw them (Manzerek 182). The company gave the Doors control of their output so the band quickly signed. This was definitely a good thing because the Doors had just been fired because Jim just decided to yell “*%$! You” in concert and the management quickly fired them (Jones 43).

这是事实上,乐队必须通过adlibbing歌曲和吉姆与LSD的关系来填补时隙,关闭。吉姆生活中的一大部分顺序和精确是他的歌曲。他们是书面简洁和紧凑的。他们充满了在图书馆阅读时获得的所有知识。他们还含有他的恐惧和痴迷。这些歌曲从吉姆的自己的思想中创造性,并通过他的思想帮助,如LSD,Peyote,硝酸淀粉,草和酒精(43)。吉姆的生命正在朝下,而小组仍处于尊重层面。他无处可去,而其他人则保持他们的生命,刚刚使用毒品。他们没有让它控制并像吉姆这样做的燃料。吉姆现在开始成为一个暗示的人,谈到死亡,因为朋友带他远离他的痛苦(44)。 This was the character Jim had ultimately wanted to be. He let his stage personality take over his whole life. Though Jim’s appearance made him look like a druggy from a distance he still used his mind and body to show his control. Steve Harris, the Vice President of Elektra said of him, “He had a way of moving, a way of looking at you, and a way of protecting himself: he was gorgeous magnetic. He knew he had the goods, and he knew how to use them” (Jones 48). Steve went on to say how when Jim met a journalist or record company representative he would try to “conquer” the wife; he says Jim usually did (48). Jim did everything to keep what he now had with his image and everything. An example is when before his first concert in New York his mother called and Jim talked to for a short period of time before he went off in a tantrum. His family members tried to reach him, but Jim would refuse to talk then go off in another tantrum followed by getting drunk. Jim also wanted to build on this image with a death hoax. The one fault in Jim’s image was people knew he wasn’t the kind of guy you would want to be around. He used his manipulative mind to use you if you came close. Jim would test his friends, lovers, etc…over and over till their relationship would break. As the Doors became bigger Jim became more and more unpredictable. He was the first to crowd surf, but the worst things of all were his crude acts on stage and once even getting caught in a public shower room with a woman.


和女孩的事件发生在康涅狄格州的纽黑文,他在后台遇到了一个女孩,并带她到浴室开始做爱。一名警察抓住了他们,并告诉他们解散,但吉姆抗议,警察的反应是向他们两人的脸上喷射催泪瓦斯(琼斯128)。乐队第二个尴尬的时刻是吉米·亨德里克斯站在台上,吉姆跑上舞台,抓住吉米的腿,准备进行口交。下一个粗鲁的行为是当吉姆实际上拿起他部分勃起的阴茎进行或开始进行手淫的时候。然后一名保安把他推下了舞台(Manzerek 338)。除了这些性行为,吉姆还喜欢找碴儿打架,他会喝醉酒挨打,然后马上站起来继续挨打。吉姆还喜欢操纵人群,使之疯狂,引发骚乱。乐队又一次不知道他的计划。正如你所看到的,吉姆的生活充满了混乱和混乱,但他还能保持一些,虽然不多,但还是有些稳定。他在巴黎的死反映了他的一生。 It was filled with uncertainty. It was most likely caused by an overdose of heroin or a heart attack. No one knows for sure knows what happened to him because after he died Pamela and the doctor were the only two to see his body. There was no autopsy done before Jim was buried. The sixties started off shaky. First the United States had to deal with the building of the Berlin wall. Next the government had to deal with the threat of nuclear war from Russia. Yet with stern discipline the United States won the cold war victory at Cuba. By this time Kennedy had sent troops to Vietnam unsuspecting what was to come next. Kennedy did not do well with the Congress of the time, but all was well with the White House because he was so popular (Kronenwetter 16). Then with sudden tragedy Kennedy was shot and killed. Then even the man who shot him was shot. Johnson sent took over and then sent about 190,000 troops over to Vietnam as well as 20,000 he sent to the Dominican Republic to keep democracy and order in place (21). One huge part of American history is the Vietnam War. Chaos broke out in the country.

美国顾问说这将是一个快速,容易的胜利,但随着时间的推移和战争的进行,美国没有取得很多进展。许多勇敢的学生出来抗议这场战争。因为这是美国人民第一次在电影中看到的战争,许多人对战争的景象和杀戮感到震惊。“春节攻势”使美国的支持率再次上升。马丁·路德·金死后,一切都不可能变得更糟,罗伯特·f·肯尼迪在获胜后被枪杀。甚至1968年在芝加哥举行的民主党提名大会也无法避免暴力(Emmens 29)。后来尼克松上台,答应要把我们的人弄出来。美莱大屠杀之后,这场战争变得更加不得人心。在441个学院和大学的学生抗议,国民警卫队甚至被召集到肯特州立大学。最后,1973年1月27日,战争结束,美国士兵比以前少了57,000人(20)。 Another great fight in the sixties was the fight for equality. Sit-in movements were very popular. Freedom rides were organized so blacks could ride the bus too. The still rode on even after in South Carolina a bus was beaten and then sent up in flames (51). Robert F. Kennedy went to the measure of sending federal Marshals to control the mobs. Integration of schools was also pursued and James H. Meredith became the first black man at the University of Mississippi with the help of the military. The blacks also scored major victories with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Yet there were still a hand full of blacks that sought to riot and resorted to violence instead. Some of the people were into to the hippie type thing of drugs, poems, and doing nothing else. But most people worked and now with the television becoming more widespread events such as sports could be reported and there would be less need to go watch the game in person. The people of the sixties saw a great diverse decade right in the comfort of there own living room. The age of the sixties was the perfect time of Jim Morrison to live in. James life was full of chaos, was in a time of chaos. Each also had their own type of order. Jim kept his order within his head. As mentioned before, when Jim was tanked he could still use his creative mind to manipulate others. While the order in the sixties is displayed in the way most of the people held together in the times told about.

Marilyn Monroe:传记&女演员

60年代和吉姆·莫里森最重要的部分都是他们各自处境中的混乱程度。吉姆无法控制自己,否则他就会故意冒着危险去做反应。毒品主宰了他的生活,没有这些影响,他无法真正思考。他完全不可预测。他醉醺醺地出现在录制现场,嗑药等等,有时他会疯得不能录制,或者干脆不出现,让乐队的其他人自己录制。60年代的人们和形势使这个时代充满了混乱。肯尼迪家族和小马丁·路德·金的遇刺事件围绕着这十年。这场战争是美国历史上最不成功的一场战争,这让人感到意外因为顾问们预测这场战争会轻而易举地取得胜利,而军事领导人却没能成功。当时的人们为了表达自己的观点,通过暴动、打斗和恐吓来表达自己的观点,而其他人则使用更有秩序的方式,如静坐等(这些有时也会导致暴力)。莫里森将自己与所谓的“梦神-酒神”分裂联系在一起(曼泽莱克119)。 Order and chaos respectively. Morrison always identified with Dionysius and so does the sixties.


《60年代专辑》。纽约:富兰克林·沃茨,1981年。琼斯,迪伦。吉姆·莫里森:黑暗之星。纽约:维京工作室图书,1990。Kronenwetter,迈克尔。60年代的美国。圣地亚哥:朗讯图书公司,1998年。Manzarek,雷。《Light My Fire: My Life With the Doors》。 New York: G.P. Putnam’s Son, 1998.

引用这篇文章如下:威廉·安德森(学校工作助手编辑团队),“吉姆·莫里森:主唱和作词人”SchoolWorkHelper,2019年,//www.chadjarvis.com/jim-morrison-lead-singer -sleicist//



