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一开始,拉维和她最好的朋友杰瑞在去教堂前看了秀兰·邓波儿的电影。他们从来没有机会看到结束,因为他们必须离开。他们在牧师的讲道中间弥补了结尾并哭泣。在Lovey的生日,Jerry将以500美元的价格从玩具商店制作礼品券。爱情非常尴尬地讲Pidgin英语。她没有告诉任何人,甚至是杰瑞,她如何为她的谈话,看起来甚至在她住的地方感到羞耻。爱秘密地想成为浩大,但她知道她不能。她班上的每个人都有很难说的英语,老师在他们身上喊叫。爱在数学课上有很难的时间,被戏弄为日语。好像学生其他人希望她只是因为她是日语而聪明。爱不应该为她的英语课写自己的ob告。 It gets her thinking about death, and consequently she thinks about it all the time. Lovey dreams and fantasizes about being haole. She thinks up of the perfect house with all the trimmings. She wants to marry a haole so she can have a haole last name. Lovey makes haole friends so that she can sleep over their houses and eat their food. Her father says that she is crazy for wanting to be friends with haoles, and that she should stop. Lovey and her family do many things together. They sit on the back porch picking fleas off of their dogs, squeezes blackheads off of her mother’s back, count all white cows, sing war songs, and pick macadamia nuts for extra money. A normal Sunday afternoon would be their Mother smoking Parliaments on the porch of their house, grumbling about white hairs, and Lovey picking fleas off of their dogs. Lovey and her sister, Calhoon, goes to their Aunt Helen’s on Saturdays while their mother sews leis or cashiers at the Lei Stand for extra money. They watch the old crazy ladies stand behind the fence, muttering to themselves. Lovey wants to become pregnant just like her neighbor Katy is. She secretly dresses up and acts like she is pregnant. Her mother tells her that it is hard because there is a lot of pain that comes with labor.

她拉维的妈妈在家里给她烫发,叫做托妮烫发,结果搞砸了。拉维以非洲式发型出现,卡尔勋取笑她,称她为“欧姆帕”。Lovey给兔子繁殖和照顾。她非常爱兔子,但是有一天,笼子被野狗撕开了,杀死了所有的兔子。为了让拉维感觉好一点,她的父亲给她放了一些家庭电影,卡尔勋威胁说要用他们父亲的枪杀了那些狗。Calhoon从来没有谎言。有一天,当他们外出狩猎时,她告诉拉维,不要射杀日本蓝野鸡,否则它会缠着她。卡尔勋和她父亲都有鬼眼。他们可以看到他们的房子里的鬼魂,并被吸引到他们。自从拉维杀死了这只鸟,她现在被一个在半夜打扰她的鬼魂吵醒。 Lovey’s father bought a cow to raise so that they could kill it, and eat it. Calhoon and Lovey get to attached to it and name it Bully. One day, the kitchen smells of wild meat. Their father is cooking hamburgers. After the first bite, none of them can finish eating it. They realize that it is a Bully burger.

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学校里的每个人都取笑拉维和杰瑞是朋友。没人知道他们之间的关系。他们确实有很多共同点,是最好的朋友。洛维和杰瑞一起玩芭比娃娃,杰瑞从他富有的表妹英格丽那里偷了芭比的衣服。一天,杰里的哥哥拉里走进拉维的房间,在芭比娃娃上画了记号,还给她剪了头发。Lovey很伤心,他们发誓要报复。万圣节来了,他们去里德岛的富人家里玩“不给糖就捣蛋”。他们分发真正的巧克力,还有很多糖果。杰瑞在拉里床下的鞋盒里发现了一袋大麻。他把它带到拉维家,他们决定把它卷起来卖掉,这样他们就能有钱买更多拉里搞砸的芭比娃娃。 After they had sold all the dope, the go over to Wigwam to buy all the Barbie stuff. They run home and stash it in the back of Lovey’s closet. The next time that they go over to Jerry’s house, Larry is there with his friends and they want to know where their dope is. Larry and his friends beat Jerry and Lovey up for taking it. They laugh at how much they bleed, and blame it on each other.


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这是第一次,爱已经得到了她的时期。她非常害怕每个人都可以告诉她有它。她不希望任何人知道,因为她将在学校戏弄。爱的老师每天辫子她的头发。她非常爱她的老师。她和她一起度过了她的上学日,让她的午餐,参加角色,然后她甚至开始睡在她的房子里,做家务。杰瑞和爱情几乎每天都去,在房子周围有帮助。一天晚上,老师告诉他们上帝。在耶和华见证人的王国大厅里说,在上帝摧毁这个星球后,只有44,000人可以住在地球上。她希望他们成为那些活着的44,000人之一。 One night they hear the teacher laughing hysterically with a green glow coming from her room. They get real scared and run home in the middle of the night. Lovey’s mother gets mad because now they are both scared of everything. She puts Lovey on a plane to Molokai to live with her grandmother for a while so that she can forget what has happened. Grandmother does her best to pass the time for Lovey, but she doesn’t know that Lovey is still scared of her teacher. She doesn’t sleep until the sun comes up the next day, that she hears little men laughing. Lovey tells Grandmother one day, and they go to the church to talk to the reverend. They pray for her. Lovey and her father have a new moneymaking idea, to pluck feathers off of dead peacocks and to sell them to the feather lei makers. They go on long drives together, and her father tells her stories of when he was young. She enjoys these times very much because he would have never told anyone these stories unless they were in such circumstances as that. He talks about his house back in Haupu and how he misses it. He would like to go back there with Lovey and climb the mountain.

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镇上有一个狂欢节,拉维和杰瑞一起去。他们每个人都没有很多钱,但赢得了一个可乐瓶。他们在游戏区看到拉里和他的女朋友克里斯托,问她是否可以带一些他们的毛绒玩具。她说“是的”,他们就得到了一只粉色的大熊和一条蛇,拉维把蛇缠绕在她的脖子上。当他们看到学校的女生时,他们会摇晃可乐瓶,然后从摩天轮顶上往她们身上倒。拉维不明白为什么杰里想和讨厌她的日本女孩洛莉做朋友。她是个不尊重任何人的势利小人。他不知道,只是耸耸肩。洛维和卡尔勋在辛格家地下室的底层上缝纫课。当洛维做了衣服,第二天穿着它的时候,吉娜取笑它。 Lovey wants to give up, but her father tells her that you can’t win if you quit. So, she tries again, and Calhoon and Lovey work very hard to make a pair of patchwork denim hip-hugger bell-bottoms for her. It looked like real store- bought ones, and Gina could not say a thing about it. Lovey feels real proud. At the end of the year, they have a grad dance that Jerry and Lovey go to. They both have been trying their hardest to become popular. Jerry keeps insisting that Jenks likes her, even though he doesn’t show it when they are at school. He is real nice to both of them on the weekends when they are at the beach, but because he is popular, he doesn’t even give them a nod at school. When the dance comes, Lovey waits in anticipation for Jenks to ask her to dance. She got all dressed up, but he never does. Until the last slow dance of the night. They dance together and Lovey is happy. Lovey’s father goes on a three day hunting trip with his friends. They go out and hunt goats near the lava flow. When he comes back he has blown out his eyes. He can’t see, and he’s scared. Father is still mad at Lovey for burning Calhoon when they were at the incinerator. He is so depressed and sad that Lovey can think of only one thing to do. She borrows some money from Katy, and buys a plane ticket to Kauai. She gets a cab there and goes to Kipu. She fills a ziplock bag with dirt, and then goes back to the Big Island. She fills another ziplock bag with dirt from their backyard. Lovey’s mother is really mad at her. No one knew where she went, and they were all worried about her. They take her back to her father’s hospital room to explain herself. She tells her father where she was, what she has done, and why. He is so happy that they all forget that they were worried about her. The dirt is so that when he dies, he will be buried in dirt from two places. His home in Kipu, and his home in Hawaii. When he is buried like that, he will know that he is finally home and at peace.



宝贝Nariyoshi -一个住在夏威夷的年轻女孩。她有一个姐姐叫Calhoon,还有一个最好的朋友叫Jerry。她在学校是个被排斥的人,经常被人取笑。拉维想成为另一个人。她总是幻想自己是白人或受欢迎的人。


Hubert(墨)Nariyoshi -宝贝的父亲。他是她的灵感来源,也是她试图模仿的对象。她总是试图取悦他,做他那样的人。休伯特失去了视力,变得抑郁。拉维记得他告诉她,他想被埋在他家在Kipu和夏威夷的泥土里。她通过去考艾岛得到他想要的泥土来让他开心。他非常爱她。在整本书中,拉维都希望自己是白人。她整天想着如果她是白人,她的生活会是什么样子。我认为作者是想告诉我们,我们应该接受生活的本来面目。 To strive to make it better, but also, not to have unrealistic dreams.

引用本文为:威廉安德森(Schoolworkhelper编辑组),“野生肉和欺凌者:概要和分析”学校努力, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/wild-meat-and-the-bully-burgers-summary-analysis/



