WinSlow Homer被称为19世纪最伟大,最知名的艺术家之一。荷马肯定在美国艺术史上获得了合法的地方,以及美国文化历史的地方。Winslow Homer出生于波士顿,以建立新英格兰家族。他的大多数童年都在剑桥马萨诸塞州度过。

他过着非常活跃的户外生活,这反映在他的大部分绘画中。19岁时,他开始追求他的艺术家生涯在J.H的波士顿光刻公司中的学徒。布冯。他唯一的培训形式在当地艺术课程,他了解了艺术的基本原则和风格。他还在Fredrick Rondel在波士顿的着名画家下学习。荷马在牛奶布工作了3年,然后离开,因为“哈珀的每周”,是它的最佳杂志,希望本垒打为他们工作。荷马很快成为他们领先的插画家和主要艺术家。在内战期间,他从战争中吸引了大量的场景。这些图纸后来激励他从前面绘制了囚犯,他最着名的绘画之一。这是在内战期间发动战争的男人的画。许多人因其具有如此美妙的细节捕捉内战场景的巨大能力而被淹没,并考虑其中一些最强大,最真实的联盟部队经验记录。 Homer also submitted paintings to the National Academy of Design and was elected a full academician, which is an outstanding achievement given to artists for their great artwork. This sparked his need to travel and explore. So homer went to France to study art. Here he visited many exhibits of the leading artist, such as controversial art by Edourd Manet and realistic art by Gustave Courbet. Upon returning to the states, homer settled in New York, where he produced many of his great works. He began to explore many subjects, such as rural life, recreational activities, and childhood themes using nationalistic techniques. He produced genre paintings of his nationalistic concerns and post-war nostalgia. One of his more famous paintings is Snap the Whip. This is a painting of young boys playing in a field. He worked with this style up until the 1870’s, when he began experimenting with watercolors. While working with watercolors, homer began his focus on painting images of former slaves and exploring the theme of man versus nature.

他这个时候的一个关键绘画是雾警告。它展示了一个海上钓鱼的人,望着天空,为风暴接近。波浪崩溃了,男人看起来很担心。这幅画是他早期流派画的过渡到更严肃的主题,如当地民间钓鱼和大海。对于这幅画,他雇用了当地的渔民在沙丘上的一个海滩上姿势。这使他能够准确地再现船膨胀波的船的角度。本垒打最初叫做这幅画大吃子钓鱼,把它作为鲱鱼网的吊坠;两者都是渔夫艰苦工作的自然主义,以及海洋的寒冷陛下。但在1885年展示它之前,荷马改变了标题,以吸引注意迎面而来的雾的即将发生的危险。1883年,Winslow Homer搬到了Prout的脖子,缅因州,并继续在美国艺术中创建一系列无与伦比的海洋的图像。 Long inspired by the subject, Homer had spent summers visiting New England fishing villages during the 1870s and, in 1881, he made a trip to a fishing community in Tynemouth, England, that fundamentally changed his work and life. His late paintings focused almost exclusively on mankind’s age-old contest with nature. Here in The Herring Net, Homer depicted the heroic efforts of fishermen at their daily work, hauling in an abundant catch of herring. In a small dory, two figures loom large against the mist on the horizon, through which the sails of the mother schooners are dimly visible. While one fisherman hauls in the netted and glistening herring, the other, a boy, unloads the catch. With teamwork so necessary for survival, both strive to steady the precarious boat as it rides the incoming swells. Unlike most of his paintings which show moments of great dramatic force and emotional tension. Eight Bells depicts an everyday occurrence. The sound of eight bells rung 6 times a day at 4, 8, and 12. Signals that it is noon, and 2 sailors, presumably the ships officers although their oilskins hide any indications of their rank. Emerge on the foredeck of the large fishing schooner to take the noon sighting. The left-hand figure holds a sextant and adjusts it as the sun moves overhead; the other man reads his instrument to calculate the ship’s longitude. Their task, fixing the ships location, is made more difficult by the passing storm, for the heavy clouds prevent a clear sighting. Homer presents his sailors as strong, dedicated men, and draws their sextants with accuracy and precision. But unlike his temporary Thomas Eatkins, neither the men’s personalities nor the intricate machinery in which they work fascinated Homer. Rather, he was absorbed by the sea and the changing light, as the storm passed. In 1890 Homer painted A Summer’s Night also in Prout’s neck Maine. A summer’s night is the most idiosyncratic of his paintings. This style is very unlike Homer and he rarely paints in this manner. A summer’s night is one of Homer’s most emotional works.


阿尔弗雷德·特朗贝尔(Alfred Trumbell)解释说,前场对面是一座海边酒店的平台,它坐落在一块岩石上,俯瞰着海浪。两个姑娘在台上跳舞,屋子里的灯光照亮了她们的身影。在这个平台下面,岩石上有一群模糊的人影,看着浪花。在滚轮上,看不见的月亮在地平线上形成了一条巨大的、闪烁的通道,舞者的形象就在它的映衬下。荷马最重要的画作之一是《猎狐记》,这是他最大的画作,是在荷马57岁时完成的。据说这幅画反映了他自己的死亡。孤独、孤独和死亡的主题从一开始就占据了他的思想,到19世纪80年代他达到艺术成熟期时,他的画无一例外地采用了叙事循环的形式,这种叙事循环令人着迷地重复着从生到死的过程。隆冬时节已经观察到一群饥饿的乌鸦偶尔会有一半胆敢攻击一只狐狸,依靠数字的优势,削弱了狐狸的条件和积雪,这使得它特别困难的狐狸为自己辩护或逃跑。荷马画了这幅不同寻常的场景,这只狐狸通常是猎人,却遭到了一个意想不到的恶棍,黑乌鸦的攻击。他们是这个场景中神秘和死亡的源头。 Red berries in the snow to the left foretell the drops of blood that will soon be shed. The first two crows are just the beginning of the attack: their wings spread they will alight on the fox and go for its eyes. Nineteenth-century painters dealt frequently with violence and death in the animal world, and animals are seen attacking other animals in the works of Stubbs, Delacroix, and Courbet. Homer’s painting, however conveys a special power and urgency. Even its title: The fox hunt is Ironic because fox hunts are usually civilized in art. With dogs and men but this is just nature and it is the fox being hunted by crows. This is very unusual. Homer is the fox and he is being hunted. And he is as lonely and angry as the fox in his painting. Homer demonstrated many styles of art and captured the true meaning of everyday realism. His brilliance is shown throughout his artwork and one can only capture the real meaning of his work from behind the paint.

引用这篇文章如下:威廉·安德森(学校工作助手编辑团队),《温斯洛·荷马:传记和美国风景画家》,在SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//



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