博雅教育为学生提供广泛的资讯,使他们能够扩展知识,推动社会进步一个积极的方向发展。这种普及教育为许多学科的知识提供了坚实的基础。学生可以观察到强项和能力,以及每个研究领域的局限性。这使得学生们能够发现不同研究领域之间的联系,并对其进行探索,并发现新的理论、思想或发明。它允许学生研究领域的阴谋和创建新的研究领域的混合学科,互相补充。有了这些新的发明、发现、想法和解决问题的新方法,社会将朝着积极的方向前进。生活水平将随着这些发明和发现而提高,使社会更有生产力,更有能力控制其周围的环境。新的思想和理论将给那些渴望意义和理解概念的人以洞察力。文科教育为许多领域和学科提供了坚实的知识基础,允许学生创造新的理论、发明和领域之间的联系。有了这个基础,伟大的思想家可以从别人学到的东西中建立和扩展,而不是在已经发现的东西上浪费时间和精力。 While it is true that the factual information about each subject is very important, the most useful tool liberal arts students can possess is the knowledge of the strengths and capabilities of each individual field, as well as the weaknesses and restrictions. With this knowledge, the students can mesh attributes of different subjects to formulate new and more brilliant concepts; the brilliance being a function of the strengths and compatibility of the chosen subjects. As in mixing colors, a new color can only be created by mixing different colors. The brilliance of this new color depends on the shades and hues of the colors used to create it. The same is true for education. The resulting idea or innovation is a function of the aptness and compatibility of the subjects meshed to create it. For example, the invention of the transistor, one of the most important electronic devices, was developed by a team of research specialists. Specialized mathematicians, scientists, physicists, and engineers all worked together to find a quicker, more efficient way to process the overload of telephone calls. The leaders of this research team had to be highly educated in every one of those fields of study, as well as language. They had to practically translate the technical terms of each field to the other team members so each one understood the approach the team was taking. Most notably, though, the team leaders came up with an approach of improving the efficiency of the vacuum tube in the transistor, which resulted in one of the most practical electrical innovations of all time. The solution the leaders came up with was ingenious. Through this, society benefited by bei ng able to communicate more quickly and more clearly. Businesses, armed forces, and governments today greatly depend on the rapidness of telephone calls. This high level of communication in society is a direct result of the innovative improvement of the transistor by liberal arts educated minds.

要更好地理解教育的各个方面,就必须理解每个学科之间的相互依赖。每一门学科都是教育的分支,而每一分支都源于同一棵大树。有些分支分叉,有自己的小枝和小枝,但一切都是在根上连接的。教育是非常相似的,因为知识的每一个分支都依赖于另一个分支才能进步。例如,科学依靠语言来记录和发表实验结果。如果这些发现被不准确地发表,其他在自己的研究中使用这些出版物的科学家将被误导。每个学科都在某种程度上依赖于另一个学科。如果你能看到树的每一个分支是如何普遍参与的:它从哪里起源,它是如何依赖于其他分支;哪些分支来源于它,它们又是如何依赖于它的。约翰·亨利·纽曼在他的“大学”的想法,说:“真正的扩大心灵的…是看很多东西的力量作为一个整体,是他们各自在通用系统,他们真正理解各自的价值观,并确定他们的相互依赖”(38)。 Newman is saying quite directly that in order to understand something, it must be looked at as one component of a universal picture. He is saying that when something is closely examined, there are no guidelines or basis for comparison, but when it is looked at universally, it is easier to see relationships and similarities making innovations more attainable. For example, the mathematical operations of algebra fulfill many practical needs in science. The ability to find values for unknown variables within sets of equations is a tool that science heavily relies on. The reason algebra is so conveniently practical in relation to science is because it was developed as a tool for science. The tools of algebra would not be present if Diophantus, the developer of algebra, had not been aware of the overall conditions his mathematical system needed to fulfill. Algebra serves society through science and its accomplishments. From building a nuclear reactor to altering chromosomes in a person’s genetic makeup, every scientific field originates back to the basic rules of algebra. All of the groundbreaking advancements in society through science are functions of this mathematical tool developed to aid and expand science.


当学生们接受了文科教育,就会有探索新思想和概念的自由。在一个学科下学习将学生限制在该领域内的规章制度中,这有时对学生来说是障碍,阻止他们发展非传统的或抽象的想法。纽曼用一个比喻来解释这个自由的概念:例如,航海的人从地球的一端到另一端……他们睡觉,他们起床,他们发现自己现在在欧洲,现在是亚洲;他们看到了大城市和荒野地区的幻象;他们在商业市场,或在南方岛屿之间;他们凝视着庞培石柱,或者安第斯山脉;任何满足它们的东西都不能将它们向前或向后带到任何超越自身的思想。任何事物都没有漂移或关联;没有什么是有历史或承诺的。一切都是独立的,来来去去,就像一场表演的变换场景,让观众留在他所在的地方(38)。 Newman is describing the lifestyle of liberal arts students in metaphorical context symbolizing exotic places as different fields of study. He is saying that the students can go any place that sparks curiosity without hesitation and without limits, and that there are no barriers or restraints that confine or restrict the students from wandering into an innovation. The students are carried by the flow of the current and that is all. Some of the greatest inventions have been discovered though the most abnormal experimental procedures. The telephone was an invention that was not invented on behalf of need, but rather a stroke of good luck combined with the innovation of a free-thinker. While working on another invention, Alexander Graham Bell heard the vibrations of a plucked wire running from one room to another and hypothesized that voices could be carried by the same method. Bell created the first working telephone just over nine months after this incident and the impact of the telephone on society over the past 120 years is immeasurable. Others may not have indulged in such a wild idea, but the result revolutionized communication and advanced society to another level. The telephone made it possible to relay and distribute knowledge and information, enjoy the sound of a loved one’s far away voice, and communicate danger in any regard. It allows us to settle disputes, avoid misinterpretation, and keep up positive relations with leaders of other countries. Inventions that advance society, such as this, demonstrate the value of a liberal arts education.



引用这篇文章为:William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper编辑团队),“A Liberal Arts Education”,在SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/a-liberal-arts-education/



