“白化病”一词指的是一组遗传疾病。白化病患者的眼睛,皮肤或头发。它们具有遗传的基因,这些基因不会使常用量的颜料称为黑色素。17,000人中有一个人有某种仿生。白化病影响所有种族的人。大多数有白化病的孩子都生于父母,​​为他们的种族背景具有正常的头发和眼睛颜色。在第十一染色体中发现了白化病,部分Q,LOCI 14-21。oculoculate albinism涉及眼睛,头发和皮肤。眼镜症主要涉及眼睛。与其他家庭成员相比,患有眼镜症的人可能会轻微发光头发和肤色。目前研究人员发现了10种不同类型的血管皮肤仿生,以及五种类型的眼晶。 Newer laboratory research studying DNA has shown that there are numerous types of changes in the genes of those with albinism, including within families. The most common types of oculocutaneous albinism are called “ty-negative” and “ty-positive”. Persons with ty-negative albinism have no melanin pigmentation, and more difficulty with vision. Those with ty-positive albinism have very slight pigmentation, and generally less severe visual difficulties. Tests were done on the hair roots of individuals with albinism, to tell these types of albinism apart. However, these hair tests cannot identify types of albinism, particularly in young children, whose pigment systems are immature. Therefore hair tests are not helpful in predicting the extent of visual disability of a child. “Ty-Neg” (also called Type 1A) albinism results from a genetic defect in an enzyme called tyrosinase. Tyrosinase helps the body to change the amino acid tyrosine into pigment. The genetic defect that causes albinism in other types of albinism is unknown, but it is speculated that it involves other enzymes used to make pigment.


通过基因从父母传递给父母。对于几乎所有类型的白化病,父母必须携带混蛋基因,让孩子患有复蛋白。父母可能有正常的色素沉着,但仍然携带基因。当父母双方都携带基因时,父母都没有白化病,每次怀孕有四分之一的机会,婴儿将出生在白化病中。这种类型的继承称为常染色体隐性继承。如果父母有一个患有复合主义的孩子,这意味着父母必须携带白蛋白基因。直到最近,除非一个人有白化症或被复合主义的孩子,否则没有办法知道他是否携带混合物的基因。最近,已经开发了一种测试,以鉴定Ty-阴性白蛋白的基因的载体和酪氨酸酶酶不起作用的其他类型。该测试使用血液样品来通过其DNA码鉴定Tryrosinase酶的基因。通过AminiCenteresis,类似的测试可以在未出生的婴儿中识别Ty-Digal或类似的复合症。 People with albinism have very normal lives. They play sports, have normal intelligence, and can have babies. The only difference between normal people and albino is that they don’t have pigment in their skin.





