每个人之前都读过恐怖故事,但阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克的故事是不同的,因为在最后他让读者思考发生了什么。在《刀》中,他使用了情节、背景和冲突来做到这一点。爱德华·道斯和赫伯特·史密瑟斯只是两个朋友在一起喝酒,但其中一人的刀是在附近的下水道发现的。赫伯特疯狂地清洗着它,好像着了魔似的。然后,当他清洗完刀,一颗红宝石出现在刀上,现在疯狂像一场可怕的瘟疫爆发了。而赫伯特正在欣赏刀子,女仆走进去,要求看到刀子,但是当女仆触动他时,突然的赫伯特在他的脑海中疯了,然后他盯着娘娘腔盯着魔鬼看起来蓝色他刺伤了她,下一件事你知道女仆在地板上死了,赫伯特尽可能快地跑出来。读者可能认为这是高潮,但不是,这是一个崛起的行动,导致高潮。Alfred Hitchcock并没有告诉读者为什么他刺伤了她;他喜欢让读者思考并更加陷入故事中,这是一种像保持读者阅读的钩子一样。高潮是他将让读者在故事中的更多感兴趣。赫伯特跑完后,爱德华匕首拿起刀子并通知警察事件。一旦他因某种原因被称为警察,他进入了厨房,以清洁邪恶的刀。当他清洁它时,它会把他的手滑倒,然后他的妻子走进去并试图帮助他,然后爱德华去了博德克,就像他的朋友赫伯特一样,无缘无故地刺伤她。下降的行动和结论得到了一个有点奇怪,因为警方进入现场,他们开始讨论这一点,但是警长记得同一个街道的谋杀案,而在这条街上谋杀的人是玛丽凯利,千斤顶的最后一个受害者。 When Jack The Ripper was getting away he dropped the knife into a sewer drain. Both men say it was the knife that made them stab the two women. All of Jack The Ripper’s victims were women.

Kurt Vonnegut的屠宰场5:摘要和分析

这个故事如何结束。“他拿起刀,如果坚定地抓住,抓住姿势,闪烁着眨眼。“小心,肚子小姐!”他说。“开膛手杰克!”Miss Maples咯咯地笑了。“现在好”,她呼吸。让我看看它,如果你不介意,我可以警长钓鱼。““她的手指触动了他的手指,警长大麻突然向他的手拉回了。他的脸上脸红了,愤怒的愤怒在枫叶错过的小姐的手中,他无法解释在他身上,但随着他盯着她的平原,令人困惑的脸,令人愉快的刺痛令人愉快的手腕温暖令人震惊。 And as he took a swift step toward her, there was a strange, sweet singing in his ears, high and shrill and faraway. Or was it the sound of a woman screaming?” That’s the end of the story and that’s how Alfred Hitchcock leaves his readers. The setting physically is in a house in the in the evening. Two men and two women, one a wife of one of the men, and the other the maid. The mood is not that frightening especially for a horror story. Here is one quote, “The wind blew calmly that evening while we were inside having some drinks and talking.” But the mood starts to get tense and rapid when women starting getting killed because of the knife. In “The Knife” the conflict was between men vs. women, or upon the reader’s decision it could be knife vs. women because all of the women that were killed, were killed every time they touched the man holding the horrible knife which gave the men bloodlust. All of the women killed were all killed by a different man, but all with the same knife.

引用本文:William Anderson(Schoolworkhelper编辑组),“Alfred Hitchcock的刀:摘要和分析”学校努力,2019年,//www.chadjarvis.com/alfred-hitchcocks-the-knife-summary-analysis/




